UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)





Basic|foundation| of synergetics is a theory of selforganization| of the difficult|complex| systems. To find|expose| out it|her| veritable nature, it was followed    to find out,    whether there is  not contain selforganization |in a simple |to its  form|shape|  in  foundation|ground-work|    of building  of material| that  in  the physical  and chemical systems  of lifeless  nature.Supervisions  testified  in behalf of|in behalf on|  such  point  of view. Formation  of sunds| dunes|sanddrift|, flows|current|  and  whirlwinds, in   liquids, cyclones|cyclon|  and  anticyclones  in  an atmosphere  and others like that is all    shows distinctly, that  selforganization| which|what|  conduces  to  the origin  of new|firsttime|  structures is too  widespread|wide-spread|    in  inorganic  nature. But  during|for|    great  while scientists    not turn| attention|attn.| on  it, because  followed  presentations  of classic  thermodynamics  which  leaned  against  the idealizing  concept|notion|  of the closed|veil| (isolated)  system, and|but|  such  system  is apt  only  at|to|  disorganization.     Major  principles  of selforganization |are|appear|  such: at first|firstly| selforganization |necessary  is|appear|  open  system, that  system  that  is exchanged|trade|  with    the surroundings|environment|  a matter, energy  and  information. The American  cybernetic engineer G. Ferster  wrote: A "term  "system,  that  selforganization|"  becomes|stands| without sense| if  the system    is  not in  a contact  with  surroundings|environment| which|what|  has  accessible  for  it|her|  energy  and  order,  and  with  which|what|  our  system  is  in a state of  permanent|constant|  co-operation, so that  it|her|  manages  somehow to "live" due to  this  surroundings|environment|". Most  natural|real-life|  and  social  systems  are|appear|  opened|reveal|, preeminently|exactly|  they,  as  well-proven  by|by means of|  experiments  which|what|  would conduct  specially . Bilousov, And|but|. Zhabotinskiy, And. Prigozhin, convinced| testified    that  selforganization |can  take  place in  the open  non-equilibrium  systems. The second|second-|  laws  of thermodynamics  interpreted    literally can  not be applied  to|by|  the open  systems. Certainly|of course|,  in  them  also|too|  there is  etropiya| and  takes  place growth|height|  without order|, but  due to  the receipt|entrance|  of fresh|esh|  energy  from|outside|  outside this  growth|height|  can  be  slowly| and  even  diminished. At  such  family  systems  the used|utillize|  energy  of widespreading|  in    an environment, and|but|  in place of|in exchange for|  it|her|  new|firsttime|  energy  acts|enter|  from  an environment|Wed|.     For - second|second-|, selforganization is always  related|ties|  to  the co-operative  processes|Carbro|, collective|community|  concerted|agreed-upon|  conduct  of parts|portion|  of the system. Preeminently|exactly|  due to  such  conduct  there are  new|firsttime|  structures. It is needed for this purpose|for this reason|, that  a conduct  of elements  of the system  was  co-operative  (collective|community|  co-operation) and  coherent (concerted|agreed-upon|  co-operation), as a result  these  elements  behave  as  one  unit. Not every|any|  collective  of elements  which  co-operate behaves  thus|on this grow|. Gas molecules|molecula|  which  forms  a static|tiedown|  collective moving| helter-skelter|in disorder|, their  conduct  is chaotic. But  disorderly|topsyturvy|  motion|movement|  can  be  converted|regenerate|  on  êîãèðåíòíèé|, if  the system, getting|receive|  from  an external|outward|  environment|Wed|  the additional  amount|quantity|  of energy  and  matter  and  being|is|  sufficiently|enough|  far from|far from|  the point|dot-and-dash|  of equilibrium, will begin selforganization|. On  this  idea  work|wrk|  of laser|laser-oscillator| is  based.  Cooperative  processes|Carbro|  widely  enough  happen|meet|  in  lifeless, and|but|  to especially|in particular case|    wild-life. They,  in essence is|appear|  basis|foundation|  for  formation  of new|firsttime|  natural|real-life|  structures  and  forms|shape|. Obviously, an idea  about  co-operative   processes|Carbro|  can  become  fruitful    for  the analysis    of a number  of socio-economic  processes|Carbro|. [1]

       Think research|work-up| of this theme|object-matter| will promote|assist| forming| of integral|whole| conception of steady development of the socially orientated economy.



1. Dmitrienko| Y|.N Positive| of jurisprudence|: forming| of| spirituality| in| Ukrainian| legal| consciousness|. - ¹| 3 (8) 2008. Teacher’s science||. Philosophy science||. Right|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio||», 2008. – P. 42-54