Sahakian A.K.

The doctor of sociological sciences, the head chief of «Theories and histories of sociology» faculty at the Yerevan State University           


The sociological analysis of labour migration

On the post Soviet space


Processes of globalization have changed the modern world, having transformed it in a planet of migrants. Process of manufacture actively occurring all over the world is accompanied by labour internationalization, thus labour migration has turned to the major factor of social and economic development. By estimations of the International Labour Organization (ILO), on boundary of XX-XXI centuries it was 86 million labour migrants in the world. If we add to this summery army of illegal labour migrants, most likely the figure needs to be doubled.

Labour migration has appreciable scales and on the post Soviet space. By conservative estimations, it involves 7-8,5 million person. In the USSR all of attempt to provide even time migration of labour from republics is a lot of labour in republics with deficiency of a labour by means of administrative levers completely have failed. But what did not manage to be reached by means of command-management system, market attitudes have helped to embody.

Influence of processes of labour migration leaves far beyond demography and economy. As O.D.Komarova and V.A.Tishkov fairly mark, « population shift, both internal, and external, abroad is one of the major indicators of the ethnopolitical and sociopolitical processes occuring in a society and the state. Character of migratory streams can testify to a degree of an openness and democratic character of a society, a level of its urbanization, efficiency of economy and an infrastructure, regional disproportions of development, a condition of interethnic attitudes, ethnic conflicts that are becoming ripe or already obvious».

The beginning of social and economic growth in Russia has provoked departure earnings in our country of a plenty of labour migrants - representatives of the title population of the central Asia, first of all, Tadjiks, Uzbeks and Kirghiz. "Portrait" of the migrant from region has cardinally changed. The change process has introduced instead of the migrant - city dweller with high enough educational level, the weight of labour migrants - representatives of the title population which most part is made by inhabitants of rural areas or small settlements, with low enough educational level and qualifications.

Therefore, according to federal migratory service, in 2011 only 197 thousand migrants can count on work in St-Petersburg. On this parameter        St-Petersburg advances Moscow where almost 129 thousand person can receive sanctions to work. In 2011 the quota made 210 thousand.

Breaks in levels of development and material welfare of the post Soviet economy are huge and after 1999 only accrue. In 2007ãîäó the factor of a variation of gross national product per capita in the CIS reached 67 %, and its maximal parameter (Russia) surpassed the minimal (Tajikistan) in 8.9 times. Today sharp distinctions on a level of economic development are the main engine of labour migration between the postSoviet states.

The sense of migration for labour immigrants is a search of work for rise of a level of own well-being. Russia is not ready yet to prompt growth of labour migration: migrants should not count help of the states. For achievement of the purpose migrants are compelled to accumulate independently and effectively to use resources available at their order.

 As carriers of different cultures are involved in the post Soviet labour streams, it is important to reveal the importance of ethnic resources of labour migrants in their economic strategy.

The scientific analysis of a problem of economic strategy of ethnic groups of labour migrants has exclusive importance from the point of view of optimization of management by migratory streams and preservations of social and interethnic stability in the Russian regions.

Because of disorder of system of vocational training the overwhelming majority of young migrants is capable to perform only not qualified work. The long period of absence of men has affected also traditionally high durability of east family attitudes. The number of divorces in families of labour migrants grows. More and more women, aspiring to keep their family, wish to move with children to husbands on a constant residence to Russia. Misbalance between the women and men ratio has led to the process when many women are reconciled with position of the second and third wife. The women who are not having families and work, thousand aspire to realize independently themselves outside the countries.

Special researches put under doubt the widespread and "obvious" representations about negative consequences of illegal migration, in particular - about raised criminalization process of immigrants. The statistics of crimes among them differs on structure, but no more that. Interrogations of workers of law enforcement bodies have shown that among them representations about lower criminality among migrants, than among local population prevail. So criminalization by migrants of Russia now is on newspaper pages and on TV.

The methodological basis of research of problems of labour migration has been incorporated in works of the following authors: M. Weber, F.Znanetsky, P.Sorokina, K.Taylor, M. Todaro.

Among the Russian sociologists, the problems engaged by research connected with labour migration it is necessary to allocate E.Tjurjukanova, engaged with studying of forms of operation of labour migrants from the CIS countries in Russia; I.Arakeljan considers in the works gender aspect; L.Drobizheva, V. Ìukomel and E.Painov are engaged in research of a phobia of migrants and tolerance.

V. Mukomel and V. Titov have analysed labour migrants through a prism of mass media. 

The significant contribution to sphere of social stereotypes have brought such scientists as B. S.Ageev, T.Adorno, D.Gamilton, and B. Merenkov, N.Miller, S.Moskovichi, F.Tilman, K.Jung, etc. The direct research of ethnostereotypes is engaged in works of U.A.Vinokurova. M. Drobijeva, U.Soldatov, Stefanenko, etc.

Special interest causes sights and ideas of the Russian scientists considering ethnos as social group: N.A.Berdjaev, N.J.Danilevsky, J.Bromlej, L.N.Gumilev, S.V. Sokolovsky, V. A.Tishkov, etc. Among the western researches of the given question the most known are F.Brodel, F.Rattsel, L.Uorner and others.

The problem of migrations is multidimensional. But, despite of a significant level of scrutiny of the given theme in the scientific literature, problems of employment of labour migrants, the analysis of social and ethnic resources of immigrants have not found sufficient illumination yet.  

Problem question in the given theme is the contradiction between necessity of the Russian society for labour migrants and language of enmity on which the Russian society expresses the attitude to them.






1.  Komarova O., Tishkov V.A. Migration and the migratory policy, 2009.

2.  Roshina T.G. What gives labour migration to inhabitants of Russia., 2010.

3.  Àkramov F. Labour migration from Tajikistan: the reasons and approaches of regulation // The international economy. 2008.¹12. Ñ.52-55.