ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ / 3.Отраслевое машиностроение

Merezhany Yury

National technical university of Ukraine
«Kyiv polytechnical institute», Kyiv, Ukraine



Precision mechanisms and systems are widely used in many areas of mechanical engineering and instrument making. Constant increase of requirements to technical and operational characteristics of products of mechanical engineering and instrument making demands high accuracy and stability of parameters of precision mechanisms and systems. In most cases the reason of refusals of precision mechanisms is high intensity of wear process of surfaces of details, jamming in pairs friction, etc.

Value parameters of a microclimate, such as the dust content, temperature and humidity of air, essentially influence to accuracy and reliability of precision mechanisms, and accordingly on a resource of work of the whole device.

For increase of reliability and accuracy of precision gyroscopic devices there is a type of industrial rooms in which it is possible to provide parameters of a microclimate according to requirements of concrete technological process. Such rooms carry the name "cleanrooms". According to the standard ІSO 14644-1, developed by the International Organization of Standardization (ІSO), the cleanroom is a room in which accounting concentration of aerosol particles is supervised and which is constructed and the temperature, humidity and pressure is used so that to reduce to a minimum of receipt, generation and accumulation of particles in the middle of a room and in which other parameters, if necessary, are supervised, for example.

Modern lines in precision instrument making of systems of orientation and navigation demand the new approach to the organization of technological process of assembly, namely – creation of the automated monitoring systems and adjustment of parameters of a microclimate of industrial rooms.

For example, practice of operation of gyroscopic devices shows, that the most important reason influencing accuracy of the device, the condition of ball-bearing support of a rotor is. The resource of gyromotors work is determined by durability and reliability of work of ball bearings of the main support, and it, in turn determines a resource of work of all device. Infringements in work of the main support of a rotor essentially influences displacement of the center of gyromotors weights, increases dynamic not balance and vibration of a rotor, capacity which increases gyromotors consumes. The errors allowed at assembly and adjustment of ball-bearing support of a rotor, considerably reduce a resource of the gyroscopic device, and parameters of a microclimate, at their assembly and adjustment, play an essential role.

Particles of dust, got in ball-bearings, considerably, or even it is sharp, worsen their work. It is the result of intensive deterioration of elements of the bearing, and also increase in the moments of friction in working parts.

Fluctuations of temperature at assembly and adjustment of ball-bearing support of a rotor influence the linear sizes of elements of the mechanism, rigidity of separate elements of a design. At change of temperature separate details of designs of mechanisms because of non-uniform internal pressure can be deformed. At low temperatures there is a reduction of backlashes in joints and increase of viscosity of greasing, that also considerably raises the moments of friction and can lead to jamming of the mechanism.

High humidity of air, and especially condensation of a moisture, accelerate corrosion of details, especially steel. Besides the increased humidity assists occurrence on separate details of the precision mechanism of various kinds of a mould and fungoid vegetation that worsens quality of adjustment at assembly.

Use of the automated monitoring systems of parameters of a microclimate will raise reliability, a resource, and operational characteristics of products of precision instrument making.


Keywords: microclimate, precision assembly, maintenance of quality



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