Doctor of Sci., Ph. D. Sokolova S. P., Ph. D. Gorkovenko E. V.

St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation




Abstract. The paper considers a hierarchical structure, mathematical models and computing procedures of security objects classification of mandatory access differentiation to informational resources. It allows shaping tree-type structure of minimally bounding clusters of informational requests of users with subject to information confidence. The efficiency of the proposed subsystem is demonstrated on the example of the multilevel delimitation access to thematic information resources in the satellite information-telecommunication system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Key words: Classification, mandatory access control, immunocomputing and PCA, confidence, multilevel delimitation access



1 Introduction


Politics of Information Security of information systems with confidential information has been settled on the mandate access control. It is contained in demarcation of rights of access subjects to objects on the base official permission for reference to the information of appropriate level confidentiality [1].

Mandatory access control is consisted in the differentiation of access rights subjects to objects based on the formal authorization (right of access) of subjects to access information of such confidentiality level. Mandatory access control includes mechanisms of access differentiation to information. These mechanisms are divided into procedures realizing the rules of access to information (reading, writing, addition, etc.), and the procedures for the management rights (ownership, create, delete, etc.).

As it is known, significant numbers of models for ensure the security of information resources has been developed. The most common models are:

·        discretionary access control based on the rules which is defined by specific discretionary model [2]. For the forming of the access matrix can be used of Harrison, Rizzo and Ullman models or Take Grant model;

·        mandatory access control [2]. It classical model of the Bell-LaPadula formally written in terms of the theory of relations. The orderliness between subjects and objects is taken into account in accordance with their level of security. The system status varies according to their transformation rules.

However, despite all the advantages of the Bell-LaPadula model, with its use raises a number of technical difficulties. This a definition of remote reading status, the definition of access rights authorized object of type "administrator"; unauthorized "declassification" of a object protection with a decrease in the degree of secrecy of information, etc.

For efficient and secure access to information resources has developed the system of mandatory differentiation access to information [3, 4] with the maintenance of its database of multilevel security [5]. Full specifications of subjects and objects of protection and access rules are stored in this database. This system contains the following subsystems: mandate access differentiation to information which has realized as processing database queries monitor; intelligent information security monitoring with mandate access control [6]. The subsystem provides multilevel protection against unauthorized access based on the following access rule:

• the subject is not allowed to receive or record information from the subject or object with a higher level of protection;

• the subject is not allowed to receive information from an object that has no access right for current inquiry.

The main elements of the mathematical model  are: subjects set ; objects set ; security clearances set ; set of access aspects and control them ; access rights matrix ; list of current access ; list of queries .

The object holder – is subject which it has originated. He can pass to other subjects the rights on this object access. Using this holder concept each object is associated with holder (unique user), having the access control authority to the object. The holder fully controls of producing object and can’t pass the control authority to other subject. But he may vary the access control allowing to let or interdict the access other subjects. Such policy responds to multilevel access control requirements and security system administrator affects it.

The referencing process to access rights matrix  as to the core of multilevel security system is jointed with execution such procedures:

·        definition of conditions and access types to the data of different security degree;

·        definition of control rights of access law;

·        analysis of filling matrix  with accounting of execution the main access rule;

·        implementation of domain and creation rights according hierarchy of security subjects and objects;

·        control of execution the present-day query according the main access rule;

·        safeguard of matrix  from the efforts of unauthorized modification.

Intelligent information security monitoring subsystem has been intended for decision the next tasks: authentication of security subjects; classification and clustering of the security objects; analysis of the properties of demarcation of access rights matrix. It contains the next modules: learning and self-learning, pattern recognition, generation risk index, interpretation of the results. Mathematical models and calculation procedures of Immunocomputing and PCA have been realized in the above-listed modules [6, 7, 8].

This system has been constructed so that no one user received the possibility to refer to the information initially belonging to the owner with higher security clearance during all time of its operation. If there is the effort of unauthorized access to informational resource it responses on unauthorized users, violation of the main access rules and conditions of check access.

