Economic sciences  / 8. Mathematical methods in economy

Student Grishchenko Andrii Oleksiiovych

The curator: the teacher of faculty of management

Shehovcova Irina Anatolievna

National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev polytechnical institute"

Working out of the project of electronic business in the conditions of globalisation

Last years Internet use in business was issued as a strategic direction and promoted formation of new more vital ­ and competitive business models of electronic trade. The most part of corporate eBusiness-strategy limits the purposes connected ­ with improvement of business processes, and they are estimated by traditional parametres - cost ­ and efficiency. Transition to ­ a following stage - transformation of the company on the basis of global possibilities of the Internet is obligatory­. This concept ­ will demand creation of new criteria of an estimation ­ of efficiency of such change of business processes.

Many small and average enterprises (SAE) have no clear representation about what purposes ­ put before themselves and that particularly expect from ­ introduction of Internet initiatives. The reasons of failure of projects of electronic trade are that: absence of concentration on the most important purposes; absence of mutual understanding between ­ managers and the organisation; insufficient preparation - managers do not possess a necessary width of views, motivation for electronic business, abilities and experience; the insufficiently well constructed organizational ­ structure etc.

Each project of electronic business begins ­ with the formulation of its purposes and problems. There are two approaches at a choice of the optimum decision for electronic business: projects of corporate business; the projects based on a content (content projects).

Corporate decisions are characterised by creation ­ of system of electronic business for the concrete company for the purpose of sales of the goods or services. Realising ­ such project, usually the organisation sets as before itself the purpose strengthening or expansion of traditional ­ business, using features and advantages of Internet technologies.

Content projects are not engaged in realisation of real-life business, and create something new - let out, generate and sell ­ information products in the electronic form (a content, the maintenance). These are projects which exist it is unique in the Network and only thanks to the Network.

When it is a question of corporate business, it is possible ­ to apprehend one of following three strategy: affiliated company creation, formation of the company of the mixed type, purchase of already existing and confirmed ­ Internet project.

Well chosen and realised strategy can give the companies new market ­ advantages, reveal qualitatively new forms ­ of interaction with clients and partners. But the ­ maintenance of business at corporate projects does not vary - as traditionally, and in a company Network are engaged in manufacture, trade, insurance,­  bank services etc.

At content projects the attention is focused ­ on any niche which can appear ­ attractive to the big number of consumers. ­ Pays off on mass interest and, thus, to intrigue business community and to direct its attention to possibilities of use of a site for advertising placing. Movement ­ from the consumer to business in this case is available­.

Working out and introduction of systems of electronic business in (SAE) demand realisation of some global ­ changes in information system and in ­ the organisation of business processes of the company. It means, that it is necessary to carry out considerable amount of works at continuous interaction with advisers and experts in the field of Internet business: the business plan of working out and introduction of system of electronic business; the competition analysis on the Internet; revealing of possibilities of use of the Internet ­ as fourth channel of trade in concrete business; reengineering of business processes; creation and support of the IT Infrastructure of electronic business.

Thus, for effective conducting electronic trade it is necessary: the Internet project should ­ be focused on concrete business with clear representation ­ about assortment, quality and terms of delivery of the goods or services, qualitative servicing,­  continuous studying and satisfaction of their requirements the central place in each Internet project clients both their interests and problems should occupy; the Internet project should provide ­ active interaction with visitors of a site ­ - clients, business partners; the project of electronic trade should not depend only on one source ­ of incomes. The obligatory moment is ­ economic modelling of the project which can create feeling of confidence, that the spent money and the made efforts will not be vain.

The literature:

1.     Emor D.Elektronnyj business: evolution and-or revolution / the Lane with English - Ì: SPb: the Publishing house "Williams", 2001. - 752 with.

2.     Tsarev V.V., Kantarovych A.Elektronnaja commerce. - SPb: Peter, 2002. - 320 with.

3.     Reynolds M. Beginning E-Commerce with Visual Basic, ASP, SQL Server and MTS. - Wrox Press Ltd, Birmingham, 2000. - 538 p.