Evgeny V. Dyachenko

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

1 year graduate, speciality "Finance"

Supervisor: Ph.D., Docent R.V. Pikus




The article is exposed the essence of voluntary and compulsory medical insurance scheme, possible combination of compulsory and voluntary medical insurance in a complete system of medical insurance. Particular attention is focused on the analysis of the market for voluntary medical insurance.

Keywords: system of medical insurance, basic medical program safeguards, voluntary medical insurance, compulsory medical insurance premiums and insurance payments.


General issues of organization, functioning and development of the medical insurance system in Ukraine are widely covered in modern social and economic literature. Domestic literature, mainly describes general patterns of medical insurance system in Ukraine and abroad, concentrating on the opportunities that will get health care system in Ukraine after the introduction of compulsory medical insurance and the use of voluntary medical insurance. But the fact that it does not offer specific methods of practical realization of these opportunities as part of comprehensive medical insurance system in Ukraine is its great disadvantage. The actuality of problem is that at the moment there is no basis on which combination of compulsory and voluntary medical insurance will happen. Therefore, it is necessary to review the terms and effective schemes of combination voluntary and compulsory medical insurance.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of social medical insurance essentially developed by S. Brue, R. McConnell, P. Samuelson, O. Wasylyk, B. Bazilevich, S. Osadets, I. Noga and others. However, certain practical issues are not covered in foreign and domestic scientific literature.

The aim of the article is to study the schemes of combination voluntary and compulsory medical insurance.

According to the goals, objectives of our work are:

- Define the essence of voluntary and compulsory medical insurance and their forms;

- Analyze insurance premiums and insurance payments for the first quarter of 2010 - 2011 for different types of insurance;

- Describe possible schemes of combination voluntary and compulsory medical insurance.

The medical insurance system itself represents the set of forms and types of medical insurance, which are carried out in the country by law or by contract.

Medical insurance - a form of social protection of population’s health, expressed in guaranteed payment for medical care by accumulated assets in case of the insured event. Medical insurance helps to ensure a certain volume of free medical services to the citizen in case of insured event (health disorders) by the contract with medical insurance organization. The latter bears the cost of medical care (risk) from a moment when citizen paid the first installment to the appropriate fund.

Compulsory Medical insurance is a kind of compulsory social insurance, which is a system of legal, economic and organizational measures created by the state to ensure guaranteed free medical care to an insured person by means of compulsory medical insurance within the territorial program of compulsory medical insurance and in cases established by law within the basic program of compulsory medical insurance [12, c. 24].

The basic program of compulsory medical insurance provides primary health care, including preventive care, emergency medical assistance (except for specialized (sanitary aviation) ambulance), and specialized medical care in certain cases.

In respect of compulsory medical insurance practics and theorists of insurance industries and health economics agree on the necessity of its introduction; the reasons why it has not yet been introduced, are mostly subjective.

Voluntary medical insurance is an additional program to the volume of health care established for people, named by insurers as beneficiaries. Voluntary medical insurance paid by expense of a budget, private contributions from the individual or employer contributions [12, c. 26].

It should be noted that voluntary medical insurance does not insure health, but the cost of treatment, the latter reimbursed to the insured normally or by stage of treatments (pharmacology, diagnostics, hospital) or by type of medical care (dentistry, gynecology, cosmetology, death ), or by part costs for medical care provided (full refund, percentage compensation, compensation within a certain amount).

Voluntary medical insurance usually subdivides into individual (that takes into account the complexity of the particular disease of specific person) and collective (that takes into account the risk of certain diseases in groups of individuals).

Great hopes for improving the financial security of health care and improve the quality and accessibility of health services have relied on voluntary medical insurance, but, according to statistics given below, they were not met. Insoluble part of the problem, which hinders the creation of functioning medical insurance system in Ukraine is that boundaries between compulsory and voluntary insurance are not clear, which caused by various interpretations of existing regulations that govern activities within medical insurance. Also, it is reflected by the lack of classification of medical services provided to patients under compulsory and voluntary medical insurance.

Speaking of the medical insurance system, we believe that compulsory and voluntary medical insurance should be considered in combination as complementary elements of one system. This is due primarily to the fact that compulsory and voluntary medical insurance have a common goal - protection against social risks, and associated with the need to obtain medical services in the insurance case - disease.

In no country in the world compulsory and voluntary medical insurance exist in pure form since coverage of separate forms of medical insurance is not perfect; so there is usually a symbiosis of state guarantees and additional medical services that are funded by private medical insurance. Therefore, these forms of insurance must be carried out by developing combined and complementary medical insurance program.

The effectiveness of country’s current from the medical insurance system should be considered by the criterion of satisfaction of its citizens with health care and quality characteristics of health, but also in terms of the ratio "cost / effectiveness."