Development of methodology for the formation and correct classification of a protection objects in the system with the mandatory differentiation access to information of varying degrees of confidentiality allows, first, to fully implement the analysis of the model in access control for correctness and completeness, secondly, to realize a complete multilevel security system.

Object access for operating systems was suggested with the positions of mandatory differentiation access [1, 2], for modern RDBMS [9]. The systems with mandatory policy of information security were developed [10, 11]. They allowed realizing the mandate access engine with three-level hierarchy of access object: data base, table in the data base, data record in table. In the both cases access objects was invested with only one qualitative index– confidentiality degree. The approach of step-by-step classification informational matter was suggested for construction of the object access tree. Their hierarchy levels reflect the interrelation security subject having the status of objects security owners.

Tree structure representation of security objects is implemented through a hierarchy of possession rights of subjects by objects. The hierarchical dependence between security objects is manifested through the hierarchy of security degrees of information and through the hierarchy of the classification of subjects to object. Trunk of a tree of objects is building on degrees access to information of entities that own objects. The connections between objects are defined depending on the secrecy of information. The ramification of solutions occurs through the creation of new facilities owners as a result “the creation of the sons” of the object.

On each tree hierarchy level there is a need to classifying the security objects in detail on the following four categories:

- security degree information which contains or passes in the security object;

- presentation information type attached to a storage in the data base or announcements transfer on communications channels;

- coincidence call indicator to the information by way of active or inactive component of the security system;

- status of information presentation in the security object.

When forming a hierarchical set of objects security was used the methods of clustering information. This made it possible to pick out all the security objects by executing of proposed procedures of classification. The authorized access to which ensures the required class of informational security in computing system and gratification of non redundancy of meta specifications and non contradictoriness of information resources.

Analysis procedure of informational matters, a deselect access objects and subjects and their classification enables the following stages (Figure 1):

- generation of the security access requirements to informational resources of different degree confidentiality;

- execution of computational classification procedures of informational users queries taking into account informational commonality; degree confidentiality and clustering index;

- generation of metadata base of security specifications and database of the multilevel security.



Fig. 1. Hierarchical classification procedures structure of the information security objects


The mathematical apparatus of the implementation of each listed procedures will be examined.


2. Mathematical models and computational classification procedures of the informational queries of the users


The strategy of information protection is created based on an analysis of requirements to ensure privacy of data domain users, their credentials, information about the types of data sets and procedures for processing. It represents a means of establishing the eligibility of each user action with respect to all types groups of data.

Mathematical model of enterprise is interpreted as:



where  ‑ functions set, are subject to the automation;  ‑ set of manipulation data tasks;  ‑ database users set;  ‑ automation and control objects set;   input data of manipulation data tasks set;  ‑ output data of manipulation data tasks set;  ‑ all informational items of the enterprise set (exhaustive set);  ‑ relations between the enterprise components set.

Formed requirements of secure access to information of varying degrees of confidentiality allow presenting a mathematical model of multilevel governance and access control in the form:



where collections sets:  ‑ security subjects;  ‑ security objects; JZ ‑ security clearances;  ‑ sorts of the access and control them; M ‑ authorization matrix;  ‑ queries list.

For assurance of separated interface between the different categories of users and realization of rules and conditions for multilevel security it is necessary to define the hierarchical dependence inside the set of subjects and objects of protection subject to the various types of information processing and storage, of remote and local queries, and the specific subject area, which is characterized by sets of degrees of secrecy, security clearance, etc.

The hierarchical relations in the interior of subject sets and security objects will be defined for different types of information processing and with subject to distant and local inquiries.

Below the procedure of construction of stem tree for the security objects is presented Let ,  è ,  ‑ accordingly, set of all structural elements of the enterprise and set of structural informational element (IE), subject to security. Information request  user  () presents the collection of structured elements EP , moreover  ‑ set of all informational requests (IR) of the users with different access types to informational resources data base (DB). For every structured element EP user is determined security

degree , where  ‑ the set of security degrees of informational security BD. The security degree (confidence) is installed by the person, responsible for security data on the base of the importance degree analysis. For each users  on each request  is indicated  for structural elements and is fixed in . The authority level of BD user is maximal security level of the informational BD resource, to which user is letted the access.  ‑ set of the authority levels of BD users.

