UDC 662.02: [531.72 + 544.33


Metaksa G.P., doctor of technical sciences

Buktukov N.S., doctor of technical sciences, professor

Moldabaeva G.J., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor


The Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Mining Institute after D.A. Kunaev


Modeling of System Bonds of Fluid-Containing Macrosystems


The paper shows that fluid-containing systems, including oil, can change their physical properties under the impact of cross fields of various nature; and this allows the implementation of the set mode of their parameters without the application of energy intensive external impacts.


The concept on the natural mode of deformation [1, 2, 3] of rocks establishes the periodicity of spatial variability of their deformation behavior and residual stress in the blocks of lithosphere of different structure. The existing charts of mathematic modeling created with the purpose of long-term forecasting of variability of mechanical and physical properties are quite correct in the limit of iteration step of the model. At the same time they are not adequate for real systems participating simultaneously in the complex transformation of incoming multidirectional external impacts. In real system, consisting of structural elements of various size, what matters is the main stress condition of the whole system needed to maintain its balance. However it is known that it is easy to disturb the balance with the cross impact on it with the efforts much lesser than the potential of the main condition. Here is an appropriate illustration of tight rope: the more is the tension the lesser effort is needed to destroy it at the cross cutting loading.

Therefore in the experiment conducted, the cross fields of various nature are used with the purpose of control of the main compressive stress.

The table 1 shows the chart of the factor analysis of the conducted experiments.


Table 1 – The chart of the factor analysis of the experiment on the modeling of system bonds of fluid-containing macrosystems


Kind of fluid-containing system

External impacts






Inorganic minerals







Organic systems






Water solutions








The purpose of the experiment is to check the complex kinds of interaction of the system: “solid substance – solution – gas”.

Source materials:

- Minerals of uniform composition;

- Soil of uniform composition with humus content ~60% (black);

- Water solutions of various mineralization with content of ions Í+, Ñl-, Na+;

- Films of mixed substances.

Methods of external impacts on the environment:

- Temperature;

- Resonant;

- Mechanical compression of solid phase;

- Complex.

Methods of control at the assessment of the outcomes:

- Measurements of electrical resistance;

- Measurements of ðÍ of solutions;

- Visual control;

- Scale measurements.


Table 2 – Values of electrical resistance for various forms of fluids


Kind of fluid

electrical resistance, kilohm

Loose soil

28 - 35 kilohm

Soil solution of complete saturation

28 kilohm

Pressed soil

30 - 50 kilohm

Saline soil (7%)

14 kilohm

Water solution 10% NaCl

20 - 28 kilohm

Water solution 7% NaCl

14 kilohm

Water solution 5% NaCl

12 kilohm

Water solution 2% NaCl

12 - 16 kilohm

Water solution of stearate Na - 1%

50 - 60 kilohm

Water solution of trisodium phosphate

55 - 60 kilohm

Water solution ÍCl -10%

10 - 11 kilohm

Water solution ÍCl -5%

16 kilohm

Water solution ÍCl -2%

14 kilohm

Water solution ÍCl -0,5%

12 kilohm

Water solution ÍCl -0,01%

18 kilohm

Water solution ÍCl -0,001%

20 - 22 kilohm

         The picture  1 shows the functional chart of experiment conduction with fluid-containing minerals, on which the main kind of impact is compressive force Ð, and for controlling (cross) the weak impacts of various nature are used (chemical, electrical, magnetic, temperature).




Ð- compressive force,

Ð+Ð'- the same with due account to the shearing component,

Ðâíåøí.- external impacts (chemical, electrical, electromagnetic) mechanical

Ãðàíèöà ðàçäåëà – interface

Òâåðäàÿ ôàçà – solid phase

Ðàñòâîð -solution

Picture 1 – The chart of complex impact on fluid-containing solid phase


         After the conduction of tests according to the shown chart, the pressed block of solid phase is resulted in the outcome, the electric properties of which are measured in mutually perpendicular directions and at the interfaces of phases on the block. To receive the uniformity of content and humidity, the soil was dried out in kiln and screened, filling it before the experiment with the same dose of solutions of various mineralization. The temperature range of the studies did not exceed 700Ñ (maximum possible temperature in real conditions), frequency range corresponds to the spectrum of the used generator GZ-120.

         Below are given the values of electrical resistance of the solid phase depending on the change of temperature of experiment, concentration of water solutions, acid-alkali parameters and solid phase.

