Arzanbaeva B.O.


Kazakh state feminine pedagogical university


Preschool education and teaching in Republic of Kazakhstan: a current state, problems and prospects of development


          In modern conditions in Republic of Kazakhstan there is the large-scale modernization of an education system caused by a recognition of education as a strategic resource of social and economic advancement of the state.

        The first step of system of continuous education is preschool education and teaching. Before the recent past preparation of the child for school was admitted as a overall objective of the preschool education. Readiness for school was understood as possession of the seven years old child of elements of reading, the account and the letter. Today preschool education and teaching are admitted as an important link system of continuous education cause at preschool age essential qualities and abilities of the child are created, bases of physical and mental health are put, ethnic and gender individuality develop, elements of functional literacy and the vital skills are formed.

The president of our state N.A.Nazarbaev declared that the development of system of preschool education and teaching as one of national priorities in education.

In the Law About the education of Republic Kazakhstan from July, 27th, 2007, in Rules about an order of activity of the preschool organizations of Republic Kazakhstan allocates the basic functions of the preschool organization for children from 1 year till 7 years without dependence from its types.

During realization of the Government program of a development of education in Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010, and also the Republic Kazakhstan Governmental orders ¹ 83 «About the statement of the Plan of measures on support of preschool education and teaching in Republic of Kazakhstan for 2007-2009» at executive power of all areas and cities of Almaty and Astana Coordination councils concerning development of system of preschool education and teaching purpose, which integration of efforts of all interested parties are created into maintenance of qualitative educational services to children of preschool age.

 According to the designated documents development of preschool education and teaching is carried out in two directions: Maintenance of availability of preschool education; Improvement of quality of preschool education.

The first direction – maintenance of availability of preschool education in republic is carried out at the expense of increase in actual quantity of places in the preschool organizations; regulations of growth of payment for visiting of kindergartens from parents; measures of social support needy and the large families which are bringing up children of preschool age on the basis of alignment of starting possibilities of children by their preparation for school teaching.

The second direction – preschool education improvement of quality in the country is provided by creation of organizational-legal and scientifically-methodical support of children in the preschool organizations realizing the general educational program and measures on maintenance of personnel potential.

It is necessary to notice that today qualitative preschool education is considered as an essential reserve of improvement of quality and availability of the subsequent step of education. One of the important directions of perfection of system of preschool education and teaching is development of new forms of preschool education:

-         The preschool mini centers;

-         Family kindergartens;

-         Complexes «school – a kindergarten»;

-         Offices of correction and of inclusive educations for children of preschool age;

-         Consulting points for parents;

-         The centers of game support-lekotecs.

         With the view of improvement of quality of the maintenance of preschool education and teaching, the maintenance of equality of starting possibilities of children at receipt in school in 2008 the State obligatory standard of preschool education and teaching is developed and confirmed.

   Now for the purpose of realization of the State obligatory standard of preschool education and teaching in educational process the curriculums giving the option are widely used as for the teacher-tutor, and as a whole, for the preschool organizations. Updating of program-methodical preschool education assumes:

- Creation of teaching-methodical complexes for all kinds of the preschool organizations (state, private, the mini centers, family, etc.);

- Maintenance of pedagogical process of the preschool organizations with a support on prevalence of game activity;

- Transition to new technologies of education, teaching and the account of results of activity of the preschool organizations:

- An establishment of interaction with parents and the public.

Perfection of system of preschool education and creation of conditions for creative intellectual development of children are both promoted also by the occurrence of various models of the preschool organizations. In the country the preschool teaching and educational centers with priority realization of one or several directions of development of children, preschool grammar schools, gymnasia groups in the preschool organizations are created everywhere, the number of groups with studying of languages of the various people living in Kazakhstan grows. It is especially important in the conditions of transition of country to multilingual education.

         However it is necessary to recognize that dynamics of positive changes in preschool education doesn't exclude presence of problems which induce the Republic Kazakhstan Government to develop strategy of development of system of preschool education. A special problem of national level is the problem of coverage of children from 1 year till 6 years preschool education.

The requirement for the organized preschool education and teaching is tested in all regions more than 260 thousand children from 1 till 6 years. Since 2007 the turn has increased to 40 %. Groups in kindergartens, especially in city, are overflowed: on 100 places, on the average on republic, it is111 people.