For certain  user obtains , where  forms section of the user  and is logged â in the authority matrix  for each user .  ‑ set, presenting EP for  user;  ‑ informational structural items quantity in the set. The community analysis establishes on the estimation of the similarity functions EP. If  ‑ II set of EP user, then  will be exhaustive set of II all users, forming by the way combination II each , minus recurring elements. Let ,  ‑ unified set of the informational elements. It includes all sets , . Let set . If the set  is non empty, à intersection capacity satisfies given (threshold) size and then EP  user has sufficient community degree with the EP remaining users [5, 12]. It allows ganging II of users EP in one cluster. Similarity measure is calculated as normalized similarity factor:



where  ‑ common elements quantity in  è ;  ‑ present elements quantity in , but missing in ;  ‑ present elements quantity in , but missing in.

The threshold level of the informational community between EP’s users  is picked from the interval 0,10,9. Here it is kept in mind of the informational changing specific character and type control system. Then the informational compositions of EP’s users, satisfying the proportion , is taken to alone class, which is maximum bound of the informational community users class. The hold and processing of collective informational resources is rationally for this class. If not then users is taken to the loosely bound class. It is necessary the designing of separated files for this class.

The clusters forming, minimally and maximum bounding between itself is starting from a selection in pairs collation sets of the different users informational elements. The community degrees  set  and all remaining sets  calculate (here  ‑ the first set number,  ‑ the second set number in the pair of collation sets), and pick the maximum: . If , then sets  and  is ganged: , forming a new set INT(tt) with a concatenated data set, where tt – integrated cluster number. For users requests  structured II are organized in LOK(t), where t – local cluster number. The integrated immunity indexes are calculated in the local and integrated clusters:


Authority matrix  is analyzed for each cluster for the purpose of the isolation of clustered elements . These elements generate tree shaft of the security objects. The hierarchy is rated according access degrees of users  to information .

These procedures allow shaping the hierarchical structure clusters minimally bounding among it with accounting confidence information. As a result the clusters shape the tree shaft of the security objects.

The efficiency of the proposed subsystem is demonstrated on the example of the multilevel delimitation access to thematic information resources in the satellite information-telecommunication system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


3. Classification problem on the set of informational security objects in the corporative net of cosmic infrastructure


The discipline of informational security of the corporative net of cosmic infrastructure provides the information security by means of instantiation multilevel access control to BD, cryptographic protection of confidential information, verification integrity transmitted traffics and the assurance of authorization users [13, 15]. The thematic informational outputs are storing, keeping and handing to the interested organizations.

Below the solution of classification problem is demonstrated on the example of EP fragment «Remote sensing». It intends for the control of access differentiation system in corporative net of cosmic infrastructure. The analysis of objective realm for 6 users was allowed to isolate 11 typical II (Table 1) – set  è 44 informational structured elements (IE) (Table 2) – set . Initial data and compositions of each informational requirement  in the formal aspect are shown on diagram 1 (Figure 2).

Analyses task of the informational community of isolated requests is solving at  and is receiving four clusters (Diagram 2):

Cluster1=LOK(1)= «P5»; Cluster2=LOK(2)= «P8»;

Cluster3= INT(1) =«P1, P7, P9, P10, P11, P6»; Cluster4=INT(2)=« P2, P3, P4».


Table 1. List of informational previewing elements «Remote sensing»



Designation informational requirement


To give attribute, labeling environmental region situation on present-day moment with indication variations from standard.

To give information about meteorological region situation with indication of cloudiness, humidity, transparency characteristics.

To give cartographical data of the surface territory observation, where practical fossil are conducted.

To collect information about meteorological situation on winning practical designs objects.

To collect information about status of mineral wealth design with indication of course squares troubles mineral wealth.

To collect information about state of emergencies (SE) of the natural and man-caused character in a region on the present situation.

To give information about amazed territories with environmental security troubles on the regions on the present situation.

To give information about SE and man-caused character catastrophes on the present situation with indication geographical location.

