Candidate of technical sciences, senior researcher, associate professor Oryngojin Ye.S., magistrate student  Oryngojina S.Ye.


The Republic of Kazakhstan  

BSE Mining Institute after D.A. Kunaev  (Almaty),

Karaganda State Technical University (Karaganda)





The Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the most important sources of mineral resource of Central Asia.

In Kazakhstan there are significant reserves of non-ferrous, rare, radioactive metals and gold. On the territory of Kazakhstan there are more than 2 thousand field and gold appearances, including nearly 200 surveyed, tens of developed and operative ones. The regions of developed gold mining are Stepnyak-Bestobinskiy, Maikainskiy, Rudnoaltaiskiy, Kalbinskiy, Mugodjarskiy, Yujno-Djungarskiy, Shu-Iliiskiy, Kokshetauskiy regions.

Gold fields of Kazakhstan have been formed in various geotectonic conditions with the formation of wide diversity of gold-containing formations (gold-cobalt-copper, gold-molybdenum-copper, gold-tellurium-bismuth, gold-silver, gold-arsenic, kolchadan) and wide associativity of gold with sulfides: pyrite, arsenopyrite, sulfide copper etc. 21 gold fields with the total reserves of nearly 1,2 ths.t at the average content of 4,76 g/t are under the development [1].

The processing of the mined ores is connected with the application of complex technological processes of concentration and metallurgy characterized with high material costs, metal waste due to the cycles of technological limit, environmental pollution with highly toxic agents and production waste. To destroy sulfides and to release gold, highly oxidizing conditions are needed, in particular oxidizing roasting with subsequent cyanidation of pyrite cinders. Simple ore cyanidation does not result in high values of gold extraction. The oxidizing roasting requires the application of highly expensive equipment and complex gas purifying facilities to trap gold and arsenic from gas phase.

Toughening of environmental safety requirements in the production of gold of arsenous ores and the absence of effective, environmentally clean technology of their processing hinders the capacity upbuilding at one of the largest field of Kazakhstan – Bakyrchikskoye.

To extract gold from pyrite and arsenopyrite ores with the cyanides of alkali metals, preliminary preparation of raw material is needed. The technology of preparation of such ores for cyanidation based on the oxidation with nitric acid results in the escape of large amount of sulfur which significantly reduces the gold extraction into the solution in the course of cyanidation.

The technology of pressure oxidation of sulfide ores is related to high capital and operational costs. Biometallurgy is overly sensitive to temperature, light conditions and bacteria dieting. In the conditions of industrial production the required conditions are difficult to provide. Therefore in recent years the world gold mining industry has been actively searching for new technological solutions for sulfide ore processing.

At present time there are still no quite manufacturable, low cost, environmentally clean and effective methods of processing of sulfide gold-containing products. Destruction of sulfides and release of gold are possible only at significant pressure oxidation or at oxidizing roasting with the subsequent hydrometallurgical rerolling of pyrite cinders. For the oxidizing roasting, expensive kilns and large amount of gas purifying facilities are needed. In the most productive kilns with boiling bed, the flue dust escape, containing gold in gas phase, amounts to nearly 30-35%. Besides, the gas purification from the arsenic containing in it is very complicated.

Simple cyanidation without sulfides oxidation will not result in high values of gold extraction. Cyanide technology requires the application of highly toxic agent, results in large accumulation of cyanide-containing water, sharp increase of costs for nature protection activities and at that does not always ensure the completeness of gold extraction from sulfides. The replacement of toxic agent (sodium cyanide) with other, non-toxic one, and the expansion of the pH range of environment would ensure safer labor conditions, increase of intensity and completeness of gold extraction and environmental cleanness of production technology of this metal. Therefore to develop the gold mining works in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the vital remains the issue of the search for relatively inexpensive, environmentally clean and special methods of sulfide ore processing, which are effective with regard to gold extraction.

The technologies for processing of persistent sulfide ores applied in Kazakhstan are characterized for high material and labor costs, are multi-operational and are not environmentally safe.

The review of material and resource base of gold mining industry of Kazakhstan revealed that the main typomorphic elements of the majority of gold fields of Kazakhstan are the ones associating with gold Ag, As, Sb, Pb, Zn, Cu, Bi, Te, Mo, Sn, Co, Hg and other elements. Association of gold with sulfides, availability of tellurides, gold chalcophile property, connection with arsenic, antimony, lead, bismuth and other elements hinder gold extraction. Dense films of argentine, arsenopyrite, galenite, ferric oxide etc., which are difficult to destroy, commonly found on the minerals hinder gold extraction. At this the method of gold extraction is connected with the form of its situation and concentration in ores. All existing methods of production of noble metals from persistent ores are based on sulfide decomposition. According to the decreasing sensitivity to self-oxidation sulfide can be placed in the following order: FeAsS>FeS2>CuFeS2>ZnS>PbS>Cu2S.

