Electrophysical parametres of process of consolidation of concrete, as diagnostic sign of quality of products.

ENÓ of L.N.Gumilev. Kablbekova Otkir Mominovnaà


 The constant control of process of consolidation of a concrete mix since the mixing moment, on the one hand, reduces a spoilage in production and raises efficiency of management, and other party opens possibilities of use of not destroying quality monitoring.

  It is known that, process of structurization of a concrete mix is accompanied by humidity change. After linkage of the most part of a moisture the concrete structure represents dielectric with the conductors-grains distributed inside. 

The basic electric property dielectricîâ is their ability to polarisation in a range of high frequencies of electric field. About ability dielectricà to be polarised judge on increase in capacity of the condenser at a premise between its facings of it dielectricà [1]. 

If between condenser facings we will place polar dielectric turn of not elastic dipoles are late concerning pressure change on size of time relaxation  therefore the arising current advances pressure on a corner φ <90º. This current is called as a current of absorption [2].

Thus, the displacement current (Iñì) is caused by electronic polarisation characterised by reduction of the maintenance of a free moisture causing occurrence and growth of a capacitor component, and an absorption current (Iàá) - dipol. Besides, in dielectricå exists through òîê , characterising movement of ions at increase in temperature and coinciding on a phase with the enclosed pressure. Hence, the full current is equal . The active component of a current is equal , jet = . It is possible to present a phase parity of currents in the form of the vector diagramme fig 1.



                          I a.àá         I

              I ð.àá



                Iñì                              U



 Fig. 1. The vector diagramme 


 Fig. 2. Electric chain R, L, C, fed with pressure U=UmSinωt


            Corner δ, supplementing to 90º a corner of phase shift between a current and pressure, name a corner of dielectric losses. A tangent of a corner of dielectric losses, as it follows from the vector diagramme (a Fig. 1), it is possible to calculate under the formula (1)

Because of presence of current  in dielectricå capacity is allocated


As         that                                 (2)       

According to researches of dielectric structures of consolidation of a concrete mix it is possible to notice, that with reduction of humidity conductivity of concrete has complex character: one cases it is accurately expressed in time, in others on it process of destruction of structures is imposed. In the first ïðèáëèæåíèé it is possible to present a concrete mix in the form of an electric chain with the concentrated parametres from active resistance (R) and jet (L and C) elements (a Fig. 2).

Really, concrete mix containing a significant amount of a free moisture in an initial stage of consolidation, has active conductivity with small value of inductance. This results from the fact that the channels filled with water with the minimum impurity, are a conductor therefore the network of conductors in the semiisolating environment is formed. Such structure possesses basically active conductivity, at the expense of the channels forming through structure with some inductance at the expense of directed in volume of the sample of magnetic fields. In process of chemical linkage of water channels (time) are divided by dielectric stoppers êðèñòàëëîãèäðàòîâ both air and the conductivity current decreases, decreases also inductive components. Reduction of the maintenance of a free moisture causes occurrence and growth of a capacitor component by corresponding currents of displacement. After linkage of the most part of a moisture the concrete structure represents dielectric with the conductors-grains distributed inside, with the moisture rests in a spending time and with prevalence jet - capacitor conductivity. At the same time, presence of residual humidity does not exclude possibility of occurrence of vortical currents with the advent of some inductance and active conductivity [3].



                     Fig. 3. A window of the task of parametres.


According to experimental researches [4], a curve And (t) (hydration degree) for cement well describes above specified circumstances: gradually reduction of quantity of a free moisture involves respective alteration of the general conductivity. Its practical value consists that on an initial site defined by experiment dependence And (t) it is possible to define parametres of process and to predict its further course.

   Thus, in process of reduction of humidity conductivity of concrete has complex character, and it can be represented in the form of a vector of complex resistance Z (7) with angular factor φ (8).

 By data schemotechnical modelling of an electric chain resulted on fig. 2 in system Mikro-Cap8, it is established that, accurate nonlinearity of complex resistance Z is shown in a range of frequencies, from 2 to 7 ÌGz.



Fig. 4. Schedules AFR and FFR


 Results of frequency researches are resulted on fig. 4. On which schedules peak-frequency (AFR) and fazo-frequency (FFR) researches, and also parametres of their imaginary and valid part for construction ãîäîãðàôà are resulted.

Thus, on the bases theoretical and experimental researches, it is possible to confirm that, characteristic splashes in parametres the consolidations revealed in an initial stage (which continuation can will last in currents of 6 and 8 hours it agree fig. 4, occur in a range of high frequencies characterised by dielectric properties of structure and new growths. 

It is necessary to notice that, ãîäîãðàô complex resistance in the course of consolidation are in dependence from structure and humidity of concrete. Change of module Z in time characterises humidity change.

Thus, the information about êèíåòèêå changes ïðî÷íîñòíûõ characteristics of a processed material, receive already at an initial stage of process that creates possibility of correction of its course.


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