Pedagogical sciences/2. Problems of specialists’ training

Candidate of Philosophy Cutsova E.L., senior lecturer Trusova T.V.

South-Russia State University of Economics and Services

t. Shakhty, Russia

On development of professional mobility of future specialists by means of a foreign language


Modern society lives in the era of rapidly developing information technologies, which creates new environment and conditions for the formation of a personality in the professional field. Hence there has been an increased interest in research in such academic fields as psychology, pedagogy, sociology, foreign languages, so the level of professional and personal training of specialists, their culture and mobility should meet new demands. Nowadays a specialist is supposed to be able to sort out intensive information flows, be mobile, develop and be aware of new technologies, learn, be in search of missing knowledge and use other resources rather than simply possess particular information.

The joining of Russia to the international educational society dictates the necessity to use new forms of teaching foreign languages in engineering universities and makes it important to look for new effective ways of teaching them. Scientists are more and more focused on finding effective ways of training that are to form in every student the ability of constant self-perfection in his professional activities that will allow him to respond to every change in his career flexibly and quickly. In other words, they are supposed to train competitive specialists, who are socially protected according to the quality and professional opportunities their education gives them and who are personally prepared to work in constantly changing conditions. Numerous studies of the international labor market state the fact that the training level of specialists of most common professions does not meet international standards due to the lack of particular skills and personal qualities that a specialist should have in order to be competitive in the international labor market. In many cases one of the reasons for this is the lack of language skills.

The necessity to develop a linguistic competence of a future specialist is dictated by time. High school graduates should be competitive in the labor market, and for this they must acquire not only professional but also linguistic competence, learn to adapt to the market changes flexibly, rapidly and effectively, that is to be professionally mobile. This quality of a specialist becomes particularly relevant if we bear in mind the fact that he must constantly be ready to make non-standard decisions and solve non-typical professional problems. The training of a modern specialist is significantly affected by the content, material resources, educational techniques, the appropriate level of preparedness of the teaching staff of educational institutions.

Long-term observations allowed the researchers to claim that professional mobility is not formed and does not appear in the structure of the student's personality all by itself. It should be developed purposefully. In this view foreign language as a subject has a definite potential. Nowadays teachers, acting as managers of education should not only develop in their students the ability to analyze and realize their previous experiences, but also develop their skills to plan their own professional future. The provision of real professionalism and competence of a future specialist should be the purpose of university teachers, since the effectiveness and quality of higher professional education are generally defined by such indicators as graduates’ employment, their social status, the level of portfolio and competitiveness of young professionals in the labor market [1].

It is well known that at present the demand for specialists with good knowledge of foreign languages has increased considerably. This is due to the transformation of Russia into an open society, the development of international business contacts, the development of new technologies, the organization of joint ventures and the intensification of professional activities in close contact with foreign specialists. Therefore it is quite on purpose that the university course of studies is professionally oriented. Its objectives are determined primarily by communicative and cognitive requirements of specialists in the particular sphere. The above is claimed in the new concept of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic universities, where it is emphasized that a foreign language is an integral component of training a modern specialist [2]. In order to specify this statement the State Educational Standard for higher professional education especially emphasizes the necessity for a graduate to be professionally competent both in translation of the original technical literature concerning his specialty, and in writing scientific papers in a foreign language. A university graduate “must also be able to continue his education and professional activities in a foreign language environment." The Program in foreign languages for non-linguistic universities states that "the purpose of the university foreign language course is to acquire by students a communicative competence necessary for a skillful information and creative activity in different areas and situations of a business partnership" [3].

The peculiarity of training specialists aimed to fulfil these goals is to train them in such a way that the level of their communication in a foreign language could allow them to use it to meet their professional needs, to maintain their personal business

contacts, and to go on with their professional self-education and self-perfection. Thus, the professional viability of a non-linguistic university graduate is determined in many respects by the degree of his uncomplicated and effective participation in a foreign language interactive communication, by the completeness of his involvement in intercultural communication. In other words, an engineering university graduate should be able to use a foreign language in different constantly varying social and professional situations.

