UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)




         In the modern world in the process of dynamic political and economic|economical| transformations|transformation|, there is a danger of mass psychological crises of instability|gustiness| of group and individual|first-aid| legal consciousness|intelligent|. Under deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer| it is followed to understand the change|changing| of descriptions of face|personality| of lawyer|lawer|,  him professional possibilities|potentialitie| in an asocial side, predefined both the process|Carbro| of forming of person|personality| and features of maintenance, organization and terms of him, professional activity. Actuality of research|work-up| of deformation of professional sense of justice as a system the difficult|complex| sociallegal phenomenon|phenomen| which carries|performs| out negative influence on a person|personality| and on efficiency of legal activity, predefined the row|file| of reason|cause|:  1) crisis socio-economic, political, legal transformations|transformation|. 2) there was socio-economic instability, complicated sharp|hairpin| criminology| of basic|main| spheres of public life. However considerable socially antihunt, normatively legal potential of Basic Law of country, especially|in particular case| that its part|portion| which|what|  is devoted rights and freedoms|liberty| of man, honour| and dignities of person|personality|, can be really incarnate only at the terms of making of effective mechanism of his|its| realization. In the search|detect| of such mechanism, as appears|imagines| us, important place|seat| the problems of deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer|, problem of nihilizm, justice must  take the. Professional sense of justice of lawyer|lawer|, as one of forms|shape| of sense of justice presents the system of legal looks, knowledges, feelings|sense|, valued an orientation|orintation|, other structural|structure| elements of legal consciousness|intelligent| of specialists – people which professionally carry on legal activity and which|what| requires the special educational and practical preparation. Deformation of professional sense of justice is|appear| the complex of original associate|interreated| changes|changing| of separate qualities of face|personality| of lawyer|lawer| on the whole|all in all|, which|what| arise up as a result of|because of| implementation professional activity. In connection with that professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer| in a general|common| form|shape| can be presented|represent| as a system of connected| elements: legal knowledges, ideas, looks, presentations, options, that will be realized in motion|movement|  of professional activity, then deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer| is examined|consider| as a rejection all or a few|a little| components|reductant| of structure from a certain|definite| norm|standard|, social orient| which determines the mechanism of formation of this social phenonmen|. Deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer| in a present tense appears|shown| in different|diverse| forms|shape|. On the example of such categories of lawyers|lawer| as judges is the phenomenon  of «accusatory slope» («presumption of guilt|guiltliness|») which consists in a look to the defendant|cognizable|, whosesoever guilt|fault| is yet well-proven a court, as on a man which did|accomplishes| this crime sure. The «syndrome of own infallibility|inerrability|» is also selected at the decision of professional questions. The psychical constituent of this display professional deformation consists in the overpriced self-appraisal|self-rating|, to the confidence in infallibility of the opinions, looks and acts, and|but| sometimes in uncritical  attitude toward|to| illegal actions. Basic|main| directions of neutralization of reasons|cause| and  terms of deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer| is|appear|: legal education and legal studies|teaching|, prophylaxis and correction|compencation| of deformation of professional sense of justice of lawyers|lawer|, in problem perspective|long-range| and concretely practical to the plane|flatness| [1].


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Problem of wrong legal reflection by sense of justice of reality as a white spot of Ukrainian jurisprudence: theory of legal ideology as the perverted sense of justice (sources, history, reality). Part is 3 // Forum of right. – 2006. – N 2. – ¹. 34-52 [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode: http // www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/2006-2/06dumdir.pdf