Opportunities of preparation process management of boxers

 of high qualification for the tournament

Kiprych S., Reader of the Poltava State Pedagogical

                                               University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

 Vyshnia N., Reader of the Poltava State Pedagogical

                                             University, Candidate of Philological Sciences

     The process of achievement by boxers of the high sport form is accompanied by the development of the dynamic equilibrium of all sides of preparation on an individual optimal level for each of them. In order to control a training process rationally, it is necessary to determine the most essential system of connection of skill elements of boxers. For this purpose we shall consider the problems of tactical readiness of sportsmen because the realization of their fighting opportunities needs all means of tactical readiness.

     A retrospective analysis of tactical opportunities of sportsmen compared with the competive activity objective demands which are determined by the presence of three fighting distances, that are specific according to spacial and time interaction of the competitors, has given the following picture. The group of the champions ( 40 men among them 9 are champions of the Olympic games, 3 are silver prize-winners, 3 are the world champions, others are champions of Ukraine and Europe) had an essential superiority over universality of actions on distant, average and near distances in comparison with the group of prize-winners ( 40 prize-winners of national championships and various international tournaments). The answers of the sportsmen in relation to each of three distances were fixed in three columns: “complete skill”, “partial skill”, “unsufficient skill”. The champions had 96 complete skills from 120, and 24 partial, at the prize-winners, accordingly, 69 of 37 and  also 14 unsufficient skills.

      It is indicative, that the basic superiority of champions in an estimation “complete skill” was necessary on distant and near distances, where achivements of advantage above the opponent requires high skill, whereas on the sharpest average distance there exists an opportunity to compenstate partially technical- tactical defects by high special physical and functional preparations.

      In the group of the champions all the boxers differed  by complete skill in the use of attacking and counterattacking actions, the prize-winners had three partial skills in attack and 17 in the counterattack: At the same time it was also possible to destinguish two categories of the sportsmen presenting universe tendencies in their tactical preparations. The credo of the  first group of “complete universals” has expressed the double Olympic champion B. Lagutin: “ That distance and the form of actions, which is inconvenient to the opponent is convenient for me.” The similiar positions had the Olympic champions of different years V. Safronov, O. Grigoryev, D. Poznyak, V. Klichko and some silver prize-winners R. Zaulichny, S. Datsenko, A. Kotelnik.

      Differing in a diversity of technical and tactical skills and the flexibility of their use, these boxers had rather high level of the development of special physical qualities which did not exceed usual limits and also mental opportunities for the fast perception and acceptance of decisions in various tactical situations. The  sum of  all these advantages, their harmony turned into the new systematic quality, allowing the sportsman to reach  such appreciable sports results.

      The second category (“the organic universals”) had a brightly distinguished superiority over the competitors in special qualities and their combinations with non standard morphological features. So, for example, Olympic champion V. Engibarjan has a brilliant fulminant reaction, great mobility and a sence of a distance and orientation in deliberate and extemporized situations. He did not aim at approach to the competitor, but being in the compelled situations he might destroy the competitor’s plan using the limited set of means. On the other hand, such potent and aggressive Olympic champion as S.Stepashkin had rather bad orientation on  distant fighting but it was hardly possible to avoid his dangerous impacts in closer.

     The World champion V.Savchenko supported his dextral by the speed of acceptance of decisions in  some compex extemporized episodes of the approachement to the opponent.

     The fighting style of these and similiar to them boxers was formed in such a manner that their technical and tactical skills were employed as some strong points, which were aimed at distruction of the actions of the opponent in any unfavorable situation, not falling below, the level of “partial skill”.

     There is no doubt that  special work capacity, functional readiness of the boxers of various style, should be estimated by the means of various criteria. The investigation of a structure of a special work capacity, the dynamics of interrelation of its parameters with indicators of a psychomotor system at boxers of attacking and combined styles has revealed a number of regularities that must be taken into account during the boxers preparation for the tournaments. The most interesting data give a comparison of the parameters received at the end of the first microcycle, precompetitive mesocycle of preparation and in a final microcycle.

     At the boxers of attacking style such picture was observed.

     In the first gauging the parameters of the sensory-motory characteristic (simple and disjunctive reaction for types of anticipated reactions) were distributed in regular intervals under five factors. In a final microcycle they have concentrated almost completely in the third factor, having a negative value.

     The parameters of the training load (a total load of general developing exercises, special preparatory and competitive exercises) have moved from the second factor to the most powerful first factor.

     The contributions into the intensivity of the impact were saved in the first factor. But their functional weight has inreased.

     The partial parameters of work capacity (factor of endurance, index of special work capacity, etc.) which at the first gauging were in the third factor, have moved to the first. The absolute parameters of special work capacity ( general number of impacts, their total force, the force of a single impact, the parameters of impacts in habitual and “spurt” regimen, the average parameters), which in the first research were grouped into three first factors have been rearranged into first two factors.

     At the boxres of the combined style the essential distinctions in accomodation of parameters and tendencies in dynamics of preparation were marked.

     The diffusion of the parameters of special work capacity under all five factors has taken place in the second gauging.

     The parameters of force of single impacts were saved in the first factor.

    The parameters of the maximal work capacity which were placed in four factors earlier, have come into first two.

     The sensory-motory parameters which at the beginning of the investigation have settled down in the second and third factor, have moved in the first and the second.

  The parameters of the preparational loading, which in the first microcycle were distributed in first four factors, have concentrated in the second and the third.

       The comparison of the average parameters of special work capacity for the representatives of both styles after the first gauging has not revealed substantial distinctions. The second gauging has shown the tendency to the higher parameters at the boxers of the attacking style.

          In general, after the influence of training loads of the specialized orientation, the parameters in the second gauging testified certain advantage of the boxers of attacking style in special work capacity, while in the boxers of the combined style the advantage was in the parameters of sensory-motory reaction.

          The amount of differences in the structure of the training preparation of the boxers of attacking and combined style is essentially increasing as a result of the correlation analysis of the data received. However, it goes without saying, that the dependence of processes occurring in the organism of a sportsman is very great and it is connected with the primary aiming and the dominant direction of his special activity and motory problems.     

          At conclusion it is quite clear , that the representation of two styles needs a various parity of loadings in the precompetitive mesocycle. The boxers of the attacking style must have a higher training loading during the whole mesocycle and at the end of the final microcycle. Its high parameters promote the improvement of a special work capacity, which is a main chain in the boxer’s preparation for the tournament.

          The boxers of the combined style may reveal the oppression of the sensory-motory  indicatives, which are the main in the structure of their training preparation as a result of large training loadings. The boxers of this style have predilection to decrease the training loadings some days before the beginning of the tournament and our practice was to decrease them.

          Showing basic differences and features of preparation of boxers with various style features, we do not call to follow such approaches with an orthodox sequence.

        In spite of general laws for management of preparation of the boxers of high qualification to tournaments, it is necessary to take into account diverse and individually unique set of combinations and displays of properties of nervous system, psychological features, physical qualities advantages of some boxers which can turn into disadvantages by the efforts of their opponents and viceversa.

       As we tried to show our method of tournament preparation gives a possibility to employ a rational orientation on the individual models of preparation, because their minimum differences from the standard can influence greatly on the results.