UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city) )



History  testifies    that  world  empires, maximally  overgrowing  and  becoming stronger, disintegrated eventually, sometimes  fully, without  trace disappeared. And  if  there is  beginning  of disintegration  of some  geopolitical  integrity, on the basis of  synergetic  of right, it is important  to put  a question  about  that, whether  non-linearity suffices,  to turn  processes  in reverse direction, to commute  them  on  the mode  of renewal  of connections, fading  of processes  in  central  part  and  their  activation  on  periphery   of structure. If  not enough non-linearity, then  former  intensive  processes  can  simply  go out slowly, dwindle  into nothing. The tendency  of synergetic integration  shows  up for  the countries  of European Community which  plugs  in  itself  all  new  and  new  members. At  this  ES  settles  entering  into    the union  not whichever    countries,  not with  whichever    by the rate  of development  and    not with  whichever    by connection  with  permanent  members,    not to violate  stability  of whole. Connections  of Ukraine  are presently  increased  with  the West, and  a question  begins  to come  into question about  possibility  of its  entering  into  European  organizations. Formation  of the CIS  and  strengthening  of connections  between  the Slavonic  states (By Ukraine, Russia, Byelorussia)  is  the index  of new  association.It ensues from the theory  of legal  and educational ñàìîîðãàíèçàöèè, that  every  open  systems  with  strong   non-linearity, probably, pulsate [1]. They are exposed  to the natural  vibrations  of development: tendencies  of differentiation, running approach is rapprochement, weakening  of connections - their  strengthening. On  visible, the world  goes  to  unity    not through monotony, but  through  pulsations, by means of  alternation  of disintegrations ( even  partly ) and  more  powerful  associations. This  presentation  resounds  with  east  appearances   of rhythms  of life of the world,  with  Chinese  character  of in-yan’. Thus  fundamental  principle  of the no-line  systems is  periodic  alternation  of evolution  and  involution, development  and  rolling up, explosion  of activity, increase  of intensity  of processes  and  their  fading, weakening, going  down to  the center, integration  and  divergence, disintegration, even  partial  disintegration. And  here  are  deep  analogies  with  historical  facts  about  death  of civilization  and  disintegration  of empires, with  the cycles  of N.D. Kondrat'eva, by the swaying  modes  of Gelbrayta, ýòíîãåíåòè÷åñêèìè  rhythms   of L.N.Gumileva. There is the large field  of ways  of development in  the difficult  nonlinear  systems . Synergetic  methodology  of right and education  the picture  of  spectrum  of ways  of evolution  of the difficult  systems, field  of ways  of development, is underlain. It  means  the ambiguousness  of the future, existence  of moments  of instability, ways  of further  development related  to  the choice, and  the special  role  of man  in  the nonlinear  situations  of fork  of ways  and  choice  of the desired, favorable  way  of development. It is important  to understand that  the difficult  systems, especially  social, have  not  one  unique, but  a few  alternative  ways  of evolution. The ways  of evolution  are much  and  they  appear  the spectrums  of structures-attractors, to  the change  of spectrums  of possible  ways  in  the future.           In accordance with  general  conformities  to law of ñàìîîðãàíèçàöèè  the ñëîæíîîðãàíèçîâàííûì  socialnaturally systems  it is impossible  to impose  the ways  of their  development. It is necessary  to understand their  progress  trends  and  instrumental  in an output  on  these  ways  of evolution, that  it is necessary  to be oriented  on  own, natural  progress  of nature  trends  and  will learn  to get  in  resonance  with  them, but not to force  nature, continuing  thoughtless  external  interference  with  it.     It is necessary  clear  to realize  a presence  different|diverse|  the tendency  of evolution, ambiguousness  of passage-way  in  the future.


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Problem of wrong legal reflection by sense of justice of reality as a white spot of Ukrainian jurisprudence: theory of legal ideology as the perverted sense of justice (sources, history, reality). Part is 3 // Forum of right. – 2006. – N 2. – ¹. 34-52 [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode: http // www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/2006-2/06dumdir.pdf