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Blagodarna T.P., Blagodarna O.M., PhD

Karazin Kharkiv National University


Testing is certainly not the only way to assess students, but there are many good reasons for including a test in one’s language course.

A test can give the teacher valuable information about where the students are in their learning and can affect what the teacher will cover next. They will help a teacher to decide if teaching has been effective and help to highlight what needs to be reviewed. Testing can be as much an assessment of the teaching as the learning. On the other hand, tests can give students a sense of accomplishment as well as information about what they know and what they need to review.

In the 1970s students in an intensive EFL program were taught in an unstructured conversation course. They complained that even though they had a lot of time to practise communicating, they felt as if they hadn't learned anything. Not long afterwards a testing system was introduced and helped to give them a sense of satisfaction that they were accomplishing things. Tests can be extremely motivating and give students a sense of progress. They can highlight areas for students to work on and tell them what has and hasn't been effective in their learning (3).

Tsts can also have a positive effect as they encourage students to review material covered on the course. Tests are also a learning opportunity after they have been taken. The feedback after a test can be invaluable in helping a student to understand something he/she couldn't do during the test. Thus the test is a review in itself.

In this paper we would like to describe a so-called C-test and outline its strong and weak points as compared to cloze tests.

The C-test was developed developed in Duisburg by Christine Klein-Braley and Ulrich Raatz (4). Since then this language-testing instrument has gained wide popularity because of its high reliability sufficient validity and remarkable practicality.

The C-test was developed as a modification of the cloze test, which is a frequently used, major language-testing instrument, extremely popular because of the ease of constructing it and its high reliability and validity. Though the cloze test consists of a longer text of which every fifth to tenth complete word is left out.

The C-test is an integrative testing instrument that measures over­ all language competence, very much like the cloze test. It consists of four to six short, preferably authentic texts in the target language, to which "the rule of two" has been applied: the second half of every second word has been deleted, beginning with the second word of the second sentence; the first and last sentences are left intact. If a word has an odd number of letters, the "bigger" part is omitted, e.g., “proud” becomes “pr”. One letter words, such as I, are ignored in the count­ing. The students' task is to restore the missing parts. In a typical C-test there are 100 gaps – that is, missing parts. Only entirely correct restorations are accepted.

The C-test appears to have some advantages over the cloze test:

- As students are confronted with a variety of short passages, a better sampling of content areas is possible. Also, a person with spe­cial knowledge in a certain field does not have an unfair advantage.

- By "damaging" every second word, we can obtain a more repre­sentative sample of all the different language elements in the text than in the cloze, where normally only every fifth or sixth word is left out.

- Many more items can be included in much shorter texts, making the test less time-consuming for the students than the cloze.

- Unlike the cloze test, scoring is easy and objective, as there is only one acceptable solution in most cases.

- As a rule, students actually like doing C-tests, whereas the cloze test is one of the most frustrating test types for learners.

The following short C-test is an example:

"One cool autumn evening, Bob L., a young professional, returned home from a trip to the supermarket to find his computer gone.

Gone! All so___   of cr___      thoughts ra___     through h___       mind: H___         it be___      stolen? H___        it be___      kidnapped? H___          searched h___      house f___ a cl___        until h___   noticed a sm___ piece î___    printout pa___     stuck un___ a maga___          on h___ refrigerator do___. His he___ sank a___   he re___ this sim___  message: CAN'T CONTINUE, FILE CLOSED, BYE.

To see how C-tests work in practice, let’s look at the research results provided by Lucy Katona and Zoltan Dornyei (Budapest, Hungary), who decided to compare the C-test with the cloze and other com­plex language tests to see how well it measures the learners' lan­guage proficiency. The investigations were carried out at the English Department of Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest. They involved 102 first-year English majors, who took five different kinds of tests (2):

- the English Department Proficiency Test (vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension)

- TOEIC (the Test of English for International Communication), which is an American standardized multiple-choice test for adult non-native speakers of English consisting of listening comprehension and reading

- an oral interview

- a cloze test

- a C-test

After careful statistical analysis of the collected data the following results emerged: the C-test appears to correlate well with other language-proficiency tests, which proves that it is a good and reliable testing instrument. It is also an integrative language-testing method, correlat­ing highly with both vocabulary and grammar scores, as well as speaking skills

Finally, the researchers recommended the exact scoring method (that is, accepting only entirely correct restorations), as they found that accepting words with spelling errors made no significant difference to the student rankings (1).

Another conclusion may be that the C-test is an excellent testing method, as it provides a good and quick assessment of general lan­guage competence. In can be used with the aim:

- to select and place students in appropriate groups

- to assess their achievement at end-of-term exams by selecting several typical passages from the term's materials

- to test certain grammar areas (e.g., tenses or word formation) by including texts that contain several examples of the structures in question

- to check home reading or homework by taking passages from the texts the students had to work on

- to measure the specialized knowledge of ESP groups by choos­ing suitable texts from their particular field of specialization

One more advantage of the C-tests is that students can easily design C-tests for each other, which could be made into a game or competition. The conclusion is that C-test is one of the most versatile test types and can be adapted to many different purposes. It can be strongly recommend for incorporating into everyday teaching and testing activities.



1.     Teacher development. Making the right moves (2004). - edited by Thomas Kral. – United States Information Agency, Washington D.C.

2.     The Educational Testing Service (2000). – Princeton, N.J.

3.     http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/articles/testing-assessment

4.     http://www2.hawaii.edu/~roever/lingu.htm