Нistory / 1. History of Ukraine

Ph.D., Chubina, T.D.

Cherkasy State Technological University, Ukraine

Architectural masterpieces of Pototsky


The ancient family of Pototsky generated many glorious persons, which glorified (and sometimes defamed) the grandeur of Richpospolyta. In particular, in Richpospolyta. there were six different births which carried the last name of Pototsky (Potocki). It is the Pototsky of the emblem Lubich, of the emblem Ostoy, of the emblem Pilyava, of the emblem Srenyava, of the emblem Shelig, of the emblem Yanina. The most famous of them –Pototsky of the emblem Pilyava (in the blue field two silver crosses, one above the other and are connected with each other) left noticeable track both in history of Poland, and Ukraine. There were the emblems of silver and golden Pilyava. The Pototsky of Toulchinska (hetman) line belonged to the emblem of silver Pilyava.

The gender of Pototsky of Toulchinska (hetman) line left the memory on Ukrainian earths as wonderful architectural buildings and park complexes. It would be desirable to stop on description of the most bright and majestic creations of Pototsky.

One of most famous palaces of Pototsky was built (more faithful, restored) at the beginning of the XVIII century in Nemiriv. Exactly there Nemiriv Congress took place (in 1737). Vintsent Pototsky built a new palace, which became the real decoration of the city. In that Polish king Stanislav-Avgust could make sure, which was met in Nemiriv on May, 16 in 1787. Unfortunately, the palace was not saved; we can see its image on the water-colour of the Polish artist Mycolay Orda of the XIX century.

Far more the palaces of Pototsky in Tulchin were lucky. This city grew into one of the most prominent centers of East European politics. The grandeur of Pototsky family was to be underlined by the palace, that was built in Tulchin in 80-90th years of the XVIII century. Ensemble, built by an architect Lacroua, presented by itself a two-storied building with wings, which were connected by arched galleries. All complex was situated on the plateau, that was surrounded by the  park and the avenues were build. The contemporaries of Stanislav-Shensniy Pototskity – the owner of Tulchin – remembered, that it was a royal court, and not the court of ordinary magnate. Probably, there was not the equivalent palace in Ukraine. The biographer Nemtsevich wrote about the palace: “Furnitures, pictures, crystal, a bronze is the riches, brought from all parts of the world, – it all was luxurious. I have not seen so rich interior anymore”. The architects Latur, Lampi, Lecrua realized the idea of decorating the palace by the scenes of the ancient myths. Going through the palace clockwise, it was possible to learn all ancient mythology. The halls of Zeus, Aphrodite, Gear, the Golden and Silver halls drove the contemporaries to fascination. The unique art gallery, which consisted of masterpieces of Rubens, Van-Deice, Titian, the library and archives of the 17 thousand of volumes, the collection of medals and chinks, the rare crockery – all it complemented each other. the traditions were at the high level, orders did not change by decades. About customs, that dominated in the family nest, testified the one of the clan Pototsky – Leon: «...the house is always overcrowded, except for numerous natives, the noblemen from everywhere, even from abroad, from Austria came. The guests got separate coaches, servants, meal and even clothes. Worldly-wise, arriving on a few days, a guest remained here on a week and month together with a wife and children – so merrily and comfortably was to him. When time of entertainments came, in the halls of palace a music, theaters and masquerades, thundered everytime».

         The real park-architectural pearl became the famous Uman’s «Sofiivka» – that was the symbol of love of nobel Stanislav Shensniy Pototskiy and Sophia Glavani de Vitt, built in 1796 – 1800 On the few hectares of stony ground in short space «The little Greece» was built, where it was possible to enter to the grotto of Tantalus, to drink the water from a source of Hippocrena, to hide in the garden of Giants and to go out boating by an underground river Sticks. This park partly symbolized Sophia Pototska – a woman perceptible and affected. The works in the  park proceeded to death of the nobel Stanislav Shensniy Pototskiy (in 1805). At this time the Large Waterfall was built with a Ferrous Bridge, the Amsterdam Sluice. The Lion's Grotto was cut down in the rock. The Fishes Pool and Venus Grotto was built, the Lower and Higher Ponds were dug up. Later, in the middle of the XIX century, the Rose pavilion was finished. Parallel the Dead Lake and Main Cascade were reconstructed. The park acquired a perfect view and remains the refined creation till nowadays.




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