Scientists like O. Wasylyk, B. Bazilevich, S. Osadets, T. Artyukh, O. Hamankova, O.Holyachenko and others agree that the lack of compulsory medical insurance in our country inhibits further development of voluntary medical insurance market - voluntary medical insurance services remain inaccessible luxury for most of Ukrainians.

Given the fact that in Ukraine there is no compulsory medical insurance, let’s look into main trends that emerged in the market of voluntary medical insurance.

In the first quarter of 2011 the insurance market was in a slight "recovery", while the figures have not yet reached pre-crisis values.

The dynamics of premiums minus the share of premiums paid to resident reinsurers, for the first quarter of 2010-2011, is presented in Table 1.


Table 1

Insurance premiums by type of insurance for the first quarter of 2010 - 2011

 (volumes, growth rates)

Types of insurance



Insurance premiums, mln hrn.



² quarter 2010

² quarter 2011

² q. 2011/ ² q. 2010





Life insurance




Types of insurance other than life insurance, including:

2 584,6

2 815,8


Voluntary private insurance




Voluntary property insurance


1 551,8


- Including financial risk insurance




Voluntary insurance of liability




Non-state compulsory insurance




- Including vehicle owners liability insurance




State compulsory insurance




TOTAL (all types of insurance)

2 749,1

3 064,9


* According to the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services


According to the Stateinfoservice, voluntary personal insurance, (part of which is medical insurance), is now holding one of the leading positions among other types of insurance by the volume of premiums collected and dynamics of market growth (the rates of growth of net insurance premiums amounted to 19.9% for Q1 201/2010) [11].

Table 2


Insurance premiums by type of insurance for the first quarter of 2010 - 2011

 (volumes, growth rates)

Types of insurance



Insurance premiums, mln hrn.



² quarter 2010

² quarter 2011

² q. 2011/ ² q. 2010





Life insurance




Types of insurance other than life insurance, including:




Voluntary private insurance




Voluntary property insurance




- Including financial risk insurance




Voluntary insurance of liability




Non-state compulsory insurance




- Including vehicle owners liability insurance




State compulsory insurance




TOTAL (all types of insurance)




* According to the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services


In the structure of premiums minus the share of premiums paid to resident reinsurers, by type of insurance as of 3/31/2011 largest share belongs to medical insurance - 288.3 million. (or 9%) (as of 31.03.2010 - 241.1 million. (or 9%)) (see Table 3).

Table 3

The dynamics of premiums minus the share of premiums paid

to resident reinsurers, for the first quarter of 2010-2011


Types of insurance


² quarter 2010

² quarter 2011





Car insurance (ÊÀSÊÎ, "Green Card")

1 113,2

1 166,2


Property insurance




Insurance against fire hazards




Financial risks insurance




Cargo and baggage insurance




Third party liability insurance




Life insurance




Medical insurance




Credit Insurance




Insurance against accident




Aviation Insurance




Insurance for medical expenses




Insurance against transport accidents




Other insurance





2 749,0

3 064,9


* According to the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services


In the structure of insurance payouts minus the share of insurance premiums, that were compensated to resident reinsurers as of 3/31/2011 largest share of insurance payments belongs to medical insurance. The share of medical insurance (permanent medical insurance) is 180.2 million. (or 16%) (as of 31.03.2010 - 167.9 million. (or 14%)) (Table 4).

Dynamics of claims paid minus the share of insurance premiums, that were compensated to resident reinsurers for the first quarter of 2010-2011, is presented in Table 4.

But the share of insurance premiums involved is insufficient to significantly change the financial support of public health.



Table 4

Dynamics of claims paid minus the share of insurance payments compensated resident reinsurers, for the first quarter of 2010-2011


Types of insurance


² êâ. 2010 ð.

² êâ. 2011 ð.

Òåìïè ïðèðîñòó

ìëí. ãðí.

ìëí. ãðí.


Car insurance (ÊÀSÊÎ, "Green Card")




Financial risks insurance




Medical insurance (permanent medical insurance)




Credit Insurance




Insurance against fire hazards and risks of natural disasters




Property insurance




Insurance for medical expenses




Life insurance




Other insurance





1 237,6

1 131,0


* According to the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services


During the analyzed period, the share of voluntary medical insurance in total premiums shows the interest of potential policyholders in this form of insurance services, mainly due to motivation of legal entities to purchase this type of insurance coverage, and the need of citizens to get insurance coverage and as element of progressive trust in insurers.

Solving the problem of additional funding of health care only through the voluntary medical insurance is impossible. Therefore, the solution is to construct a completed medical insurance system, which should provide multi-funding of health care: at the expense of compulsory medical insurance and the expense of voluntary medical insurance. Also there should be the schemes of their combinations designed.

