Y. Zaika, L. Yerysh

Donetsk national university of economics and trade

named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky




Transformation processes, which take place in Ukraine and related to the development of different patterns of ownership, and also conditioned by different objective reasons, do the value of the category «economic conduct» topical enough in modern terms. An economic conduct is the one that is a leading concept to explanation functioning of an enterprise.

With the development of economy as a sciences, different interpretations of economic conduct were formulated, and also different approaches are formed in relation to its understanding leading scientists who were engaged in the study of this question.

In the opinion of  N. Shibaeva, the feature of economic conduct of an enterprise consists in the fact that such conduct represents all economic relations of enterprises which arise in the process of economic cooperation of subjects.

In the opinion of G. Kaplenko, the category «economic conduct of an enterprise» is a combination of appropriate actions, which reproduces the essence and character of economic activity, that is conditioned by the influence of objective and subjective factors, for realization of prior aims of an enterprise in the conditions of choice and adaptation to the changes.

The problem of determining the essence of «economic conduct of enterprises» in scientific literature not enough attention, and terminologies of economic conduct of trade enterprises in general (taking into account that exactly trade is the leading industry for economic development of the society and state). Therefore, in my opinion, an economic conduct of a trade enterprise is a combination of appropriate actions for realization of priority aims of an enterprise in the conditions of choice and adaptation to the changes, which reproduces the essence and character of economic activity of a trade enterprise, which is related to the choice of economic alternatives with the purpose of rational choice in which charges are minimized and a net profit maximal. A criterion for the classification of economic conduct of enterprises, is suggested to consider the  progress of adaptation to the new terms, which is mainly determined by the dynamics of profitability.

Profitability in its term is a financial performance of enterprise indicator, that is why I think that it is reasonable to consider its financial conduct in the economic conduct of a trade.

A financial conduct is a variably of directions of financial activity of an enterprise and a set of its actions and reactions on an environment where money relations emerge. A category of financial conduct is one of key for functioning of a trade enterprise in modern terms.

In modern terms a trade an enterprises independently elect sources of financing and form directions of profits and charges, that is elect them own financial conduct.

The financial conduct of a trade enterprises is based on financial activity which as a result results in the changes of size and contents property and adopted asset of enterprise.

A financial conduct of a trade an enterprises is a choice of directions of financial activity of a trade an enterprise; a combination of appropriate actions, which reproduces the essence and character of the financial activity, under the influence of objective and subjective factors for realization of priority aims of the enterprise.

Financial conduct will be a method of realization of basic tasks of financial management, the accent of which is done on efficiency of using turnover assets, property and loan asset, and also on making of profitable relationships with creditors, financially - by credit establishments etc.

If taking for basis the financial conduct of all of a trade enterprises of country over the last few years, it is possible to see that it is characterized by the presence of a dominant stake of private capital, a positive financial result, insignificant profitability and high account payable, and also by the big sums of loan capital, mainly credits.




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