Bochenkov D.A., candidate of technical sciences., Stashinov YU.P., candidate of technical sciences., Volkov V.V., candidate of technical science.

South-Russian State technical university, Novocherkassk

Considered one of the fundamental laws of the critical position, as well as its link with contemporary ideas. It is shown that in the case of interaction in the environment between charges from Coulomb's law, it follows that the photons should appear additional energy.


As is known, the forces of interaction between charges sets Coulomb's law [1], the earlier G. Cavendish  and in the original words  had a view

where not more than 1/50.

The fairness of this law was tested many times. In addition, studies correspondence of the degree of the denominator of the number two. Recent experiments have shown justice degree two with very high accuracy. Experimental-cops, held in 1971 in the USA E. R.Williams, J. E. Faller and H. A. Hill, showed that the exponent in the law of the Pendant is 2 from the point of to (3.1±2,7)*10-16[2]. There is an even more accurate data, confirming the law of inverse squares with an accuracy up to 10-17.

The Coulomb Law has a simple geometric interpretation, fig 1.

In the image field by means of power lines, which used still M. Faraday for quantitative analysis of measures of cooperation, the field strength  of the charge  corresponds to the number of lines, to basic area.

Given that the area of the surface of the sphere, which covers the charge, is expressed by the well-known formula, it turns out the dependence of the tension, is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. the area covered by the surface



According to the modern theory of fundamental interactions are implemented with the help of particles - their vectors. Vector electro-magnetic interaction are virtual photons, which have rest mass equal to zero, born in accordance with the Heisenberg uncertainty and fly along the force lines of the speed of light.

However, the inverse square law should also that the power characteristics of the imaginary power line, on which moves photon, does not change with distance, i.e. its energy remains unchanged.

In substance, this law differs introduction to the ratio the factor of proportionality  of an additional factor , characterizing properties of the environment.

As is known, the speed of the environment differs from the speed of light in a vacuum and is equal to . In the case of the vast it is smaller. However, in the case of the forces that are inversely proportional to the square of the distance, the essence of the law is that the photons they reduce their energy on border of section of the environments and move at a reduced speed, not reducing it to the distance (fig.2).



Then the ratio between the energy of a photon  at the entrance of the matter and energy  at the output of


We define the distance at which there is a decrease in the energy of a photon by the specified value when passing through a substance. The results of calculations are listed below.


Decrease the energy of the photon, % of original

To 5 %

To 10 %

To 15 %

To 50 %

The distance,

 trillion. km (million. à.u.)

105,3 (0,704)

111,1 (0,743)

117,6 (0,786)

200 (1,337)



To maintain a constant speed and the energy of the photons in the environment, providing spread resistance, need more energy. The causes of its appearance as long as no one has yet been clarified.




1. Landau, L.D., Lifshitz E.M. Theoretical physics: Textbook. manual.: For institutions of higher education. In 10 b. B. 2  Field theory. - 8-th standard edition. - M.: FIZMATLIT, 2001. - 536 p. - ISBN5-9221-0056-4(B.2), Ch. 5 Constant electromagnetic field.

2. E. R. Williams, J. E. Faller, H. A. Hill "New Experimental Test of Cou-lomb''s Law: A Laboratory Upper Limit on the Photon Rest Mass", Phys. Rev. Lett.26, 721-724(1971).