The basis for the combination of compulsory and voluntary medical insurance, according to researchers, could be the following:

1. Development of medical services classifier.

2. Development of standard and unified medical insurance programs with a clear and transparent structure.

3. Certainty, concreteness of government liabilities and their financial security.

4. Abandon of Funding by generalized categories [7, p. 37].

The reason we need to develop classification of medical services is that the classifier will make it possible to combine not only guaranteed list of medical services, but services provided under programs of voluntary medical insurance. This combination will allow for more efficient and focused use of financial resources in the health care system. Given this basis for insurance of episodic events could turn into a guaranteed source of cash inflows - "in addition" to free health care.

Certainty and concreteness of government liabilities and their financial security should be achieved through the formation of approaches to basic medical care program. The main purpose of this revision is the transition from general to detailed definitions which medical services, to what extent, in what time frame and in which specific health care facilities can person get. Base of the list should be made of differentiated list of manipulations that are performed within each medical specialty.

According to scientists we should abandon funding by generalized categories, such as profile of visits, because with these formulations it is impossible to verify appropriate use of financial resources [6], [7].

Not all services available within the guaranteed list. Therefore, when forming classifier of medical services, we should consider that the list itself may vary depending on budget availability, that’s why services which not included in the guaranteed list (basic program) will be provided through the market of voluntary medical insurance and paid medical services.

In result of introducing a single classifier of medical services we will avoid double payment, since the specific names of medical services allow an accurate understanding of what needs to be paid with public funds, and what - by the state medical insurance. This approach will form the medical insurance system in Ukraine.

Currently, the health system in Ukraine is in deep financial, organizational and structural crisis. Introduction of a mixed system of budget and insurance financing of medical institutions is proposed as stabilization measure, the essence of which is to build subvention insurance funds to compensate for the costs of medical institutions by combining compulsory and voluntary medical insurance. So the difference between the necessary volumes of financing defined based on standard treatment regimens, the required number of medications, tests, test instrumentation, calculated at market prices, and the existing volume of budget financing should be compensated. To implement this system, fund owner functions proposed to be transferred to insurance companies.

As part of a mixed system of budget financing of medical insurance, there are two channels of financial flows:

1st channel is state (budget) funding;

2nd channel is funding from subventional insurance funds generated through compulsory and voluntary medical insurance.

The proposed concept makes financing of health care not only multichannel, but multilayered, with five levels of health care:

- First level - basic, so-called "lifeguard", carried out by the budget expense (assuming that a minimum required level of medical care, sufficient to save lives of citizens, including first aid, resuscitation services, emergency medical services and other should be provided.

In addition, implementation of social government programs, funding for science and education in health care should be provided by budget funds as well);

- Second level - main, so-called "safeguard", carried out by the expense of compulsory medical insurance (assuming that health services should be provided within the program of state guarantees, level of medical care is sufficient for the average citizen, including consultation in clinics, inpatient care, spa treatment for citizens with low income and others.)

- Third level - so-called "service", obtained at state and commercial medical institutions at expense of voluntary medical insurance (medical services on top of the program of state guarantees);

- Fourth level - "paid medical services" (medical services not provided on any of the above levels, such as alternative medicine services);

- Fifth level - "other sources" (health care services provided through charitable programs, medical services within the high-tech medical research, etc.). [4], [9], [12].

Let’s have detailed look at second channel financial flows, which involves combining both compulsory and voluntary medical insurance.

The second channel financial flows - financing through subventional insurance funds generated through compulsory and voluntary medical insurance.

It is assumed that required medical services that were not paid through the budget (the first channel financial flows), shall be paid by insurance companies that are licensed to provide services for compulsory medical insurance. In connection with these insurance companies, dealing with compulsory medical insurance should satisfy specific requirements (experience, availability of insurance contracts, availability of staff with appropriate education and experience, financial requirements, etc.). The cost that was not covered by budgetary funds and compulsory medical insurance must be offset by voluntary medical insurance.

Figure 1 shows the proposed organizational and economic mechanism for the second channel financial flows - subventional insurance funds formed by combining compulsory and voluntary medical insurance.

In this figure represented four-level system of compulsory medical insurance and three-level system of voluntary medical insurance: National medical insurance fund under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine - Regional medical insurance fund and its subsidiaries - Company (members UMSB) insurance and health care institutions.


                   Financial flows 

                   General contracts


Fig. 1 Combination scheme of compulsory and voluntary medical insurance as part of a mixed system of insurance and budget financing of health care


              Let’s review the expected function of each of the funds.

                   The main functions of the National Fund for medical insurance (NFSM) is to develop a uniform policy implementation and operation of compulsory medical insurance system in Ukraine, align funding areas of Regions of Ukraine on the principle of a single standard, the creation of insurance reserve in case of emergencies, as well as funding research programs, providing health service and others.

