Educational Sciences


Tulebayev K.A., Bekmagambetova Z.D., Toguzbayeva K.K., Karakushikova A.S., Dzhumasheva R.T., Kaynarbaeva M.S., Madigulov A.R., Niyazbekova L.S., Seyduanova L.B., Saylybekova A.K., Nurshabekova A.B.

Kazakh National Medical University (KazNMU) named after S.D. Asfendiyarov

Course of Occupational Health, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Abstract. Today in the pedagogical process of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is increasingly introducing new forms and methods of teaching students [1, 2]. Together with them, noticeably changing the role and tasks of teaching: improving the way it interacts with the students. One of the most effective forms of teaching at the Medical University is a "business game".

Keywords: forms and methods of education, business game.

I. Introduction. New forms of teaching more vivid during the "business games". Here the teacher acts as an organizer of educational activities of students by implementing an active type of cooperation, dialogue and equal partnership relations in the creative learning process. Learning "business game" in medical schools have dramatically different from that of traditional education - learning systematic knowledge on certain subjects. Therefore, from members of the department requires an excellent knowledge of the subject, the proper level of mastery, psychological and pedagogical expertise, high level of general culture.

It is important to understand that the medical university teacher is a carrier of moral norms physician ethics of the medical profession, the bearer of national culture. Therefore, the teacher must understand the subtle issues of interpersonal interaction the participants of the business game, psychological actions and decisions. The fact that this form of training is actively shaped the future of universal personal qualities of a specialist doctor and humanity of the medical profession, mutual respect and attention. On the other hand, the future medical profession requires a graduate of Medical University of the implementation of decisive action against violations of the law, rules and regulations. Consequently, in the "business game" should be carried out not only professional but also psychological, spiritual and moral training of students.

II. Formulation of the problem. The main task of the teacher in implementing the educational process "business game" is to develop technology for classes using this form of learning. It is understood from the fact that the principal feature and the main element of the content of this session is to self-employment students. The teacher's role - to help build a strategy for "business game", to help each participant to play to realize their interests and capabilities.

III. Results. Teaching experience shows that conducting "business games" more rational to hold on senior medical universities (institutions) and at the same time to develop a methodology of "gaming" may rely on two strategies:

- Conducting "business game" at an advanced level. Here, the teacher-practitioner required preliminary work: cooperation with related departments, the study protocols, harmonization of work training programs, preparation of teaching and research assignments with an increased level of complexity;

- Conducting "business game" at a basic level. The lesson students are the players themselves take the role, but the overall decisions are made in close consultation of the teacher.

The introduction of gaming in the department involves the development of new teaching materials for teachers and students, design technology which should be based on the principles of focus, system, integration, mobility, which can provide divergent blocks for each level of business games, which expands the conditions and opportunities for effective implementation of the knowledge and abilities of students.

Today, technological approach to the "business games" at the Department of Occupational Health is on the stage of active formation and appears to be very promising in the training of future bachelor's degree in public health. " In terms of didactics and teaching tactics of "gaming" the most appropriate in the classroom for a variety of topics related to the study of harmful and dangerous factors of industrial environment in the industry. For example, in the study of industrial aerosols in the working area, levels of industrial noise and vibration. However, guarantee the achievement of results is possible with proper goal setting for each game. It is impossible to aspire to design roles and their tasks without formulating a clear objective on specific topics "business game".

So, on a practical lesson on the topic "Methods of identifying and evaluating the results, identifying the relationship between aerosols and health workers. Prevention of occupational diseases "tend to be a certain number of participants in the game (head of the company, the employee, an engineer, a specialist in occupational health, physician medical office, a union representative) with a variety of different tasks and administrative powers. The topic of this lesson and therefore "business game", bear a heavy load of social order. Therefore, the statement of purpose "business game" should be focused on public interests, to develop effective measures to protect the working environment and guaranteed the implementation of practical recommendations to ensure the health of the working contingent. Consequently, it is setting a goal and actual examples of the activities of health services, administration and trade union of workers of industrial enterprises have become the backbone component of the business game.

IV. Conclusions. Thus, the "business game" in the educational process at the Department of Public Health in the study of student discipline, "occupational health" is one of the most promising forms of effective teaching and learning of systematic theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary skill in their future professional work.



1. Rogova S.I., Bodenova T.G. Новый подход к проведению тематических занятий // Совершенствование медицинского образования – гарантия эффективного здравоохранения. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции (Караганда, 21-22 октября 2010 г.). – Караганда, 2010. - С.113-114.

2. Verbitsky A.A. Активное обучение в высшей школе: контекстный подход. – М: Высшая школа, 1991. – 103 с.


1. Bekmagambetova Zhamilya Dzhataevna - MD, PhD, PhD, Prof.

2. Toguzbayev Karlygash Kabdeshevna - MD, PhD, PhD, Prof., Head of the Department of Occupational Hygiene

3. Lukashev Anatoly Alekseevich - MD, PhD, PhD, Prof.


Mailing address: Kazakhstan, 050099 Almaty, Furmanova st. 247, Apt. 24, Z.D. Bekmagambetova. Tel. 87013399322, email: