Usage of the Ecologically Pure Specimen – Coal Gumine Fertilizers for Different Agricultural Crops for Increasing the Productivity and Improving the Production Quality

 Koblanova O., Abzalova D., Asilbekova G., Abramova G.

International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yassavi

Shymkent Institute

         Humus role in the soil fertilizing increasing is a widely known and undoubtable fact. If the content of humus is decreasing in the soil, leads to the development of the erosion processes, structure damage, absorption ability and physical-chemical properties changing; as a result we can state the lowering of the fertilizers usage ratio, the further underground pollution and to the decreasing of the crop.

         Humus shortage filling in the soil is performed at the expense of remnants and manure addition. Later in the regions where there was peat this deficiency was filled with peat. Due to the growth of planted areas it appeared impossible to add manure, /mainly because the domestic animals are cared without lining/ ; peat deposits are not available in every region, so the oil crop  efficiency was lowered. Landowners tended to increase the ratio of added fertilizers, hoping to increase the crops, but it was not always justified, because the crop efficiency didn’t depend on the fertilizers dose, and each plant had its own degree of assimilation. As it was stated by many researchers if the added fertilizers dose was increased their coefficient usage was lowered. So, the scientists met the problem of searching the specimen keeping the soil crop efficiency and increasing the fertilizers usage ratio.

         Different organic substances were studied with this purpose: peat, lignin, saw dust, rice shell, and brown coal. They are organic substances and, naturally, they formed humus like substances in the oil as a result of decomposition in the soil. Manure, peat, brown coals contain in their composition humin acids to some degree, which properties are very close to the soil humus; but they are in the stable tied state with the organic and mineral part of the starting raw materials. 

         Humin acids influence study on the mobility of the nutrition mineral elements, agrochemical, microbiological, biochemical processes, plants’ growth and development manifested the revealing of their physiologically active properties only in the water soluble form – humats.  Some of them may be obtained by influencing of the chemical reagents on the raw materials, such as sodium, kali, ammonium hydroxide.

         The attempts to use the coals and peat as constituent parts of the organo mineral fertilizers, initiated in the 30s of the 20th century were a failure. The negative effect was produced due to the insufficient study of the influence of humin acids nature and activity principle on the plant, adding of great rate of applications. As a result the plant growth and development were inhibited. But some researchers stated the positive efficiency of the minor rates of the humin fertilizers in the initial stages.  So, the researchers were still interested in the problem of humin specimen usage in the agriculture.

         Two research directions were formed as a result of the coal humin specimen efficiency investigation. Some researchers think that humats positively influencing the soil physical-chemical properties provide for the more favourable conditions for the plants’ growth and development; the other suggest that there is a direct effect of the humin acids on the plant itself, when they influence the acid-reduction processes and stimulate them.

         If we keep to the first point of view, we agree, that coal humin specimen action should be in the direct dependence on the rate of applications. But the positive influence of the coal humats minor rates of application on the plants’ growth and development points to the fact that their influence is dependent on the physical activity, which is increased in the process of coal chemical processing by the sodium, kali  and ammonium hydroxides. So, ammonized coals and organo mineral fertilizers, produced by mixing of the ammonized coals and super phosphate, contain from 1, 5 to 10% of active humats, but humats produced by chemical processing of coal by acting the sodium, kali and ammonium hydroxides present the product which is water soluble up to 60-95%, it’s but natural that in this case the humin acids are in the active form.  That is why the 5-20kg / hectare rates of application produce a positive effect.

         Coal humin fertilizers as ammonized coals and humophos / a product of mechanical mixing of coal and super phosphate/ were tested in Uzbekistan for the cotton plants in the area of 3, 5 thousand hectares. The crop addition of 1-2 centner per hectare was obtained when the rate of applications was 0,4-0,5 ton/per hectare. But the quality of these coal humin fertilizers directly depended on the quality of the starting raw materials, where the content of humin acids was fluctuating from 5 to 40% and ash residue from 10 to 40%. So the output of the regular products was impossible. It challenged the investigators – chemists, technologists to search the ways of raw materials processing to produce the regular qualitative product. Umarov T.Zh. , candidate of science (Chemistry) and Pobedonosceva O.I. candidate of science (Chemistry)  developed a technology of producing sodium, kali and ammonium humats from coals; their physiological activity was increased  by 7-10 times in comparison with the sodium, kali and ammonium, contained in the ammonized coal. This provide an opportunity to use them not only as organo-mineral fertilizer /FAGUM/ produced by introduction of humats into the pulp in the phosphorite processing process, but as physiologically active substances and plants growth stimulators as well. It should be mentioned that they are more effective in the minor rates because of their mobility and activity.

         They appeared to be very effective in watering the seeds of different plants; research agricultural institute presented data thet watering the cotton seeds with the ammonium humat solution increased the seeds rising speed in comparison with the control by 10, 4 and 20, 8 %, kali humat solution by 11, 9 and 9, 2 % correspondingly. Before sowing watering of the cotton seeds in the solution of ammonium humat, seed expenditure  - 250g/hectare considerably increased the growth and development of cotto; as a result the 1-2 harvesting was 2, 5 centner/hectare more than on the control, and the additional crop harvest comprised 2, 1  centner/hectare. According to the data of the Central Institute, the vegetable cultures seeds watering for the open ground, watering of the seedlings and out-root nutrition at the expenditure of 1, 25 kg/hectare produced an additional tomatoes crop of 45-70 center/hectare, egg-plant - 30-35 kg/hectare, cabbage at the expenditure of 0, 63 kg/hectare – 80-85 center / hectare, grain at the expenditure of 250 g/hectare – 4 center / hectare, potatoes at the expenditure of 20 kg/hectare in the watering period the crop addition comprised 75 center / hectare. Humat tests on the vegetable cultures in the protected ground also produced positive results.

         The watering of seeds by the humat solution before the sowing in the concentration 0, 001% speeded the seeds growing by 2-3 days, growth and development of the plants considerably increased.  The plant blossoming and fruit bringing was 8-10 days earlier. Tomatoes watering and especially cucumbers watering of the protected ground in the vegetation period provided for the plants’ health, the lower tiers leaves yellowing  was 8-14 days later; as a result at the expense of the powerful activity of the whole leaf apparatus the tomato vegetation period was prolonged by 20 days, and the cucumber – by 30 days. The harvest addition of tomatoes was 2,2 – 2,4 kg and cucumber – 2,0 – 3, 0 kg per cubic meter. Nowadays these unique substances, coal humats,  production technology has been developed, their production is performed from the low calorie, unsuitable for the power purposes coals, and agricultural institutions develop the most effective ways of their exploitation.