In turn on reception of places in the preschool organizations the number of children from 3 till 6 years makes 56,4 % from an aggregate number of children in turn. The lack of preschool educational services for children and in countryside is felt. Coverage by kindergartens of rural children makes only 12 %.

By 2020 the state will provide possibilities for full coverage by preschool education and teaching, as in city, and countryside by opening of new forms of preschool education.

The basic priority of development of system of the preschool organizations is creation of conditions for coverage of children of 3-6 years by the organized education and teaching, qualitative preparation of children for educational activity.

In the preschool organizations of republic now works 29,8 thousand people, including young teachers – 8,3 thousand (27,9 %).

Educational level of pedagogical workers of kindergartens during the last years tends to improvement: 54,4 % have higher education; 3,6 % – the incomplete higher; 40,7 % – an average special; 1,3 % – the general average. 

Middle age of teachers – 35-40 years.

In 25 higher educational institutions and 31 technical and vocational educational institution teaching a professional education is carried out on a speciality «Preschool education and teaching».

The quantity of graduators of technical and vocational teaching on a speciality «Preschool education and teaching» grows. So, if in 2006 it prepared 349, in 2010 – 750 experts. Expected release of teachers – tutors with average vocational education in 2010-2014 – 5884 persons.

 Release of high schools in 2008-2009 educational year was 742, and in 2009-2010 – 717 graduators.

         - In high schools and the organizations professional and technical education are prepared, there will pass courses of teaching and are employed more than 18 thousand pedagogical workers of preschool education;

         - Are developed and introduced in practice of house education of the program of preparation of tutors-nurses.

 - In each settlement at least one preschool organization or conditions for realization of other forms of preschool education are created.

         At the same time, despite of considerable achievements in development of system of preschool education and teaching in ÐÊ, there is a number of problems:

    – Absence of the Kazakhstan model of preschool education that complicates forecasting and designing of directions of perfection of system of preschool education and teaching;

– Coverage of children by preschool educational programs remains low;

– The network of private kindergartens poorly develops;

– Deficiency of pedagogical shots is marked, unattractiveness of sphere of pedagogical activity conducts to outflow highly qualified shots from preschool education system;

– Quality and a set of services given by the preschool organizations, not to the full answer inquiries of parents;

– Problems of family education are insufficiently developed;

– Weak security of kindergartens teaching-visual aids remains;

– The network of the preschool organizations and groups giving for indemnification of health and correction of development of the child insufficiently develops.

       The designated problems have defined priority directions of perfection of existing system of preschool education and teaching:

– Creation of various models of the preschool education based on full and short-term stay of children (parent schools, schools for kids, game groups, groups of supervision, etc.);

– Development of nonstate sector in system of preschool education with granting of a wide spectrum of educational and additional services to children, parents;

– Granting of educational services to children with the limited possibilities;

– Updating of the maintenance of preschool education by working out and introduction of scientifically-methodical maintenance;

– Increase of a professional standard of pedagogical shots;

– Increase of level of scientific researches on problems of preschool education and teaching;

– Increase of prestige of a trade the teacher-tutor;

– Possibility of satisfaction of requirement of a family and the child in services of the preschool organizations;

– Preservation of self-value of the preschool childhood, maintenance of well-being of a family and the child in services of the preschool organizations;

– Readiness of preschool organizations to preservation of health of the child, maintenance of necessary correction of lacks of development;

– Introduction and updating by modern methodical and didactic support of teaching-educational process of the preschool organization;

For the purpose of maintenance of effective interaction of the preschool organization and a family, it is necessary:

– Carrying out of target marketing researches for adaptation of the preschool organizations to demand of the client;

– Creation of an ineducation databank about services of the preschool organizations and maintenance of their availability to the public.

Thus, problems of education and teaching of preschool age inseparably linked with strategy of national development also are a state policy integral part. Preschool education and teaching have the vital value, both for each child, and for the future well-being of the country.


                                         The literature


1. A government program of a development of education of Republic Kazakhstan on 2011-2020 - Astana, 2010.

2. The program on maintenance of children with preschool education and teaching of "Balapan" for 2010-2014 - Astana, 2010

3. The state obligatory standard of education of Republic Kazakhstan. Preschool education and teaching. Astana, 2009.