To give the troubles of the environmental security (toxin emissions, wood fires, oil spill, water body shoaling and etc.) all over the republic territory.

To give living population in the stations, exposing to natural catastrophe (earthquake, pest insect invasion and so on) on the territory of concrete region with territory of coverage refinement and periodic time.

To give information on SE of natural character, taking place near concrete populated built-up areas in â prescribed temporal period.


Table 2. List of informational previewing elements «Remote sensing»


Code IE

Title IE

Code IE

Title IE




State of emergency (SE) of the man-caused nature (MCN)


Region title


Title of SE MCN


Code region


Level code of SE MCN


Current ecological situation


SE of the natural character


Date, time


Title of SE of the natural character


Attribute ecological situation index


Clump code of SE of the natural character


Violation ecological security index


Risk grade


Name index


Scope territory


Percent difference tetrahedral standard


Object floor area


Meteorological situation


Object amazed square

d 11

Cloudiness state


Geographical situation


Transparency state


Geographic latitude


Humidity state




Mineral product (MP)


Built-up area


Array code MP


Built-up area name


Name MP


population, living in a built-up area


Meteorological situation on the crop and refinement MP objects


Title of a neighboring administration of a fast response on SE


Proprietor type of the crop object MP


Telephone of the attorney on SE


Name crop object MP


Tighten force amount of a fast response near a built-up area


MP indices


People amount for mobilization in a built-up area


Plan course square


Title of contiguous area


Real course square


Amazed square of contiguous area



















































Local clusters contain user requirements, which are independent of other information. Each integrated cluster includes information requirements, among which the level of community more than the given critical level.

For each cluster is calculating the integrated index of IE security degree applying security matrix :


As the analyses result Cluster3 is fractured on Cluster3-1and Cluster3-2 (Diagram 3):

Cluster3-1 = INT(1.1) =«P1, P6, P7, P9»; Cluster3-2 = INT(1.2) =«P10, P11».

In the structural set IE is isolated the group IE (Table.3): . For all group elements, which may contain confidential information it is necessary to determine the access rules, because they will be subject to protection. There are several security objects (SO) (Table 4).


Table 3. Subset of group structural informational elements (IE)



Name of group IE




Present-day situation


Indicator of environmental security disturbance


Meteorological situation


Mineral products (MP)


Meteorological situation on íà objects crop and refinement (MP)


MP indices


State of emergency (SE) of a man-caused nature


State of emergency of a naturally character


Territory of a scope


Geographical location


Built-up area






Table 4. Set of security objects (SO)




Name SÎ

Classification parameters of security objects

Discipline type

Status of primary presentation 

Attribute of simultaneity reference to information


Remote sensing


Compound representation

Library passive component


Information about meteorological situation


Secondary representation

Document passive component


Information about present-day environmental situation



Document passive component


Information about state MP


Original representation

Document passive component


Information about environmental security disturbance


Original representation

Document passive component


Tree structure representation of objects of protection is implemented through a hierarchy of rights of ownership of objects and subjects and the status of the subjects in the administrative and management structure (Figure 3). A classification of all selected elements of group for each local and integrated segment is effected . Then for all objects of protection , which are the main directories on the "trunk", are defined the group elements with a value type object "document" or "program".






















Each object of protection type "directory" is placed in the functional dependence of the list of other types of objects of protection. This takes into account [9]:

-specific object of protection is only a passive component (= "0"), or may be both passive and active components (= "1");

- a status of specific object of protection is the primary carrier of information (= "1"), or generated by the storage medium (= "2"), or a secondary storage medium (= "3");

- a type of specific object  may be a director, document, program, message.

Tree «branches» of security objects are presented on the Figure 4.




















4. Conclusion



4. Conclusion


Suggested hierarchical structure, mathematical models and computing procedures of security objects classification with mandatory access to informational resources allows to solve real-world problems. They were allowed to shape the tree-type structure of minimally bounding clusters of informational requests of users with subject to confidence of information. The tree structure of protection objects gives the best picture of the access control, because take into account the features of procedures with limited information use.





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