Konkabaeva A. E.1, Baranova T. I.2, Sviderskaya G.V.1, Bakisheva B. M.1, Kanafina B. A.1

1Academician E.A.Buketov  Karaganda State University

2Saint – Petersburg State University

Dynamics of regulatory systems activity, caused by cold - hypoxi - hypercapnic influence

The work was done  on the base  of biological - geographical faculty of  E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University within the limits of the cooperation agreement with biological - soil faculty of St.Petersburg State University. The technique of  cold - hypoxi - hypercapnic influences (CHI) has been kindly given to the laboratory for introduction by authors of the patent [1].

40 students took part in research, at the age of 17 - 22 years which do not have expressed infringements in a health state. Students were divided into 2 groups: 1st  group - students from ecologically safe area (South – East part of Karaganda), the 2nd  group - the students constantly living in Temirtau where the powerful industrial complex "Mittal Steel Temirtau" located in city boundaries.

Students were investigated on the type of regulatory systems response on diving reaction under CHI.

Diving represents a difficult complex of one-stage influence on an organism of several factors - hypoxia, hypercapnia, colds. The major point of diving reactions is a reflex bradycardia. The latent period of a bradycardia is defined first of all by a threshold of tactile sensitivity and temperature receptors of nasal meatus and face, and also size of sympathetic influences on heart at the moment of immersing. Essential influence on this parameter the emotional factor can cause [2].

On the data received during carrying out CHI it was found out that the 17 % of students from the 1st  group belong to high reactive type of response, among students of the 2nd group - 64 %. 66 % of students from control group belong to reactive type, and from Temirtau - only 18 %. Accordingly equal percent of students, about 17 % and 18 % of investigated 1st and 2nd groups belong to areactive type of response.

For people with high reactive response type, and such ones  were more in 3,5 times in  group 2 in comparison with the control, fast development of a bradycardia, but not high duration of apnoea is characteristic. The short latent period of development and high speed of bradycardia increase testify to a low threshold of activation tactile and cold receptors of the face and nasal meatus that is characteristic for activization of a sympathetic link of vegetative nervous system and is an indirect indicator of intensity regulatory systems.

For reactive type the gradual development of bradycardia and rather long apnoea are typical. The long latent period of development of a bradycardia and gradual character of its development testify to a high threshold of tactile and cold skin receptors, and as a whole about stability of an organism to a cold and less expressed intensity regulatory systems.

The areactive type of  response meeting enough seldom, representing  by absence of any changes in reply to CHI and characterised by a high threshold of activation cold face skin receptors, chemoreceptor of vascular channel and low sensitivity to the raised concentration of coal acid. In our research the similar type of reaction was marked in both groups of students in small percent of cases.

Proceeding from the received data, it is possible to assert, that the students in experimental group (of Temirtau) have high reactive reaction type, the intensive  regulatory systems apparently caused by negative factors of environment are observed. It was the basis for carrying out training by means of CHI. After carrying out the training following results have been received. In the group of students from ecologically unsuccessful regions the distribution by the type of reaction had some changes and had following type: the quantity of students with reactive type has increased in 2 times and has made 36 %. The number of students with high reactive type remained without changes. Students with areactive type of reponse after 3 weeks of  CHI trainings were not found out.

In control group the distribution on types of reaction after training process also had essential change. So, the number of students with high reactive response type decreased for 7 % from initial and made 10 %. The number of students with reactive type of response made 90 %, that 24 % more than reference value. As well as in skilled group, in the control after trainings the students with areactive type of reaction were not found.

     Thus, long training process improves a condition of functional systems and reduces an activation threshold of cold receptors of a face skin and nasal meatus that explains absence of students with areactive type and their transition in group with reactive type of reaction. Thus, efficiency of training by CHI is more expressed at students from safe region.

1. Галанцев В. П., Баранова Т. И., Январева И. Н. Немедикаментозный способ реабилитации, профилактики и повышения функционального резерва организма человека. Патент России № 2161476. 10 января 2001 г.

2. Gooden B. A. Mechanism of the human diving response. In: Integrative physiological and behavioral science. January - March. 29 (1: 6) - 16. 1994.