Нышанова С.Т. к.п.н.,и.о. доцента

МКТУ им. А.Ясави, Казахстан, г. Туркестан



В статье рассматриваются проблемы обучения иноязычному общению в преподавании английского языка связанных с формированием языковых и речевых фонетических,грамматических и лексических навыков,творческих умений в различных видах речевой деятельности-чтении,аудировании,говорении и письме.



The problems of human intercourse attract attention of a plenty of the researchers of various disciplines: psychology and social psychology, sociology and sociolinguistics, linguistics and psycholinguistics, pedagogies and anthropology. It is explained by the complexity and wide range of concept of "intercourse", which is in various works devoted to this problem, is examined separately from its aspects with numerous characteristics.

In teaching English language the problem of training intercourse is connected with the formation of language and speech phonetic, grammar and lexical skills and creative skills in various kinds of speech activities - reading, speaking, listening and writing, ii also has caused wide introduction of the terms "communication", '"training to communicative intercourse" (on the basis of English "communication" - intercourse) as abilities to exchange of a various sort the information in a foreign language. In social psychology and .the theory of the information the term "communications" is considered as "information interchange", and 10 exchange the information in this or that language, it is necessary, first of all, to master a linguistic code for coding the certain contents of phonetic, grammatical, lexical and stylistic norms of the given language[l].

Training to a certain linguistic code and formation of the appropriate skills and its usage is one of the key tasks in training a foreign language in any types of educational institutions. But is mastering of a linguistic code a sufficient condition for effective communication in foreign language? As we know the real dialogue is not limited only to information exchange. Sometimes having a small set of foreign words and constructions, but the sociable person who can mime and gesticulate well enough, with various modifications of intonation and everyday experience allow him to guide in hard situations of communication, he finds the best understanding while talking with a native speaker, rather than a student of a language department who possesses rich word  stock, lull of set phrases, idiomatic expressions and colloquial clichés, which are often used during practical classes and which are not adequately applied in tins or that real life situation. Therefore one of problems of training to a foreign language as profession is not only limited to choosing and organization of a speech and language material on grade levels, but also studying of the contents of concept "intercourse" including its kinds, functions and forms.

On the first and second courses of studying at language department the bases of command of foreign language are imposed. This stage is extremely important for the formation of skills and skills .of everyday communication, to what materials compiled in many textbooks for the first and the second year students of the foreign language departments. That is why teachers pay special attention to mastering and training of the appropriate grammatical and lexical materials organized by thematic principles on the basis of a language, namely speech exercises different situations and role plays. Communication is held in the form of information exchanges with appropriate grammar materials, usage of vocabulary based on certain theme that is possible to name as "intercourse on a communicative basis". But the communication, in psychological, sociological studies, represents the unity of three aspects: the communication, interaction and perception which arc connected not only with exchange of the information (communication), bat also with of joint activities (interaction), one of the means of which realization is the speech activity, and also personal perception of the interlocutors not only as speech partners, but also as friends, opponents, like the persons cooperating or complicating realization of this or that activity[2].

Hence, training intercourse in a foreign language is not restricted only with acquisition of a linguistic code, certain sum of skills and training them in the certain situations. It is necessary to include speech communication into other kinds of activity, where it serves as means of their realization and opportunity not only to exchange certain information with an interlocutor, but also to understand him as a person, that conducts to success in joint cooperation. It is possible on the basis of the cognitive approach in training foreign language as specialty, where a language is used as a means of realization cognitive activity, independent acquisition of knowledge, skills in various spheres of human knowledge, that is connected with communications, and interaction and perception, and also with their functions: contact and information (communication), understanding and establishing communicative attitudes(perception), incentive, coordination and rendering of influence interaction) and kinds of intercourse.

The following problem of foreign language in training intercourse is concerned with concrete educational group and concrete teachers conducting practical classes, and carries social - psychological character. The training achievement depends on mutual attitude between students and a teacher, atmosphere of intercommunication set up in a group, interpersonal contacts. When there is a mistrust, fear or fear of making next linguistic or stylistic mistakes, there is no friendliness and readiness to help each other, friendly attitudes towards statements or opinion, company and desire to carry out joint activity; it is hardly possible to speak about effective training to intercommunication. Therefore psychological problems of pedagogical intercourse of the small group are of great importance, as the teacher performs under such conditions as the carrier of target language, initiator of the communication, organizer of interpersonal contacts and foreign language atmosphere in class.

The consolidation and reassembling of the group, constant creating of interests and benevolence to each other, overcoming psycholinguistic barriers complicating intercommunication refer lo a difficult problem, which in many respects depends on professionalism and creative skills of (he teacher. The authentic acquisition of a certain language in the senior courses, organization of various discussions based on different thematic problems studied in literary works, carrying of the joint projects - all these are possible, when the bases of productive and creative intercourse have been established during the first and the second course of striding For this purpose it is not enough to use only role plays, situations and rote tasks, which are widely used on stereotype-situational stages of skills formation. It is also possible to use and pyrotechnical exercises which will help to overcome psychological barriers in intercommunication, to consolidate the group. Choosing and typology of such exercises, their connection with only linguistics, concerning appropriate theme, also refer to urgent problems of technique of training foreign intercourse[3].