Sulfide oxidation takes the highest speed at the beginning, the sulfides of old geological formations are more stable than that of later ones and that sulfide mixtures are oxidized quicker than individual minerals. Arsenopyrite and pyrite are chemically stable compounds and resist direct leaching with acid and alcali solutions; their decomposition becomes possible only in the presence of oxidizer able to replace their potentials toward positive value. As it was described before, to oxidize the sulfide minerals the oxidizing roasting (pyrometallurgy) with subsequent hydrometallurgical rerolling of pyrite cinders is applied. The roasting requires expensive kelns and large amount of gas purifying facilities. Cyanide technology requires the application of highly toxic agent, harsh conditions with regard to ðÍ(Î-Ç) and Eh(≥+1000 ìÂ), leads to large-scale accumulation of cyanide-containing ores, sharp increase of costs for nature protection activities and at that does not ensure the needed completeness of gold extraction.

The increase of cyanidation efficiency is possible both by means of improvement of the cyanidation process itself and by means of preliminary extraction of large particle of gold from ores during the grinding circuit. The most successful method of processing of gravity concentrates is their leaching with concentrated solutions of cyanide with the use of pure oxygen as an oxidizer.

At the cyanide leaching of preliminary oxidized sulfide ores, the process of gold solution is expressed with the equation:

4Àu + 8NaCN + 2H2O + O2 = 4Na[Au(CN)2] + 4NaOH.


As a result of side reactions, the part of active groups of sorbent is occupied with anions of admixtures that reduces the sorbent capacity with regard to noble metals. From the solution of complex cyanide Na[Au(CN)2] the gold is effectively extracted with the use of resins, for instance Amberlit IRA – 400.

For selective gold extraction in this case sorption should be carried out in the presence of admixture of organic solvents with mineral acids (for instance acetone and nitric acid).

Semi-functional anionites are also effective for gold sorption, since they selectively sorb gold-cyanide complex from cyanic solutions and pulps of complex composition. Electrolytic sorption and electric desorption can be used quite effectively. In the course of work with gold-containing ore pulps, the increase of efficiency of ore pulp cyanidation can be expected in case of implementation of countercurrent leaching; this would ensure the increase of extraction and content of metals in liquid phase.

Environmental safety of gold production can be improved by replacing tixic reagent-cyanide with other, non-toxic reagents and by expanding the pH range of solutions. 

To some extent this direction can result in the increase of gold extraction.

The search for cyanides replacement should be done in the presence of complexing agents with respect to gold, the constants of which are stable and standard oxidizing and reduction potentials of the system are compatible with the analogous values for cyanide-ions.

1. Halogenide-ions in the same way as ligands and conjugated compounds as oxidizers. So well known are: family of bromic reagents, chlorination with gaseous chlorine in hydrochlorid-acid environment, preliminary treatment with dry chlorine, sodium hypochlorite in the presence of ligand non-halogenide, treatment with chlorine-containing solution with oxidizer non-halogenide (CuCI2, FeCI3), treatment with pulp hypochlorite in the presence of excessive sodium chloride, acidation of chlorine-containing solution with hydrochloric and nitric acids, fluorination.

2. Thiourea in the presence of various oxidizers (air, oxygen Ñè (II) - ion, Fe(III) - ion.

3.  Thiosulfate.  

4. Thiocyanate with oxidizers.

The increase of efficiency of application of sorption without filter technology of gold extraction from pulp-free ores should be done in the following directions: improvement of quality of ores and resins, improvement of countercurrent corption, introduction of sludge and associated arresters, application of electroacoustic pulp treatment etc.

The study of the issue of gold extraction efficiency increase from sulfide ores revealed that basically the assigned task can be solved with cyanideless method with the use of the cheapest and the most available reagent – sodium salt (NaCl).

Electrochemical technology of gold leaching from sulfide ores can become the alternative for the existing cyanic technology.



1. Bolotova L.S., Romenenko A.G., Zaiceva V.N., Suvorova Ye.N. The latest in the technology of gold extraction “resin in pulp”. // News of Kazakhstan science. Scientific and technical collection. Integrated use of mineral resources of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 1997.