Karakushikova A.S., Bekmagambetova Z.D., Toguzbaeva K.K., Niazbekova L.S., Seyduanova L.B., Dzhusupov K.D., Umarova M.M., Junistaev D.D., Nurshabekova A.B., Myrzakhmetova S.K.

The Kazakh national medical university named after S.D. Asfendiarov,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty




The Shymkent plant in the hygienic plan is characterized by high degree of a dust content of atmospheric air in the aim of manufacture and the prevalence among workers bronchial - pulmonary diseases. Till 1980 was considered that the basic pathology of workers in cement manufacture are pneumocanious. At the same time the research works of scientists show that among dust manufacture workers has the wide chronic dust bronchitis [1]. A dust bronchitis and pneumocanious leads to the growth of the level of the general disease and the diseases with the time disability working in cement manufacture. That reflects the quality and the output, reduces profitability and raises the cost price of cement products [2]. The given circumstance shows not only the hygienic importance of the present work, but also on an imperative need of scientific working out of the preventive actions directed to the prevention and decrease of level of disease of bronchial - pulmonary system, working in cement manufacture.

The main aim was the establishment of hygienic and clinical features bronchial -pulmonary pathology of workers of cement manufacture and the working out of scientific bases of preventive maintenance of dust diseases on the manufacture of cement products.

For the decision of an object in view we define the following tasks:

to give characteristics to working conditions operating on the basic dust sites of production;

to establish peculiarities of formation of bronchial- pulmonary diseases, level, dynamics and tendencies of developing of dust diseases at the workers;

to determine the major risk factors of developing dust bronchial-pulmonary diseases and also to define the contribution of each risk factor and their join actins on formation of level of indicators of disease who are employed professions;

to describe clinical features of dust bronchial-pulmonary diseases, and also before nozological conditions of  bronchial-pulmonary system which became a basis for working out the differentiated preventive actions of glutamine acid and potassium iodide on the experimental animals. 

The object of the research: medical-demographic indicators (sex and age structure, the reasons of diseases); manufacture environment (atmospheric air, humidity, temperature, noise); rats (lung and other organs and tissue).

The methods of the research: According to the objectives hygienic conditions of labour workers of the cement manufacture were researched. Within the indicators of the workers’ disease of the given harmful manufacture were checked by methods of the medical statistics. Laboratory-clinical observation was held among the workers suffering from diseases of the bronchial - pulmonary system. In order to examine the spread of risk factors the sociological method was taken as a base. The complex methods of the medical observation were used for checking the indicators of health. The instrumental research methods were used for observing of bronchial-pulmonary system. The experiments on rats were held to find the changes in bronchial-pulmonary system and histomorphological data was received. 

The received scientific results. The cement dust has the negative influence on the health of the workers at the Shymkent cement plants. The dust containing in atmosphere of industrial premises has a special hygienic value among them. A characteristic feature of cement dust is high dispersion and complexity of its chemical composition. By hygienic researches it was revealed that the maintenance of a cement dust in the atmosphere of working platforms of a factory exceeded its maximum permissible concentration in limits from 10,5 to 23,8 times. Sanitary adverse conditions are revealed in all producing sections of a plant but the atmospheric air on the sites of roasting transportation clincers on conveyors, loading of ready cement on motor vehicles and goods trucks is the most dusted, and the dust concentration in the air fluctuates from 58,8 mg/m to 142,8 mg/m.

Among the workers, busy in production containing dust, the level of disease of bronchial- pulmonary system according to applying data to surgery-medical institutions is 1062%, according to complex medical observations – 1234,1%. According to Pathologies data temporary disability is 86,2 out of 100 workers. Correlative –regressive analysis and mathematical modeling of disease have shown that the high content of dust in a manufactured atmosphere promotes formation of superbackground 35,9 % of level disease on applying, 50,3 % level of disease with the temporary waste of disability and 56,2 % of level of disease according to the complex medical observations. The part of the influence of the manufactured dust for appearing chronic non-specific lung disease is 1.2%, non-specific bronchial diseases is 1,9%, chronic obstruct bronchitis is 21,7%, bronchial asthma is 54,3% and bronchoectatic diseases is 44,5%. The main causes of the diseases in the bronchial-pulmonary system of workers in cement manufacture are the dust obstructive bronchitis, the chronic bronchitis with asthmatic components and pneumocanious. They progress depending on length of service and proceed with the mucus affection of the top respiratory ways. Pathological changes in bronchial-pulmonary system are accompanied by misbalance in proteinaz-inhibitoric system. It is shown with increasing proteolitical activity of 5,4 times and decreasing of inhibitors level of 1,6 times. It promotes chronic course of pathological process in bronchial - pulmonary system.

Increasing the degree of dust bronchitis is accompanied by reduction of vital capacity of lungs, decreasing bronchial tubes circulation and gas exchange. The development of obstructive emphysema is high in dust bronchitis in comparison with non-specific diseases of lungs. It is considered that this phenomenon as clinical feature of development of dust bronchitis of cement manufacture workers. Histomorphological changes gradually develop at dust bronchitis. In an initial stage of development they are shown catarrhal changes in a mucus membrane of bronchial tubes. Further hyalines are formed; petrifications are formed in pulmonary tissue, per vascular and per bronchial sclerosis of tissue develop.

The characteristic of glutamine acid and potassium iodide define the parameters of oxyprolin, lipids in lung tissues and weight of lung, lymphatic nodules of the 120 experimental animals with 200-220 g weight, which were under the influence of dust. The research showed decreasing of the level of oxyprolin to 31,2 %, lipids to 19 %, weight of lung to 16.1% and lymphatic nodules to 18,2 % after using the medicine. Similarly, using glutamine acid and potassium iodide showed that the given medicine significantly stop the growing of pathology and decreasing of complication risk. The glutamine acids and potassium iodide should be penetrated for treatment and prophylaxis of patients with dust bronchitis in hospitals. 

The received scientific results have let the health officers of department of labour hygiene and occupational diseases recommend the additional sanitary - hygienic and sanitary - technical measures directed to improvement of working conditions and recovering of working health in dust manufactures of cement plants. The doctors of sanitary department are offered the methods of  before nozological diagnostics of dust diseases of bronchial-pulmonary system, and the doctors of the prophylaxis pathological department are additionally recommended preparations of the glutamine acids and iodine of potassium to the basic medical complex of the occupational patients.



1.              Аманбекова А.У., Газизов О.М., Карипбекова Д.К., Джакупбекова Г.М. Изучение состояния верхних дыхательных путей у больных хроническим пылевым бронхитом // IV Международный конгресс пульмонологов Центральной Азии. – 2004.Т.10. – С. 8-9.

2.              Головцев Ю.М., Кучеренко Е.М., Довгаленко В.Ф. и др. Способ доклинической стадий пылевого бронхита // Гигиена труда и профессиональные заболевания. 1988. №1. С. 46-47.