Pashkevich M., Tertychko T.

State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University»

Post-mining. Regional and company aspect.


Mineral deposits are undoubtedly a benefit to the economy of any country. In the territories where the deposits are situated mining enterprises are usually being built, thus generating the gross domestic product. But time passes and each country with a developed mining industry inevitably faces with the need to restructure the industry by closing economically unprofitable mines. Closing of each mine is a kind of regional "stress" that contributes to the formation and development of local social and economic depression. The complex of economically incentive, socially alleviating and ecologically regenerative measures in the regions with the broken balance of sustainable development caused by the mining operations is called Post-mining. A characteristic feature of post-mining according to the Western model is integrated solution of economic, social and environmental problems of the depressed regions using the innovative technologies and taking into account an optimal balance of the interests of private investors, society and the state. [1-3]. At the same time not only current local problems are being solved but also timely response to the global threats of near future is provided. These threats, in particular, include lack of energy, high-quality food, clean drinking water and mineral resources.

As of 2011 there are 113 public and 28 private coal companies in the country [4, 5]. And each such enterprise, as a rule, forms a company town. These are huge areas that require recovery of ecosystem, employment and ensuring the appropriate standards of living by the creation of enterprises of other economic orientation. Existing problems will only get worse with any changes in the current economic and legal structure in the industry.

Meanwhile the existing engineering technologies offer opportunities for mine operation as a profitable autonomous power generation system [4,7-10], based on the remaining reserves of coal, the use of alternative sources of geothermal, solar and wind energy. This will allow establishing a cost-effective enterprise of another economic orientation on the basis of the old mine; the GIS-technologies and technologies in environmental protection sphere will allow constant monitoring of technological and biological condition of the territory thus ensuring a prompt response to any deviation from the strategic direction of its rehabilitation. Thus the economic and legal concepts of the coal industry restructuring and stimulation the development of depressed regions might be changed. Technology that allows bringing the mine at the level of profitability involves underground, ground and air space area around the mining enterprise. The implementation of each technology is a separate business plan with a certain amount of necessary investments, payback period and the level of profitability

As it follows from the above post-mining is an integrated technological system of usage of the additional features of a mine and the territory as a whole. For the effective management of all physical and biological processes in such geotechnical system and maintenance of its stability the GIS technology of space monitoring should be used. The complex of received data "surface-to-air" will allow to prevent negative effects and to obtain information about the possibilities of usage the resources of the territory.

Special place in the solution of post-mining problems is taken by the technologies of human health and environment protection. Together with the above mentioned engineering technologies and with the necessary economic and legal mechanisms they will bring into the development of depressed areas the important element of stability that is usually mentioned when referring to sustainable development, namely, the system's ability to consume the biological, physical and human resources at a slower pace than the rate their recovery.

Pollution of air, water and soil by the harmful chemicals happens mostly due to the constant burning of waste dumps, disposal of wastes with the technologically-enhanced radioactivity. Hectares of territories being under the mining operations require revegetation and landscaping. The sanitary and epidemiological situation is complicated by the problems of impoundment of towns by the mine water, destroyed pipelines, engineer networks and other communications; thus there are threats of industrial accidents. Experts estimate that the in the Donetsk region water of closed mines can increase the effect of seismic vibrations in the two-fold [16]. Methane that penetrates to the surface accumulates in the basements of houses thus threatening to the lives of local people. [15].

A range of methods for monitoring the level of health that allow tracking the processes in the human body at the cellular level will help to solve the described problems. These are the technologies of air purification from dust, water – from heavy materials, soil – from salinity. This technology of the separation of household waste and extraction of useful metal components to produce secondary raw material, which is a project related to the chemical complex.

The most threatening consequence of accumulated unresolved social problems of the depressed coal-mining regions is the actual destruction of valuable human capital: the loss of workers and specialists of mining professions, appearance of the atmosphere of moral concern of miners and their families. Due to the mass closure of mines in 1996 Ukrainian labor market has been filled up by 35 thousands of the unemployed miners, each of whom having the family left without means of means for living [4]. There is a resonant question of employment of redundant workers and specialists that entails the problem of mass migration of people and retraining.  Solution of these problems is a consequence of economic growth of the area. Industrial complexes on the basis of closed mines will allow saving jobs and giving a spur to the development of entrepreneurship, increasing the interest of young people to stay in their native city, establishing a social infrastructure.

Complex of post-mining technologies, aimed at solving of technical problems, inseparably linked with a number of organizational, legal, social and environmental problems. However, as previously noted, the existing programs of restructuring the coal industry, such integration is not considered. Legal mechanisms of privatization of mines require improvements. In our opinion, together with the need to attract private investment into the sector, the privatization of Ukrainian mines only partially relieve the financial burden on the budget supporting the depressed coal-mining regions and will not resolve the question of their further development [5, 6]. 

The problem of the further operation of the depressed areas with a finished development of mineral recourses could be resolved most effectively by rational combination of state interests, investors, developers of innovative technologies and the institutions of regional authorities. The set of innovative technologies brought to the level of business plans must be integrated into a comprehensive investment and innovation projects of an open-end type - Post-mining.


1. Пивняк Г.Г., Гуменик И.Л., К. Дребенштедт, Панасенко А.И. Научные основы рационального природопользования при открытой разработке месторождений. – Д.: НГУ, 2011. – 568 с.

2. Комащенко В.И., Голик В.И., Дребенштедт К. Влияние деятельности геологоразведочной и горнодобывающей промышленности на окружающую среду: монография. – М.: КДУ, 2010. – 356 с.

3. Моисеенков В.А. Оценка и характер работы по реализации программы закрытия особо убыточных шахт и разрезов// Уголь.- 2009.-№3.- с.7-11.

4. Пояснительная записка к Закону Украины «О внесение изменений в Закон Украины «О стимулировании развития регионов» по поводу расширения групп территорий, которые признаються депрессивными, и придания им такого статуса» от 21.04.2011 № 3275-VI // [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа :

5. Украина готовит приватизацию угольных шахт // [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : /shahty_priv

6. Шахтерские города получат фиансовую поддержку // [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа :