Экономические науки/4. Инвестиционная деятельность и фондовые рынки

Zmiienko M.A.

National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine



The main goal of any investment activity is to obtain benefits, and this "benefit" can be embodied both in the material form, and in non-material. This is primarily explained by the nature of investment, because this category can be defined as long-term capital investments in any facilities, social and economic programs, projects in own country or abroad in order to generate income and social effect [1]. Thus it becomes clear that investment pursues not only exclusively economic goals, but also may have consequences in the form of positive social effects.

Investment activity of the enterprise is often identified with concept of investment process that is not correct, because the essence of these categories is different. So, there is an opinion that investment process is necessary for considering as sequence of change of a condition of the capital as a result of investments, and investment activities as activity on working out and implementation of investment decisions, directed on restoration, preservation and a capital increase in value [2, p. 16].

Investment activity of any company should be built on certain principles, namely:

System principle. It is shown through the necessity of the consideration of what results the investment process will render on social and economic system as a whole, and also what internal and external effects will follow after carrying out of the given investment activity.

The principle of comprehensiveness. It is shown through the necessity or a comprehensive analysis of the initial data of the investment process, and also reflected in the assessment of the expected efficiency of various options of investment activity.

Validity principle. It is shown through necessity of: a detailed justification of the use of one or other investment resources, internal and external factors of influence on the given investment environment; the formation of estimations and conclusions, «based on full references, and also trustworthy information with an acceptable level of accuracy and potential fluctuations [3, p.40].

Adaptation principle. It is shown through necessity of the organization and functioning of investment activity so that the system could adapt to influencing factors, without considerable losses both in time, and in additional resource maintenance.

Investments that are used by enterprises can be exist in two forms: real and financial investments. Real investment, as economic category can be defined as investment in fixed and current assets, for the purpose of creation new and/or restoration of the existing capital [4]. Financial investments are realized through the investment of assets in financial instruments, the main of which are securities, etc.

Investment activity can be realized for achievement of the purposes of two basic types: formal and real. In this case, the real objectives are formed proceeding from results of achievement of the formal purposes. Formal purposes of investment activity of the enterprise can be: to achieve increased profits (income), to increase the scales of manufacture, to solve the social and environmental problems, and others [5, p. 36]. In turn, the real purposes are the concrete indicators, the achievement of which is the purpose of investment activities of the given enterprise.

As a whole investment activity should be realized according to investment strategy of the enterprise, development and implementation of which it is expedient to conduct in a certain sequence of stages [6, p. 225-229], namely:

− definition of strategic targets of the enterprise;

− gathering and information processing about the factors, which influence on realization of objects in view;

development of alternative investment options;

development and analysis of various investment strategies of the enterprise;

− definition of the most effective strategy of investment of the enterprise;

implementation of resource maintenance, for the performance of the chosen strategy;

− control and regulation of the implementation of investment strategies of the enterprise;

− an estimation of efficiency and productivity of implementation of the chosen investment strategy of the enterprise.

Thus, the investment activities of enterprises can be defined as work on the development and implementation of investment decisions directed on restoration, preservation and a capital increase in value. Processes of formation and realization of investment activity should occur in conformity to a systems, adaptation, validity principles, the principle of comprehensiveness and others, and also to function in indissoluble communication with investment strategy of the enterprise.

Investment activity of the enterprise is an integral part of its industrial and economic activity and investment level directly influences affects the competitiveness and efficiency of the given enterprise.


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2.   Підхомний О.М. Управління інвестиційними процесами на фінансових ринках: навч. посібник / О.М. Підхомний. – К.: Кондор, 2003. – 184 с.

3.   Альгин В.О. О принципах подготовки проектной документации и оценки инвестиционных проектов / О.В. Альгин // Инвестиции в России. – 2003. - № 11. – с. 39-40.

4.   Змиенко М.О. Реальные инвестиции предприятия // НАУ // 2010 / №4 – Электронное издание

5.   Ковалев В.В. Инвестиции / В.В. Ковалев, В.В. Иванов, В.А. Лялина. – М.: ООО “ТК Велби”, 2003. – 440 с.

6.   Паук О.Є. Стратегії інвестування промислових підприємств / Науковий вісник НЛТУ Україні. – 2010. – Вип. 20.12. – 348с.