Korop E.A.

Kharkov national academy of municipal economy


Issues of searching for utilities activity funding sources

One of the main conditions of regions economics sustainable development is municipal companies’ successful activity. The issue of opportunity to refinance the resource requirements of these businesses must be of vital validity for regional authorities. Municipal companies are basis for viability of the regional population. Development level of the cities, regions and country as a whole depends on effective activity of municipal companies [1].

But issues of municipal company’s financial resources managing had not been solved.

The definition “Financial management” appeared in the 60s of the 19 th century in Russia [2]. The financial management is a science devoted to methodology and technique of large companies’ finance management. It happened largely by natural addition of basic parts of finance theory by analytical divisions of accounting (financial condition analysis, debt analysis and management) and in part by certain concept apparatus of management theory. First monographs treating new discipline to   be used as teaching aid, appeared in the leading English speaking countries in the early 60s. Nowadays financial management is known to have been completely formed not only as an independent scientific drift and practical activity, but also as a teaching discipline. Significant contribution to financial management popularization was made by representatives of English-American school: T. Copeland, J. Weston, R. Braily, S. Myers, S. Ross, U. Brigham [4].

 Financial science development in Russia is  dealt with  the names of U. Krizhanich (1617-1683), G. Kotoshihin (1630-1667), I.T. Pososhkov (1665-1726), I. Turgenev (1789 - 1871), Ì. Orlov  (1788 - 1842), I. Gorlov (1814-1890), V. Lebedev (1833 - 1909), I. Yanjul (1846-1914), I. Ozerov (1869 - 1942), A. Bukovetskiy (1881-1972) and others. Systematic statement of “company finance” was not formed in the beginning of XX century.  The concept “Financial management " appeared after the World war II [2].

    In a given stage of economic development of Ukraine company finance becomes not only finance subsystem, but also an independent branch of knowledge. Nowadays, emphasis is on the issues of forming company’s financial resources and their rational use [3]. Issues of searching financial resources for socially set companies (municipal companies) are also widely referred to. But, the mechanism of financing municipal companies which would consider specification of their activity and interests of consumers and regional authorities has not yet been formed.

  Municipal companies’ provision system formed is ineffective and expensive. Its maintaining in current conditions is impossible both for the consumers and budget. Consumed services debt is continuously growing. Regional authorities advance   tariffs, but they are not capable of compensating fully the difference between the services cost and selfcost. The development and improvement of municipal companies is a nation-wide problem. But at a local level there also are many conflicts due to the long crisis phenomena in economy. Issues of financial maintenance, development and financing the modernization of working capacities are acute.

The condition of networks and constructions reached the drastic point; housing fund condition is constantly deteriorating.  The level of capital investment in developing utilities does not provide improvements of their technical condition. Solving the issue of finding financial resources for municipal companies’ activity is a crucial condition of their development.

Analysis of financial resources will permit to uncover alternative funding sources for successful companies’ activity. The focus is to be on searching for companies’ own resources as an alternative to other funding sources.  Municipal companies’ activity having been unprofitable, manufacturing development at the expense of profit is impossible. Therefore amortization politics has to be developed, action of which would be of maximum effect. The amortization fund can be used as an additional source of capital renewal.

But even by rational use of own financial resources enterprises will not be able to support networks and facilities in normal technical conditions. Consequently, it negatively influences the quality of afforded services.

Therefore activities process of housing and communal companies in market economics conditions must be treated.

The purpose has been to treat theoretical and methodological concepts concerned with forming and functioning mechanism of financing utilities activity.  Issues must be solved regarding to peculiarity of utilities activity.

Tasks of the research are:

i)      to highlight the papers of the domestic and foreign economists with the aim to reveal economical essence and framework of the corporative financial resources;

ii)    to define current characteristics, substance and prospects of development utilities;

     iii) to analyze the domestic and foreign experience of financing municipal companies;

     iv) to uncover inner and outer factors to effect mechanism of financing utilities forming and functioning;

     v) to treat financial resources structure characteristic and its formation sources in the municipal economy companies;

    vi) to analyze the trends of municipal economy companies activity within decade;

    vii) to substantiate needs of searching subsidiary funding source for utilities activity;

    viii) to highlight current mathematical and statistical methods, to be used abroad and in Ukraine;

    ix) to implement and test treatment results for the particular municipal economy companies.

The above mentioned mechanism structure must fall into economical and mathematical methods; financial methods and levers; legal acts and base on data, obtained from companies.

For the elucidation of the mentioned problem it is necessary to use theoretical and practical scientific methods of economic phenomena treatment. It is necessary to be familiar with mathematical methods and practical knowledge of data processing. The most significant methods for elucidating the problem may be mathematical and statistical models concerning financial resources management; financial analysis of companies activity, namely: analysis of financial stability; analysis of paybility; analysis of solvency.

Value of the problem will be encompassed in:

*) evaluation of outer environment and inner factors influence on mechanism of financing utilities formation, function and application;

**) further development of financial resources classification;

The treatment results are supposed to influence and upgrade financial and economical state of municipal economy companies.

The positive changes of municipal economy companies are assumed to occur due to implementing proposed mechanism of financing utilities activity.

Effective mechanism of financing utilities will lead to the Ukrainian companies’ activity stabilization. In current situation, mechanism of financing companies’ progress should be developed taking into consideration particularities of their activity.  


1.  Çàáàøòàíñüêèé Ì.Ì. Äæåðåëà ôîðìóâàííÿ ô³íàíñîâèõ ðåñóðñ³â êîìóíàëüíîãî ãîñïîäàðñòâà//Àêòóàëüí³ ïðîáëåìè åêîíîì³êè. – 2005ð. - ¹6. –  Ñ. 25-29

      2. Ôèíàíñû: Ó÷åáíèê äëÿ âóçîâ / Ïîä ðåä. ïðîô. Ì. Â. Ðîìàíîâñêîãî, ïðîô. Î. Â. Âðóáëåâñêîé, ïðîô. Á. Ì. Ñàáàíòè. – Ì.: Ïåðñïåêòèâà, Þðàéò, 2000.

3. Bodie Zvie Essentials of investment – Boston, 1998

4. Rosen Harway S. Public Finance – 3rd ed. – Home-wood – Boston, 1992 – 657p.