Some aspects of the students’ training for their professional competence by means of such subject as a foreign language are considered in a number of methodological papers. In particular, the researchers are interested in the problems related to the content of professionally oriented foreign language training in non-linguistic universities (N.I. Almazova, D.V. Bulatova, M.V. Ozerova, etc.), with the development of professional thinking of engineering university students while studying a foreign language (T.V. Aldanova), with continuous professional education through a foreign language (E.A. Aliluyko), with the improvement of the professional training by means of a foreign language (S.V. Vasilieva).

The problems of improvement of training materials used for teaching a foreign language in engineering universities attract great attention of researchers (T.A. Anokhina, A.R. Balayan, M.J. Beilina, V.G. Beilinson, I.L. Bim, etc.). Such interest in the creation of high-quality training and methodological support of the process of foreign language teaching is explained by the desire to improve the quality of the training of a modern specialist, capable and ready to be actively involved in the new activity and professional environment.

Therefore, the problem of creating modern, more perfect training aids in the process of restructuring the system of higher education is by right among the priorities. It is necessary to develop training aids not only in order to provide high quality and socially oriented education. They are also necessary to enhance the personal component of education and develop productive thinking to ensure the adaptability of the individual in the system of professional relations.

In spite of the fact that in methodical science there is a number of papers, directly or indirectly aimed to solve the problem of professional development, flexible adaptation to the constantly changing professional environment, this problem has not been completely solved for the present. It is quite obvious that it is through the well-organized and well-designed textbooks and training aids that professional mobility of a future specialist could be developed. Mobility as a whole and its separate qualitative components (social, pedagogical, educational, professional, etc.) is the property, which in many respects ensures the painless and effective transformation of individual manifestations in the dynamic conditions of social and professional environment (O.V. Amosova, L.V. Vershinina, O.A. Gladkaya, V.S. Stoyanov).

In general, the professional mobility as a quality of a non-linguistic university graduate, the ways of its development by means of a foreign language as a subject have been beyond the sphere of interest of scientists and methodologists. Foreign language as a subject has important didactic possibilities in terms of developing professional mobility of the students of engineering universities. Thus, there is an obvious contradiction between the urgency of acquiring professional mobility by the graduates of engineering specialities and the lack of methodical scientific research connected with revealing the specific character of formation of this personal quality in the process of mastering the foreign-language communication as well as the development of particular methods for its formation.

The creation of training aids in foreign languages, capable of overcoming these contradictions, and implementation of educational opportunities of such subject as foreign language in order to positively affect the development of professional mobility in the process of training a future specialist will be a practical solution to this problem. We believe that this problem should be solved mostly by university teachers.

Thus, the practical importance of a training aid is due to the following factors:

1. Professional mobility as a qualitative characteristic of a specialist is the ability (expressed in his skills) of an individual to rapidly and effectively respond to the changes in the professional sphere of his activities, to control and correct his actions according to the situation.

2. Foreign language as a subject has important didactic possibilities in terms of developing professional competence in the process of training non-linguistic university students.

3. A training aid in a foreign language can be considered as a means of developing professional mobility of students, if it meets the general didactic, methodical and specific requirements: problematization of the content, inter-subject integration in the selection of the problem training material, problematization of methods and techniques, the availability of praxiological recommendations (regulators) of students’ activity.


1.     Milrud, R.P. Modern conceptual principles of communicative foreign language training [Text]// R.P. Milrud, I.R. Maximova // Foreign Languages at School. – 2000 – No 4. P.19

2.     Conception of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010. – Moscow, CGL, APK and PRO, 2004. – 24 p.

3.     Foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish) [Text]: basic program in foreign languages of the federal component in the sphere of arts and social and economic knowledge in the State Educational Standard of higher professional education of the second generation / approved by G.K. Shestakov; recommended by Scientific and Methodical Council for Foreign Languages of the Ministry of Education of Russia. – Moscow, 2000.