Medicine / 6. Experimental and clinical pharmacology


Cand. of med. sci. V.G. Banzaraksheev,

cand. of pharm. sci. O.V. Nagaslaeva


Institute of General and Experimental Biology Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia



Influence of complex phytoremedy on alterative phase of inflammation



        In our earlier research we examined and proved lipid-lowering activity of complex phytoremedy on rats in conditions of induced hyperlipidemia [1]. Hyperlipidemia is known to be the undoubted leader among other risky factors of atherosclerosis, which pathophysiological importance lies in influence of high concentration of lipoproteins (especially their modified variants) on different cellular elements of vessel wall, primarily on endothelium [5]. As a reaction to such effect endothelium can cardinally change its metabolism demonstrating proinflammatory activation. In this respect hyperlipidemia is the factor accelerating the process of tissue damage together with other phlogogens such as mechanic and chemical damage of vessels under the influence of medication, nicotine, bacterial toxins, protease, operative measures, etc [4].

The aim of the research:

        Study of influence of complex phytoremedy on alterative phase of inflammation.

Materials and methods:

       The object of research is a complex phytoremedy prepared according to Tibetan medicine formula [2]. The remedy was administered intragastrically in the form of decoction (1 ml. per 100 gr. of mass). The first introduction of preparation under study had been arranged an hour before phlogogen (acetic acid) was administered, and then once a day for 25 days. The animals of the control group received distilled water according to the similar scheme in equivalent quantity.

       The experiments were carried out on Wistar rats (170-180 gr.). The modeling of inflammatory process was made according to Menkin method [3]. The obtained data were processed using Student’s t-criterion [6].

Results of research:

        In the course of the experiments it was proved that under the influence of phlogogen the complex phytoremedy produces evident anti-alterative effect.  

                                                                                              Table 1.

Influence of complex phytoremedy on alterative phase of inflammatory process of white rats

    Groups of           animals

                         Area of alteration, cm2

   7 days

   14 days

   21 days

    25 days



   3.72± 0.36

    2.34± 0.22

     1.89± 0.16


Phy      phyto-    




    2.98± 0.27*


      2.22± 0.15*


      1.30± 0.14*


      1.06± 0.11*

Note: * - difference is accurate in comparison with control group if  p≤0.05


         According to the data given in the Table 1, the phytoremedy noticeably decreases the level of tissue alteration of rats and activates regenerative processes in area of inflammation. In proportion to the periods of research as a result of the phyotremedy’s administration the area of alteration is reduced by 36, 41, 45 and 44 % in comparison with the figures of control group.


         1) The phytoremedy under study produces considerable anti-alterative effect.

         2) The phytoremedy prevents the development and decreases the area of necrotizing tissue after acetic acid’s alteration.

         3) Together with lipid-lowering activity the phytoremedy’s proven protective ability can be an argument to its inclusion into complex preventive treatment and therapy of atherosclerosis. The phytoremedy can be a cure which halts the dysfunction of endothelium in case of its alteration, thus preventing the development and progress of atherosclerotic processes.



      1.Azhunova T.A., Banzaraksheev V.G. Lipid-lowering effect of multicomponent phytoremedy “Camphora-25” // Collection of articles of the 4th international conference “Current issues of modern science”. – Samara, 2003. – P. 6 - 8.

     2. Chzhud-shi: canon of Tibetan medicine / Translation from Tibetan, introduction, notes, indicants of  Dashiev D.B. – Moscow, 2001. – 766 p.

     3. Oyvin I.A., Shetel S.L. Methods of study of local dysfunction in capillary permeability // Materials of pathogenesis of inflammation and pathology of blood proteins. – Dushanbe, 1961. - ¹ 5. – P. 167-173.

     4. Robbie L., Libby P. Inflammation and atherosclerosis // Ann. NY Acad. Sci. -  2001. – Vol. 947. - P. 167-180.

     5. Romanov Yu.A., Soboleva Ye.L., Smirnov V.N. Atherosclerosis – new participants // Collected works of scientific session “Fundamental research and progress of cardiology”. - Moscow, 2002. – P. 19-30.

     6. Sergienko V.I., Bondareva I.B. Mathematical statistics in clinical research. – Moscow, 2001. – 256 ð.