Teaching Sciences / 2.Problemy training specialists

M.E. Vasilenko

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Sumy branch), Ukraine

Description of content evaluation criteria of future lawyers for legal advice


One of the most urgent problems of legal education is to prepare students for consulting activities, which requires constant of the functional responsibilities of many legal professions. Performance and quality of its advisory role to a large extent depend on the timely diagnosis of the results of educational work with future lawyers.

The problem of the semantic and structural features of future lawyers to the profession describes the works of  DA Alexandrov, V. Androsiuk YY Boyko, VL Vasilyeva, LI Kazmirenko, E. Moyseyeva. The authors proved the main structural components of readiness for professional activities of lawyers: motivation (professional inclinations, professional orientation, satisfaction with the profession, motivation learning in higher education), operational (creativity, intellectual lability, communication skills), emotional and volitional (self, locus of control , mental condition), personal (self-confidence, self acceptance, professional self-esteem) [2, p. 8].

A special place in the structure of legal preparedness to work is professional knowledge and skills of students. Structuring professional knowledge and skills of students of legal specialties justified in terms of solutions to practical problems of legal education based on the mandatory identification of all aspects of the content of legal specialties. Overall, despite the diversity and specificity of the production problems of legal professions, the following general functions - organizational, social, search, reconstructive, communication, identity, performing in one way or another as all the lawyers. Therefore, in most scientific and educational work summarized five main groups of professional knowledge and skills necessary for future lawyers: related to understanding the legal framework, which is the essence of the legal profession (OM Bandurka, S. Kubitskyy, O . F. Skakun) those that reflects the peculiarities of legal knowledge in practice (Yury Boyko, SD Husaryev, AD Tikhomirov), those that were formed earlier and activated in direct interaction with the profession ( S. Slivka, GA Tsyrfa), which include features of the interaction with the subjects of legal process - the belief in the presence of the necessary creativity, correctness of the chosen path of professional education and career (VP Barkovskii, Y. M. Zanika, VM Savischenko), which reflects the external, objective essential attributes of the legal profession - extravagance, uniforms, etc. (AM Brazhnykova, A. Kaverin).

In the process of professional training of teachers referred to the situational limitations of professional knowledge and skills of future lawyers. According to research YY Boyko, AM Brazhnykovoyi, M. Isayenko, I. Marchuk, VA Polyana, professional knowledge and skills of the students marked instability and selective.

The analysis examined sources showed that despite some progress in studying the problem of students' readiness to legal work, remain open questions about the structural specificity of their readiness for consulting activities in future legal work. Unfortunately, research quest to prepare students for legal work.

According to M. Badalovoyi, NV Garkavenko, II Soliychuk, Y. Chaplaka structure ready for professional counseling should focus around the rod idea about the dependence of the performance of individual style of the consultant on that, in turn, affect the acquired professional education and practical experience.

Regarding the differentiation of special abilities to advisory work, the MK Bogdanova, N. Garkavenko, II Komarova, II Soliychuk, Y. Chaplak considered pivotal communication, organizational, analytical. Communication skills ensure the success of professional contact with a client advisor at all stages of the consultative process.

In the scientific search for T. Andrushchenko, O. Belinsky, L. Volyn, R. Kochyunasa, O. Melnychuk, V. Musienko-Repskoyi, O. Raykov, N. temple reflected the theoretical and methodological basis for the diagnosis of students' readiness for consulting activities in the professional field. These searches were carried out to ensure quality training of future specialists [1, 2].

The theoretical and practical experiences have been used to justify the content criteria of future lawyers to advisory activities. We proposed an evaluative criterion-unit study of future lawyers to advisory activities based on the following initial positions: vocational educational training of students provides a arsenal of educational tools formation of their preparedness for future legal work, structural components of students' readiness for consulting activities in the legal profession should reflect knowledge and skills to carry out such activities in the legal field, emotional attitude to training and advisory presence of physiological characteristics that determine suitability for this activity, knowledge and skills of its advisory role of the professional experience of future lawyers.


1. A. Andryushchenko VP Pedagogical conditions of formation of future teachers to the musical aesthetic activity/ Andryushchenko Victor P. - Odessa: Southern state. Pedagogical University named after. KD Ushinsky, 2000. - 20 p.

2. Y.Y. Boyko Formation of psychological preparedness for future lawyers to the profession\\   Boiko Yulia. - K.: National Pedagogical University named after NP Dragomanov, 2008. - 262 p.