         On the picture 2 it is possible to identify two types of curves depending on the kind of external impact: below three exponential curves can be seen (such are drawn at the solution of differentials of the type ), which arise at the impact of one kind of impact gradients. At the complex impact (2 - 3 kinds of impacts with frequencies of neighboring levels – upper curves) spasmodic (more than 10 times) increase of electrical resistance arises due to the change of chemical content of the solid phase. This is an indicator of the fact that this system is in autowave mode of interaction, and it significantly differs from usual behavior of the system at the static chart (lower curves).


Ïîäïèñü:    40          80          120         160        200    300


Ïîäïèñü: ρ, kilohm


Picture 2. Change of electrical resistance depending on the concentration (Ñ,%), temperature (Ò0Ñ) and ðÍ of solutions


Besides, some particular regularities of interactions with the neighboring levels have been revealed. So, mechanical variations (range of 300 - 400 Hz) accelerate chemical reactions only at the interface of phases.

Addition of sodium chloride to the solution (change of quantity of degrees of freedom of the system), organic molecular compounds (sodium stearate, trisodium phosphate) result in appearance of anisotropy of properties in the solid phase by means of creation of unbalanced conditions.

By changing the direction and the form of impacts at the interface of phases it is possible to control (intensify or neutralize) the properties both of the interface itself and interphase area.

Unbalanced conditions in solutions can be modeled by creating either counter flow of one quality or two different, angularly directed flows. In the case under consideration, the temperature gradient, constant magnetic field (200 oersteds) and concentration gradient have been used.

Thus it was revealed that the filtration coefficients do not depend on the change of magnetic and temperature parameters of environment (in the limits of conditions of summer season) and are quite sensible to the change of concentration of solutions and capillary diameter (see table 3), and the speed of evaporation, in opposite, depends strongly on them.


Table 3 – The change of values of filtration speeds and evaporation for capillaries of various size


speed of filtration (mm/sec) for cappilaries (mm)

kind of fluid





speed of evaporation mm/hr 

solution 10% nacl






solution 5% nacl






solution 2% nacl






10% nacl+0,5% na stearate






5% nacl+0,5%

na stearate






2% nacl+0,5%

na stearate






10% nacl in magnetic field






5%  nacl in magnetic field






  2% nacl in magnetic field







For coefficients of macrodispersion, the strongest dependence on the size of contacting phases, on the direction of magnetic field and on the quality of solution (acid-alkali parameter) has been found.


Table 4 – The values of coefficients of macrodispersion depending on the concentration and size of contacting layers


coefficient of macrodispersion, m2/day

concentration of salt solution NaCl

1 component

(1 degree of freedom), m2/day

2 components (different sings of gradient Ñ)

1 component,

relation of strata sizes 1:3














The table shows that according to the order of values, the measured coefficients correspond to the experimental values given by J.Freed for the calculation of salt transportation at the use of dispersion chart (1*10-2m2/day). This value by three ranks (~ 1*10-5 m2/day) differs from the most frequently applied value of the dispersion coefficient. Besides, the table shows that these coefficients in the limits of one rank can depend on the concentration of both lower and upper layers of the model. The hyphen depends on the position of more saturated (concentrated) layer between which oscillation process often arises. As a result some optimal concentration level is received around which the system maintains the balance. In the case under consideration this concentration is near to 5% NaCl. Shifting the balance of this system by introducing another components (poling molecular compound), it is possible to change the oscillation mode toward any direction in the limits of its level of consideration. So, in the solution with 5% NaCl it is possible to observe the appearance of “salt fingers” with different spatial orientation depending on the kind of external impact (electromagnetic, thermal etc.)

The coefficients of macrodispersion in these cases have the following values:


14,2*10-2 m2 /day – for 10% NaCl solution

23,2*10-2 m2 /day – for 5% NaCl solution

8,4*10-2 m2 /day – for 2% NaCl solution


Scale factor (relation of height and diameter of the modeled layers 1:2 and 1:3) to much extent affects the values of dispersion by changing its values by 2-3 times in comparison to the input ones; at that for small concentrations the scale effect is the most essential.

The change of the structure of the surface layer or interface between the phases also significantly affects the speed of evaporation and macrodispersion, where the difference can exceed the input values of solutions by 1-2 times.

         The analysis of the results of multifactor experiment allows making the following conclusions:

1.     Fluid-containing systems, including oil, can change their physical properties under the impact of the cross fields of various nature; and this allows the implementation of the set mode of their parameters without the application of energy intensive external impacts. For instance, it is possible to change oil viscosity without heating.

2.     At the cross impacts it is necessary to consider the size and time relations in the system “impact-response” as well as the structural particularities of interfaces.




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3.     Rasskazov I.Yu. Control and management of mining pressure at mines of Far East region. Ì., Gornaya kniga, 2008, 329 P.