
Ulyanov V.O.

Odessa State Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine

Age features of the thiol-disulfide system of the myometrium in posterity of the irradiated rats

Pathology of contractive function of uterus is one of main problems of obstetrics. It is the principal reason of maternal and perinatal morbidity and death rate. The mechanisms of pathology of contractive function of uterus caused by the small doses of radiation are not enough studied. It was founded that the components of the thiol-disulfide system take part in providing contractive activity of uterus. There are some works devoted the changes of the thiol-disulfide system of myometrium at the action of small doses of radiation. Works are devoted the changes of the thiol-disulfide system in ontogenesis of descendants of the radiation-exposed animals not discovered by us. This subject has not been fully researched before.

Purpose. To research the state of the thiol-disulfide system of the myometrium on the different stages of ontogenesis of animals, got from the radiation-exposed predecessors.

The contractive activity of uterus was researched in adult experimental rats of  the laboratory line of Vistar. Mature males and females of rats were irradiated in  total dose 1,0 Gy. After completion of the irradiations the rats were coupled and got posterity of first generation. State of the thiol-disulfide system of the myometrium was probed in females, got from the radiation-exposed rats, in 14, 30, 45, 60 and 90th time of their life.

Sulfhydril and disulfide groups were discovered by the Barrnett and Seligman's method. For the quantitative estimation of contents of sulfhydril and disulfide groups, by the light microscope of "Carl Zeiss Axiostar plus" and digital video camera got the electronic image of the probed micro slides. The integral absorbancy of the painted components was determined with help of software „VideoTesT”.

It was established, that the thiol-disulfide correlation in intact females on the different stages of the sexual development was without changes. The contents of sulfhydril and disulfide groups in the myometrium on the different terms of supervision changed.

In the myometrium of 14-daily rats at the moment of completion of postnatal period, was high contents of sulfhydril and disulfide groups. In 30 time of life the contents of sulfhydril groups diminished comparatively with the previous term of supervision on 10,5 %. It is the sign of their intensive using at the beginning of the sexual development of the laboratory rats. But stability in the thiol-disulfide system was not violated. The statistically reliable changes of correlation between sulfhydril groups and disulfide groups were absence.  The contents of sulfhydril groups in the myometrium of 45-daily females on the peak of the sexual development increased comparatively with the previous term of supervision on 10,2 %. Thus contents of disulfide groups and their correlation to sulfhydril did not change.

The contents of sulfhydril groups diminished on 27,6%, disulfide - on 26,4% after achieving puberty. Their correlation was saved at the level of 45-daily rats. The variations of contents of sulfhydril groups on the different stages of the sexual development represent their active role in the sexual development and changing of myometrium.

For females, got from the radiation-exposed rats, were typical quantitative differences of contents of thiol groups in the myometrium and some other their age-old dynamics. In a period from 14th for 30th time of life found out diminishing of contents of sulfhydril groups on 31,1%. From 30th for 45th their contents grew on 20,4% and finally to the 90th days fell on 35,4%. Such changes are the sign of instability of the thiol-disulfide system of the myometrium in descendants of the radiation-exposed rats. It was established the decreasing of contents of disulfide groups specifies on 30th time of life on 19,2%, comparatively with 14th day of the supervision. Diminishing of contents of disulfide groups and sulfhydril is the sign of denaturation changes of proteins molecules. The thiol-disulfide correlation of the myometrium during of all stages of ontogenesis in descendants of the radiation-exposed rats was decreased comparatively with intact rats.

Thus all of the stages of the sexual development in descendants of the radiation-exposed rats were on the background of dysbalance in the thiol-disulfide system. It can damage the myometrium structure and its functional properties. Changes in the thiol-disulfide system can cause the disorders of contractive activity of uterus.

Conclusion. The irradiation of males and females of rats before a couple causes changes in the thiol-disulfide system of their descendants of first generation on all stages of the sexual development.