Amanzhayev D. G.
Institute of Management and Finance at
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University,
 graduate student of "Finance and Credit"  


Principles of Mortgage Lending


Mortgage loan - this is the same bank (credit) mortgage, you need to consider more money for the relationship, not about real estate. This residential mortgage - a mortgage loan issued for the purposes of purchase, construction or upgrade (repair) of residential real estate destination. Relations in mortgage lending based on the principles that share the general characteristic of all forms of loan (maturity, return, payment, security, purpose), and special inherent in the mortgage loan as a special category (Fig. 1).

The special principles mortgage O. Lavrushyn include the following [2, p. 45]:

- provision of credit secured by real estate;

- determination of the loan as part of the value of mortgaged real estate;

- saving of borrower ownership and use of mortgaged real estate;

- insurance risk mortgage lending.

Thus, the general and special principles are the people – fundamental mortgage features, regarded as its essential features, since in the absence of at least one of them a mortgage loan as a separate economic category ceases to exist.

Specific mortgage credit relations creates certain advantages secured by the real estate lending  are both borrower and lender for. The main advantage of mortgage for borrowers is a growth investment opportunities by converting real estate on operating capital, functioning of the mortgaged property for its intended purpose, stability in nominal terms throughout the period of the loan, reducing the amount of monthly, quarterly, annual payment through long-term mortgage credit.

For lender mortgages are attractive because of stable income, relatively low risk for loans secured by real estate, providing a stable customer base and long-term cooperation. Given the economic importance of mortgage O. Evtukh offers complete classification principles mortgage principle of sociality and yield [1, p. 51].

Fig. 1. The principles of mortgage lending [48, p. 20]


Mortgage loans sold during the agreement on a mortgage loan subject to the requirements established by law. Creditor to contract for a mortgage loan shall disclose the basic economic and legal requirements for a loan.

So, analysis of scientific literature on the definitions the term "mortgage" allows us to give a modern definition of "mortgage" as an economic and legal institution [3, c. p. 14]. Mortgage can be defined as both of connected to each other category. First, a monetary obligation secured by collateral real estate, land, certain items of movable property, property rights, issuing mortgage securities and other mortgage debt. Second, this collateral. Thirdly, a mortgage loan.


List of sources:

1.      Євтух О. Житлова іпотека: фінансово-економічний аспект // Вісник НБУ. – 2000. – №4. – с. 51-52.

2.      Лаврушин О. И. Банковское дело: современная система кредитования : учеб. пособие для студ., обуч. по спец. "Финансы и кредит" / О. И. Лаврушин [и др.] ; Финансовая академия при Правительстве Российской Федерации. - М. : Кнорус, 2007. - 260 с.

3.      Susan Hudson-Wilson. Modern real estate portfolio management. – NY: Frank J. Fabozzi Associates New Hope, Pensylvania, 2000, 239 p.