Mass Media and International Terrorism

Political conflictologu

A.N. Ospanova, Ph.D,

A.S. Sadvokassova,

postgraduate student 2nd course,

M.R. Mukanov,

postgraduate student 1st course,

Regional Studies Department,

International Relations Faculty,

L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Terrorism is a social phenomenon, which consists in the unlawful use of extreme violence or violence threats to terrorize opponents in order to achieve specific political goals [1].

Some socio-political and national associations permit using the violent methods to struggle for achieving their specific political goals. The organizations, mentioned above, create illegal armed groups.

Violence expansion, as a method for solving social and economic problems, intensifies the potential of terrorism and political extremism as well. Increasingly different kind of threats are distributed by individuals or groups of extremists, such as to destroy or incapacitate critical infrastructure, housing, industrial enterprises.

Causing the extremely negative social resonance, undermining legal order and government authority, this criminal practice is linked with terrorism (in true sense of the word), and threatens country`s important national interests, its social, political and economic security.

Global social changes, which are taking place in the world, require objective analysis of the information environment in the international community and build a new model of relations between media and society. 

Limitations of old ideas about QMS` role have become increasingly obvious nowadays. The information revolution has transformed mass media into a virtual "fourth" branch of political power, which is in strength, efficiency and penetration of its influence greater than the three traditional government branches, taking together. The political struggle has become more and more turning around in a virtual information space, and has acquired new post-industrial forms. The revolution in communications and information spheres has determined outlook change.

Depoliticization of the global world weakened the state's role as a major political actor, and brought to life a new and illegitimate political player [2]. It should be recognized - that terrorism has become one of the actors in "big policy".

 Dangerous underestimation or incorrect assessment of the information resource capacity becomes more dangerous against international terrorism. Society is not ready for this war. There are objective and subjective factors, whereas the formation of a unified world information spaces made a significant quantitative and qualitative changes in the nature of information warfare. Moreover, the "illegitimate political actor", which is terrorism, goes a war, and the war, especially informational and psychological one.

The new era of terrorism predetermined special significance.

 The concepts of the word "terrorism" and "terrorist" appeared in the late sixteenth century. But until now, the word "terrorism" is used widely, and it means the whole range of different violence shades. Often the media, along with the concept of "terrorist", uses similar terms and ranges from the "bandit", "gunmen", "illegal armed formations" to "hero", "guerrillas" and "national liberation movement". So, in one case it`s a crime, a feat- in another one.


Thus, terrorism has long gone beyond national borders and has become international. Occurring thoughtless relaying by national media reports of the world news agencies, which is not often free from the tendentious in information presentation, which, in our opinion, is not only unacceptable in accordance with the proposed point of view, but also does not contribute to the development of a constructive position in opposition to international terrorism.


There is an urgent need of neoinstitutional approach to traditional print and electronic media, a new understanding of the QMS role as the main founders of the social -organized thinking, forms and methods of their interaction with social, government and supranational institutions in crisis phenomena accompanying the formation of a global information space. Especially from this position the information policy against terrorism and political extremism should be based.

 First of all this is an understanding of the phenomenon in informational space, the formation of directed effort to design and create models and control in information sphere, creating an appropriate legal base including regulatory actions of the QMS, the nature of interaction between media and government agencies and departments against terrorism.


Today, the main representation and interpreter of terrorist actions is still the media. It sets the general discourse, for this purpose, modal qualifiers are used, which serve as adjectives and adverbs, like "may", "obvious," "usually," "typical", "generally", "many", "some", "sometimes", etc. Modal qualifiers modify the meaning of key verbs and nouns in a sentence, raising the discursive validity claims.


Technological progress and development of mass media suggest reinterpretation of value role ​​in society, awareness of the importance of the nature, forms and methods in presenting information to manage public consciousness.

 Modern terrorism, fully adopting a new philosophy, with the advent of information society moved into a new stage - the stage of informational and psychological war to create an episode of horror and chaos. Hence the choice of taking innocent victims is a bloody message to the addressee, as the most effective way of influencing public consciousness [3] .

Nowadays terrorism is not only consistent to the era of information technology, but also seeks to subdue it. Terrorist organizations carry out the general investment policy. The media empires are created from its own information resources (print, radio, television). The agents of influence are on the control in authoritative international news media. Effective information operations have been making and the manipulating methods of the mass consciousness have been creating and using in practice.

Used literature:

1. Alekserov F. T. Terrorizm, individualisticheskoe i obwinnoe povedenie// Politija. Analiz. Hronika. Prognoz. 2004 g., ¹1 (32). 

2. Budnickij O. V. Terrorizm glazami istorika. Ideologija terrorizma// Voprosy filosofii, 2004g., ¹ 5.

3. Dronzina T.A. Zhenskij suicidnyj terrorizm. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii.-Kostanaj: Akademija KUIS MJu RK, 2011.-700s.