Технические науки/9. Авиация и космонавтика

Nickolay Zosimovich, Ph. D. in Aerospace Engineering

 National Aviation University (Kiev, Ukraine )


Designing of returning system the small length UAV


Introduction. Definition of concrete characteristics inexpensive the small length unmanned air vehicle (SLUAV) for operative study the natural resources and ecological of environmental monitoring, which can make horizontal flight both above water, and above a terrestrial surface, is the purpose of the given work. The choice of height essentially depends on features of a relief of a terrestrial surface and maneuverable properties the unmanned air vehicle (UAV). In this connection it is necessary to estimate opportunities of performance by maneuver it to change a height of flight at occurrence by an obstacle. Results of these calculations serve as the initial data for designing a control system of UAV.

1. Choice of parachute system domes characteristics of the small length unmanned air vehicle for operative study the natural resources and ecological of environmental monitoring.  By variety of the boundary conditions task for a site of braking the SLUAV in cases, when are possible or  or  that specifies for absence to the design decision with use of parachute system (PS) with the constant area of a dome In this case it is applied two-level PS when for the second step there are corresponds the area calculated under the formula (8.24) [1]:  and the first step represents strapped ring cord, the basic dome which is characterized by some factor  subject to additional definition. Its optimum value  can be received by analogy to the previous formula  and as  where


Let's determine the minimal time delay  as also other important characteristic on introduction in action of the basic dome [1]. From a condition of equality of axial aerodynamic loadings at introduction the first step and the basic dome as

let's find allowable speed of SLUAV at the moment of disclosing the basic dome:

For a finding we shall consider a case of braking, when и

Having integrated the corresponding equation of movement

in limits  и  let's receive

For definition of a real time delay on procedure of division of a dome guaranteeing normal functioning of a parachute, it is necessary to take into account the sum of errors of time of operation of PS separate devices:

where these errors  and their number are defined by design PS and we are considered known [2].

The parameters chosen according to a resulted technique of SLUAV for operative study the natural resources and ecological of environmental monitoring a  normal functioning of a parachute at maintenance of a landing set speed  in all possible range of a landing corners  [4-5].

2. Definition of introduction time in action of parachute system depending on entry conditions of application the small length unmanned air vehicle for operative study the natural resources and ecological of environmental monitoring The given problem will consist in definition of dependence  in case of start SLUAV from a launcher and dependences  in case of dump SLUAV from the airplane at satisfaction criteria to conditions [1], we have the following kind in case of dump SLUAV from the airplane by satisfaction criteria conditions and then we have the following kind  and

Let's enter the following assumptions:

1.      Let's accept, that dependence  can be always shown to next dependence при вычислении кинематических параметров в вершине траектории at calculation of kinematics parameters in top of a SLUAV trajectory.

2.      Let's accept apriori, that time  practically does not depend from  at the task of concrete height

Hence, the problem is reduced to optimization of dependence  at value providing some stock from the point of view of braking SLUAV up to preset values of speed of a landing.

The essence of a task in view demands the statistical approach to its decision. Really, one of used criteria (7.13) [1] is circular dispersion of coordinates of a point of a landing. It in turn, is connected to influence on SLUAV of some revolting factors, and also with technological errors of the equipment and onboard devices [5]. Это и предопределяет необходимость статистического подхода к задаче оптимизации зависимости It also predetermines necessity of the statistical approach to a task of dependence optimization  However at definition  it is possible does not use a statistical method, being based on the contradiction and mutually exclusive character criteria conditions in [1].

And really, the precondition for guaranteed performance of a condition  the earliest introduction in action PS on a trajectory is used. However at small  reduction time in the device for a parachute essentially increases. It is directly connected to increase in dispersion of coordinates of a landing point that contradicts physical sense of a condition  On the other hand, at increase  decreases  due to small time of movement SLUAV in a mode of pancaking. Speed of a device landing thus sharply grows. The limiting case here corresponds to movement SLUAV without PS when  however speed of a landing accepts inadmissible according to a condition  (Fig. 1).

The reasons stated above are based creations of the elementary way of reception of the dependence [64] interesting us having a characteristic kind. The ordinate of a point  corresponds to minimally probable speed of a landing when disclosing PS is made in an index point of a trajectory  The ordinate of a point  meets to the greatest possible speed of a landing at  where time of flight SLUAV up to a point of a landing without use of a parachute.

Let's execute further the following geometrical construction. In points  also  we shall construct tangents to a curve  which will be crossed in some point Let's lead a bisector of the formed corner  which it will be crossed from a curve  in some point  

In process of removal from a point of  to the right  are small changes  there will meet more and more increasing speeds  that creates negative preconditions for performance of a condition  At distance from a point  to the left  to small changes of speed  there will correspond more and more increasing changes that leads to increase in time of pancaking and consequently, creates preconditions to default of a condition  The point is on sufficient distance from corresponding extreme values  and besides , in a vicinity of a point smooth mutual change of sizes  is observed and  The carried out analysis allows to count the value  found in such way close to optimum. Comparison are results of definition the dependence on the basis of decision a statistical problem with the offered simplified way, has shown their high degree of convergence. All this allows avoiding necessity of a statement a statistical method of optimization and offering the given simplified way of definition as the basic.


Fig. 1. The way of definition the optimum moment time of disclosing PS for SLUAV


The conclusion. With the purpose of definition the concrete characteristics the analysis of maneuvers was a design of returning system executed of SLUAV for operative study natural resources and ecological of environmental monitoring.


The literature

1.       Грумондз В.Т., Яковлев Г.А. Алгоритмы аэрогидробаллистического проектирования. – М.: Изд-во МАИ, 1994. – 304 с.: ил.

2.       Генерозов В.Л., Муравьев Ю.В. Метод наземных стендовых испытаний по вытягиванию парашюта. http://www.mai.ru/       

3.       Святодух В.К. Динамика пространственного движения управляемых ракет. – М.: Машиностроение, 1989. – 270 с.

4.        Малкин И.Г. Теория устойчивости движения. – М.: Наука, 1966. – 530 с.    

5.        Яковлев Г.А. Об определении граничных значений траекторных параметров на участке торможения летательного аппарата.// Труды МАИ, 1977. Вып. 424, с. 38-44.   













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Зосимович Николай Владимирович

Национальный авиационный университет, Киев

+8 050 170 8017;

+80412 41 2049


Получатель Зосимович Н.В.

Ул. Схидна, 66, кв. 9, г. Житомир, Украина, 10012


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Кол-во необходимых сборников

Designing of returning system the small length UAV

Технические науки

Авиация и космонавтика
