UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)




Examining|consider| deviant|  sense of justice as  develop evolutional deviation of some| modern tradition| |, mentally structured|structure-forming| sense of justice, will mark|note|  that its ontology of deter by the many system and structural|structure| factors of both legal reflections  and phenomenon of right, as transcendental the natural phenomenon|phenomen| and development methodology| "universal|" (L.V.Petpova), among which from for some time past select the synergetic of right and sense of justice [1-12].

The synergetic of right and sense of justice probes|explore| the mechanisms of self-organization| or arbitrary origin and  in relation to|in regard to| proof|firm| existence-self-destroyed | macroscopically well-organized|rankorder| those or other legal and non-rights| structures of both right - static|tiedown| non-procession| sense of justice and sense of justice - dynamic judicial right. At the terms of crisis life (ontology) of sense of justice, which|what| is|appear| deviantal| in legal time which initially chaotically basic| on a background destructive|degradative| sociallegal reality, the axiology| function of Ukrainian deviantal| legal consciousness|intelligent| has the proper resonance equivalents in functions synergistically orientated in the spatial relation|referring| of deviantal postsoviet| | legal environment|Wed|.


1. Dmitrienko| Y|.N. Problems| of legal| consciousness| in| modern| of Ukrainian| of society|.  – ¹| 4 (4) 2007.  – Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio||», 2007– P. 51-57

2. Dmitrienko| Y|.N. Psychological| – pedagogical| factors| of| development| in Ukrainian| of legal|  consciousness| of| teenagers|. - ¹| 4 (4) 2007.  - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of « Science and studio |», 2007. – P. 57-65

3. Dmitrienko| Y|.N. To| of question| about| sources| of| features| |in Ukrainian| of sense| of| justice|. - | ¹| 3 (3) 2007.  - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio |», 2007. – P. 83-90

4 Dmitrienko| Y|.N. Features| of| forming| of| legal| consciousness| in Ukrainian| student| young| people|. -¹| |3 (3) 2007.  - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio |», 2007. – P.91-103

5. Ermilova E.V. lyric Poetry of «Lyholittya|» (The end of XIX century|end-point||century|) of // Of Kozhinov V. Book about a lyrical poetry 19 century.  Development of style and genre.-K: Right, 2008. - P. 218-219

6. Govorov K. Modern poets|. Critic notes |. -  Spb., 1889. – P. 3-5

7. Krasnov P.N. Poetic of mind| // Book|psalterium|s «Weeks» - 1897. -  N 10. -  P. 181

8.  Krasnov P.N. Melancholy for to the people //Books  «Weeks».- 1897.- N  12.- P. 155

9. Dmitrienko| Y|.N. Positive| of jurisprudence|: forming| of| spirituality| in| Ukrainian|  legal| consciousness|. - | ¹| 3 (8) 2008. Pedagogic science| |. Philosophy science |. Right|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio |», 2008. – P. 42-54

10. Dmitrienko| Y|.N. Transformation| of| valued-semantic| |of Ukrainian| legal| consciousness|. -¹|  |3 (8) 2008. Pedagogic science| |. Philosophy science| |. Right|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of « Science and studio |», 2008. – P. 94-107

11. Dmitrienko| Y|.N. Problem| of| legal| reform| in| Ukraine| in| aspect| of| legal| consciousness|. - ¹| | 2 (7) 2008. Economic science|. Right.||  |. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio |», 2008. – P. 83-96

12. Dmitrienko| Y|.N. From| Members and lawfulness ||: the| languid| creation| of| legal| consciousness| in| Ukraine|. - ¹|| 2 (7) 2008. Economic science|. Right.|| - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio |», 2008. – P. 97-102