To conditions of effective teaching of a foreign language artificial creation of the foreign atmosphere can also be referred in teaching a certain foreign language bringing close to natural intercommunication. Unfortunately, the very skill often prevails and on the first and second courses of special department, focusing attention of the students on the correct use of those or other vocabulary units and grammatical structures of certain thematic material. It makes the students regard a foreign language not as to a means of intercourse, but as to a subject, succession of acquiring it depends on knowledge of the theory, number of the texts and dialogues learnt by hear-elements of which are logically connected in the subsequent situations of intercommunication. The situations of intercourse created on a thematic basis, which are peculiar to the form of the students' reports in learning that o: other materials, they are often artificial, do not give opportunities to state their own opinion, and do not contain problems. Often material offered to this or that theme, does not comprise anything to broaden students' outlook sociocultural knowledge of students, but contains only new lexical units and grammatical structures intended for improvement of everyday communication in various situations. Really, it is not easy to give new information or. themes" "Family", "Apartment", "Meal", "At the doctors" and other themes as well, but newness of unexpected plots, the discussions and polar opinions on the same question in situational tasks and scripts of role plays are necessary for stimulating interests, motivation and creative activities of students. For example, it can be the project of opening a restaurant or a cafe specializing in vegetarian or national meals. The project can contain various problems such as an interior, conditions, creation of the special atmosphere, menu, special dishes with original fantastic names and recipes, uniforms of the waiters and waitresses, emblems, signboards, advertising their own trade marks and various slogans. After the development of the project details in micro groups, the whole group represents the completed variant, answering to tricky questions of the present spectators or the teachers, supporting the basic components of the project and proving their effectiveness. It is also possible to prepare "a special dish" by all the groups and advertise it, interviewing the first visitors, who have received honor to try the meal (theme "Meal"." in cafe, restaurant"). On the theme "Apartment" it is possible to submit the project of the big house, the choice or designing of furniture for rooms of oval or triangular forms, on the theme "Family" - discussion about the family in the past, present and future, about family traditions of different peoples, of different epoch and generations, to interview the representatives of conjugal agencies, drawing up advertisements of certain agencies, competition on the best conjugal announcement.

Certainly such tasks should be provided with appropriate substantial and language materials which help the students in such forms of intercommunication based on micro situations and appropriate exercises. Hence, there is an urgent problem of texts typology and exercises, typology of the problem and control tasks, modeling the system of role plays. It will provide the substantial and technical side of any theme, which should be changed according to peculiarity of the language department, taking into account distinctions in a picture of the world at the representatives of various language cultures, incomplete semantic, associative conformity with vocabulary items in various languages. That is why not only language knowledge is required at the given stage, but sociocultural knowledge is also essential in mastering the language as means of intercommunication, that is impossible without the certain degree of identification with earners of other language and other culture.

The second level of teaching a foreign language as specialties is connected with perfection and further development of speech activity (3-5 courses), when the students acquire knowledge on theoretical subjects which allow them to learn details of lexico-grammatical and functional - stylistic means of the studied language, at the result of which students gain individual speech experience [2].

There are ample opportunities of interpretation of the concrete statements, discussions of the concrete heroes, their deeds, language portraits, plots, specific features of literary language of the author in the process of work on volumetric enough literary works of home and individual reading. Unfortunately, often work on mentioned literary works are limited by retelling especially essential language materials, including the role interpretation (retelling the text from the certain) person), or role dialogues, which are one of the reproductive statements of the analyzed material and is explained by insufficient amount of hours allocated to speech practice at the senior rates. Perhaps it is the time, when the students get acquainted with a number of theoretical rules on lexicology, stylistics, the history of language, gain the experience of analytical work about the literary text, its substantial and linguistic characteristics allow students to understand the information on semantic level, and they can arrange discussions on theoretical and practical themes. But in most cases students are not well prepared for this during all the course of training on the first and second course of studying, and also with that the theoretical materials on linguistic subjects are not logically connected with a concrete themes and language material, which students learn during language practice of both verbal and written speech. The problem caused by the manuals, containing creative tasks on theoretical subjects and language practices provided with substantial material in the framework of certain themes are of great importance in training foreign language at specialized departments.

Training to a foreign intercommunication on the perception level assumes personal orientation, acquisition of new personal experience, which assumes the development of the various forms of organization of students joint activity during interpersonal and role intercourse in group, certain methods and means of training. The great importance is attached to means of emotional influence (musical compositions, pictures, songs), and also kinds of the non verbal communication, including extra linguistic and visual contact. The special significance in formation perception in foreign intercommunication on senior courses is to overcome the difficulties of forms and methods of interpretation of the texts including their emotional coloring which enhances the deep understanding in the process of debate. It is connected with the problem of development of special techniques in training interpretation of the text focused on perfection of the students' creative speech skills and habits at the senior courses of language departments.

Thus, the wide definition of the concept "intercourse" allows us to reconsider the contents of term "communication" in training a foreign language as a specialty, and alongside with the existing problems formulate-new tasks in techniques of training a foreign intercommunication at language departments.



1. Андреева Г.Н. Социальная психология.-Москва,1997- стр.92

2. Щерба Л.В. Преподавание иностранных языков в средней школе.-Москва, Изд-во АПН,1947

3. Шатилов С.Ф.,Еремин Ю.В. Некоторые актуальные теоретические вопросы профессионально направленного обучения иностранному языку в педагогическом вузе.\\ Профессионально направленное обучение иностранному языку в педагогическом вузе:Межвуз.сб.науч.тр.-Л.1985

4 Donald S.Byrd, Bailey N., Gitterman M., Murcia M. Grammar pedagogy in second and foreign language leaching //Landmarks of American Language and Linguistics. Volume 2 Office of EL Programs Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs United States Department of State Washington D.C., 1997-p.55.