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Breydo I.V., Makarenko N.V.

Karaganda State Technical University, the Republic of Kazakhstan



Power supplying a thyristor drive of a number of mining machines is done from independent and dependent sources having the power comparable with an electric motor power. For such conditions a considerable (up to 40%)  change of a.c. voltage amplitude in the mains is characteristic which  results in the deformation of static and dynamic characteristics of the electric drive, as well as in pseudoswitchings-off connected with the breakdown of the thyristor  converter operation.

The carried out investigations of a d.c. thyristor drive closed in speed and current, when power-supplied from a comparable power source, have shown that in addition self-excited oscillation processes can occur [1]. With  the aim of estimating the influence of active and reactive components of a power source and non-linearities of a controlled rectifier on the dynamic electric-drive characteristics investigations of the above mentioned type of an electric drive have been fulfilled using simulating facilities. Simulating experiments were carried out on a standard electric drive the power part of which consists of a completely controlled three-phase  rectifier, a compensated d.c. motor of separate excitation of  4PF132S type. The electric drive control is done by a single-circuit controlling system having a proportional speed controller (SC). From the results of simulating experiments it follows  that at the regimes of starting the electric drive and at changing its load  a non-sanctioned closing of thyristors due to the excess of the armature e.m.f. values (EH), caused by the voltage drop in the mains (E2), over the rectified one results in a break of the electric circuit. Besides the current sensor signal coming into the controlling system is equal to zero and the thyristors are closed. It results in the sharp increase of the speed-controller output signal. At the next moment when the voltage drop in the armature circuit is absent since the  circuit is broken, the voltage of the mains E2 starts to exceed EH, the thyristors are opened if a control action exists and as the SC output voltage is very high it results in the increase of the armature e.m.f. and the excess of its value over the rectified one of the mains voltage. The latter again causes a non-sanctioned thyristors closing. The system comes into a self-exciting oscillation regime. A simplified model of the electric drive power part is given in Fig.1.

Fig.1. Equivalent circuit of electric drive power part


In the equivalent circuit EAB - is an e.m.f. source, LAB - is an equivalent inductance, S1 - is a key  the control of which is fulfilled  taking into account the conditions and the phase control system operation. Proceed from the thyristors commutation conditions the key S1simulating them (Fig.1) is closed  when the instantaneous value of the motor armature e.m.f. and the voltage drop in its circuit EH is less than the instantaneous e.m.f. value in the input of the controlled rectifier E2. Thus the commutation conditions of the key S1 are described by the following relations:

Å2  <  ÅÍ - the key S1 is broken;                                                 (1)

Å2  > ÅÍ - the key S1 is closed.

Consider a single-circuit system of speed controlling when the key is closed, i.e. Å2  > ÅÍ, then:   


where ; ; =ÅÀÂ/ÅAN; =ÅA/ ÅAN; =i/iN; rSS=RSÀÂiN/ÅAN - is the relative resistance of the supply source; ; ; ; ; ; ; ÅAN=ÑÔNwN, ÔN, wN, ÅN, iN - are nominal values of the armature e.m.f., the  magnetic flux, the angular velocity, the voltage and the motor armature current respectively; C - is a constructive motor constant;  - is a total magnetic flux of the poles ;    - is an angular motor velocity; MR - is a moment of resistance of the motor; MN - is a nominal value of the motor electric and  magnetic moment; J - is a moment of inertia driven to the motor shaft; ; ; ÊSC, ÊÒC - are the coefficients of the speed controller and the thyristor converter.

At ;  MR=0, ÒSS=0, (2) takes on the form:


where K1 =  ÊSC/ ÊÒC - is  a coefficient of the  speed control system.

The system stability condition can be derived from solving the following inequality:


where Ê2=ÒÌρA - is  a constructive coefficient of the motor; ÊSS=ρSS/ρA  - is a coefficient of the supply source.

According to Gurvits number the system is stable at:

>0,                                                   (4)

For standard adjustments of a single-circuit speed control system having a P-controller condition (4) is impracticable. Increasing the stability region can be obtained by reducing the speed gain  (KSC≈0).

The stability condition for an open single-circuit system of the speed control can be obtained by solving the following inequality:

 >0                                        (5)

where Ê3=;Ê4=.

The system is stable at: Ê4-1 <0, i.e. 0 <  < 1.

In the case of the excess of the voltage drop in the mains over the armature e.m.f. the open system is unstable.

List of Publications Used

1. Breydo I.V., Makarenko N.V. Problem of D.C. Thyristor Electric Drive Stability at Power  Supply from Comparable Power Source. Modern Power Engineering, Telecommunication and Higher Education: Publications of the 4th International Scientific-Technical  Conference (September, 23-24, 2004). Almaty, 2004. s.287-290.