UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.M., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)




        The future  states|fortune|  of difficult|complex|    frames  of society  are not simply|just|  opened|reveal|  and  unforeseeable, there are  spectrums  of possible|possibly|  forms|shape|  of future  organization, field  of possible|possibly|  ways  in  the future. Although  ways  of evolution  can  be  much, but  their  amount|quantity|    is not endless. A spectrum   of structures-attractors    is|appear|  not continuous. Not all, that  is included  in  intentions|intendment|  of subject  of reformative  activity, realized  on  this  social  environment|Wed| (in    the frame of society). The future  forms|shape|  of social  organization  are opened|reveal|  as  a fan|rhipidium|  of the predefined  possibilities|potentialitie|. Passage-ways  in the future  are ambiguous  and  narrow|narrow-width|. There are  certain|definite|  << corridors of >> evolution. The task|tsk|  of the guided  openness of community  development gets  up from  here, guarded|protect|  and  selfsupported|underprop|  development. The task|tsk|  of choice of harmonious  way  gets  up in  the future [1].

         The synergetic  legal  analysis  of the difficult|complex|  systems  testifies      that, as a rule, they  have   a few|a little|  alternative  ways  of development. Multiplicity  of evolutional  way, absence  of hard  determination  narrows  basis|backing|  of extaology| pessimism. It  strengthens  a hope  on   possibility|potentialitie|  of choice  of ways   of further  development, thus  such, which  would arrange    a man  and    would not be|appear|    destructive|degradative|  for    an environment. The ways  of evolution  (aims  of development)  are much although, but  with  the choice  of way  in points|dot-and-dash| bifurcation|branching|, that  on  the certain|definite|  stages  of evolution, the some  predefined  of development  of processes|Carbro| proves   . The real|this|  state|fortune|  of the system  is determined  not only its  pas, its history but also  built, formed  from  the future. It is possible  to model the spectrums  of structures-attractors, spectrums of <<goals>|> ñàìîðàçâèòèÿ|    of frames of society. The task|tsk|  of receipt  of such  spectrums  of structures  of the opened|reveal| nonlinear  environments|Wed|  is while  decided|solve|  only  in  the special  cases. Here  before  the scientists opening|  the enormous   field  of search|detect|, which  was initiated  by the synergetic  of right, is opened|reveal|, on  determination|definition| of optimum|quality-controlled|  spectrums  of economic  and  geopolitical  patterns, because  it  contingently  determination  of processes|Carbro|  of evolution  from  the future.

         The synergetic  of right  grounds|substantiate|  us  an idea, that  chaos  can  come  forward as  a creating  structural  beginning|origin|. Chaos, disorder, from point of  synergetic  of right,  is|appear|  not something  destructive|degradative|, destructive|degradative|, by deviation  from  the main|arterial|  way  of evolution, and|but|  comes  forward necessary  its  stage, structural  beginning|origin|, anchorman  to|by|  organization  of new|firsttime|  more  difficult|complex|  structures. Way  of chaos, a thermodynamics  branch  remains  one  of  possible|possibly|  ways  of evolution  in  the opened|reveal|  nonlinear  environments|Wed|. By the analogue  of chaos  in  social  area|domain|  there is|appear|  a market, market  in  the generalized  sense, not only  market  of products  of financial  labour but also  market  of services, market  of idea, market  of scientific|science|  information. Such  generalized  market  is|appear|  the selfregulator  of social  processes|Carbro|. He  is|appear|  the generator  of new|firsttime|  information, social  and  cultural|gracious|  innovations, but    is|appear|  not a panacea  from  all  our  misfortunes [2].

         Through  chaos  connection  of different  levels|Y-level|  of organization is carried  out. There are small|mini|  indignations in  moments  of instability|gustiness|, fluctuations  can  overgrow  in  macrostructures. It ensues from  this  general|common|  conclusion|inference|, that  efforts, the actions|act|  of one man    are not sterile|fruitless|, they  not always  fully are cut-ins  in  general|common|  motion|movement|  of sociality|. In  the special  states|fortune|  of instability|gustiness|  of social  environment|Wed|  of action|act|  of separate  man  can  influence  on  macrosocial  processes|Carbro| . In this connection|as a result|  the necessity  of awareness    of the personal|private|  responsibility  everybody  flows  out for|after|  the fate      of the frame of society,  all  humanity.


1. Dmitrienko| Y|.N Positive| of jurisprudence|: forming| of| spirituality| in| Ukrainian| legal| consciousness|. - ¹| 3 (8) 2008. Teacher’s science||. Philosophy science||. Right|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio||», 2008. – P. 42-54

2. Dmitrienko| Y|. N. Transformation| of| valued-semantic| in| Ukrainian|  legal| consciousness|. – ¹| 3 (8) 2008. Teacher’s science||. Philosophy science||. Right|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio|», 2008. – P. 94-107