Karakushikova A.S.,Toguzbaeva K.K., Bekmagambetova Z.D., Seyduanova L.B., Dzhusupov K.D., Kudaybergenova T.A., Niazbekova L.S., Zhangaliev E.M., Junistaev D.D., Nurshabekova A.B., Myrzakhmetova S.K.

The Kazakh national medical university named after S.D. Asfendiarov,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty




Well known that on the person in the conditions of its residing constantly operate various noises: household, transport, but this action occasional, incidental. Where as industrial noise accompanies the person throughout all change, every day, during all seniority [1].

To the level of noises at the working places public health service makes special demands because its high level reduce working capacity, became to nervous tension and prevents to concentrate. In offices of out-patient-polyclinic establishments parameters of noise don't exceed 35 dBA in a strip of average frequencies. Only in cases of an arrangement of polyclinic on a brisk highway or placing of medical offices near to sources generating noise the noise level reaches 45-50 dBA and more [2].

Last decades the noise problem in treatment-and-prophylactic establishments has become aggravated, first of all, because of introduction in medical practice the newest equipment, replace of traditional technological processes with electro physical, electrochemical, ultrasonic processes. So, from the middle of 60-th of last century in stomatology practice have started to introduce high-speed drills and turbines which at work create high noise level of whistling tone [2].

It is known that high noise levels in the treatment-and-prophylactic organizations (TPO) is created by blotting liquids (53-79 dBA), pumps is long working devices. Noise from engineering, technological and other equipment (lifts, systems of a water pipe, the water drain and ventilation, a centrifuge, electro vacuum cleaners, floor polishers) can reach 99 dBA, and distribution of noise owing to features of design of devices and communications occurs almost free [2, 3].

In connection with the above-stated we measured noise on workplaces of medical workers in one of polyclinics of Almaty. Noise measurement was spent by audio-noise meter SI-01, thus results of measurements were estimated according to «Hygienic specifications of noise levels and an infrasound in premises of inhabited, public buildings in housing estate territory» (2004).

Noise measurement spent in the following premises TPO on workplaces during a labor shift of medical workers:

·                         an office № 206 branches of planning of a family - on a workplace of the laboratorian at film development;

·                         on a mammograph Singular mammograph;

·                         Plural mammographs workplace;

·                         offices № 320, 321 physiotherapeutic branches – on a workplace of the staff nurse;

·                         an office № 324 physiotherapeutic branches – on a workplace of the senior nurse;

·                         offices № 117, 129 laboratory-diagnostic branches – on a workplace of the laboratorian at a flueblock;

·                         offices № 406, 408, 409, 410 stomatologic branches – on a workplace of the doctor of the stomatologist.

It has been established that the noise source were a forced-air and exhaust ventilation, dent technical equipment.

In branch of planning of a family, physiotherapeutic and laboratory-diagnostic branches under the characteristic noise differed as constant, voice-frequency, in stomatologic branch – broadband, fluctuating.

Studying of sound pressure in octave strips with symmetric medium frequencies has shown that increasing this indicator in polyclinic premises it is not revealed.

So, in an octave strip of 31,5 Hz levels of sound pressure fluctuate in various branches from 62 to 76 dB whereas in admissible size for the given category of works are 86 dB.

In an octave strip of 63 Hz levels of sound pressure fluctuate from 55 to 59 dB at admissible size for the given category of works 71 dB.

In an octave strip of 125 Hz levels of sound pressure fluctuate from 43 to 48 dB at admissible size for the given category of works 61 dB.

In other octave strips (250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000) also it has been established that admissible levels of sound pressure weren't exceeded. So, in an octave strip of 250 Hz levels of sound pressure have made 35-40 dB, in an octave strip of 500 Hz – 30-34 dB, in an octave strip of 1000 Hz – 26-30 dB, in an octave strip of 2000 Hz – 24-26 dB, in an octave strip of 4000 Hz – 20-25 dB, in an octave strip of 8000 Hz – 19-22 dB.

Studying of equivalent levels of a sound has shown that they are a little below admissible size or at level of admissible sizes, but don't exceed them.

It is necessary to notice that in case of voice-frequency character of noise its admissible values should be reduced on 5 dB. In our researches voice-frequency noise isn't in some branches of polyclinic, but thus noise levels, didn't fall outside the limits admissible sizes even if the last have been reduced on 5 dB.

Thus, the conducted researches of level and character of noise on workplaces of medical workers in the surveyed polyclinic have shown that in one branches (branch of planning of a family, physical-therapeutic, laboratory - diagnostic branch) noise is to constants, voice-frequency, in others (stomatologic branch) - broadband, fluctuating in time. However in one case it is not revealed excess of admissible noise levels.


The literature

1.                     Алексеев С.В, Усенко В.Р. Гигиена труда. Медицина, 1988.-575 с.

2.                     Труд и здоровье медицинских работников. Под ред. В.К. Овчарова. Медицина, 1985.-211 с.

3.                     Российская энциклопедия по медицине труда. Под ред. акад. РАМН Н.Ф. Измерова. Медицина, 2005.- С. 597-605.