                   The main functions of the Regional medical insurance fund (RHIF) are: to provide uniform policy of compulsory medical insurance in the region, accounting for contributors for compulsory medical insurance, collection of these contributions. RFSM plays the role of insurer of population in the region, provides funding of insurance companies through insurance premiums on the standard basis, and controls the efficiency of insurance companies spending.

                   The main functions of insurance companies (IC) are: payments to health care institutions or assisting agencies for provided medical services, registration of the insured individuals in a system of compulsory medical insurance, quality control and examination of their treatment.

                   The main functions of the Ukrainian Medical Insurance Bureau (UMIB) are: coordination of insurers, development and implementation of medical insurance programs, the quality control of medical services, reporting the formation of insurance rates, unification of rules, requirements and standards for medical insurance, ensuring equal conditions for all insurance companies in Ukraine, holding seminars, conferences and other activities of scientific and practical nature, coordination of medical insurance guarantee fund, which is the guarantor of the insurance companies of their obligations to policyholders and others. UMSB is in a contractual relationship with the NFSM, RFSM, and Department of Health.

                   The main function of the Medical Fund of Insurance guarantees (MFIG) is: accumulation of funds received as contributions from each insurance policy for compulsory and voluntary medical insurance for guaranteeing the solvency of insurance companies - UMSB members to fulfill its obligations to policyholders in the event force majeure or other situations.

                   Thus, each level has its clearly limited functions.

                   Options for reforming medical insurance based on a modification to the system of compulsory medical insurance and medical insurance can function as well as proposal to establish a multilevel (i.e. two-level) medical insurance system, differentiated by the degree of state participation in paying for medical care for different groups. In this multi-level system of compulsory medical insurance program formed as a two-level [5], [10].

                   The first level of compulsory medical insurance program includes medical services provided to people free and fully funded by means of compulsory medical insurance.

                   The second level includes medical services that are free and fully funded by means of compulsory medical insurance for one group and for other groups – financed with common payments, and therefore only partially financed with funds of compulsory medical insurance.

                   Common payments, in turn, may be subject to voluntary or compulsory insurance. Voluntary medical insurance programs act as programs of third and higher levels. Their subject may be the services included in the compulsory medical insurance of the second level, common payments for such services, and services on top of the program of compulsory medical insurance. As a way to solve the problem of differentiation of real benefits of insured in the existing system of social insurance, it is essential to hold the institutional allocation and separation of two components: general and collective (corporate) social insurance.

                   Total social insurance should provide a single premium rate for all insured, single list of benefits (compensation) and straightforward providing terms. In cases where benefits established for certain categories of population, the criteria for these categories should be straightforward. Collective social insurance for employees shall provide an opportunity to establish a higher level of their social security by paying additional premiums (using a higher rate of social insurance contributions, compared with the total contributions to social insurance). The contributions size, their use, composition and conditions of benefits claims should be determined by collective contracts of insurance concluded between the company's union, the administration and the insured. A new breakthrough in the discussion of the prospects of reforming the system of compulsory health and social insurance is associated with a proposal to the institutional division of insurance and tax financing guarantees to the population within these types of social insurance. It can be achieved by giving permission to working citizens to leave the system of compulsory health and social insurance, enter into contracts with non-state insurers and use part of social tax funds to pay contributions, provided in those contracts.

                   If possibility to exit system of compulsory medical insurance and social insurance will be introduced, the system (systems) that combines elements of compulsory and voluntary insurance will be formed. Compulsory elements are the volume of medical care, its composition and size of minimum care, which must be guaranteed to insured in this system. Voluntary elements are: decision to participate in this system, the choice of the insurer, the agreement on the insurance program contents above the compulsory minimum and the corresponding premiums. The most promising option seems to be the case when the subject of voluntary insurance is at the same time the need for medical care and the risk of loss of income in case of incapacity, disability, etc.

                   The study of possible schemes of combination voluntary and compulsory medical insurance allows the following conclusions.

                   Effective functioning of the mixed medical insurance system, in our opinion, is possible under the following circumstances:

- Adapting the structure of public health institutions to work on behalf of primary health care;

- Change the orientation of the public health system to independent monitoring and examination of the completeness and quality of health care under voluntary and compulsory medical insurance;

- Introducing a system of accreditation of medical institutions of all forms of ownership and certification of physicians;

- Targeted and decentralized form of financial resources by triple contributions - target contributions of companies, organizations and institutions of various forms of ownership, private entrepreneurs and state subsidies from general revenue, which are directed not to the budget, but directly to the needs of health care;

- Ensuring balance of compulsory and voluntary medical insurance services with their funding. For this purpose, tiered medical insurance program with a list of services should be developed;

- Harmonization of standards of medical care in accordance with the experience of European countries;

- Clear definition of legal, organizational and financial foundations introduction of a combination of voluntary and compulsory medical insurance.





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