Филологические науки/7. Язык, речь, речевая коммуникация


Martynjuk T.V.

Bukovyna State Finance Academy, Ukraine

Interference in Ukrainian Discourse

The article deals with the problem of lexical, syntactic-stylistic, and phonetic interference of Modern English to the Ukrainian language.

Language is not only the mean of communication but a specific symbol that constantly develops along with the society, changes accordingly with the language community, reacts to some changes in its development. No living language remains stable; its vocabulary is constantly growing and changing. Some words are dropped out of the vocabulary of a language with changes in the social system, with the growth and development of culture and technology.

  Modern epoch is characterized by rapid development of all branches of science and technology, their processes of integration and international cooperation. Therefore, the need in upgrading the transmission system, cooperation with the scientists from other countries in various spheres of science becomes significant. As it was mentioned all this causes vocabulary changes, that in their turn involve some problems. 

The article aims at defining the changes in lexical structure of finance discourse caused by interference. Interference is regarded as artificial intervention in the natural language development [1:28]. Language interference is connected with the vocabulary extension by terms or by translation from foreign languages. There are several types of interference: conscious; unconscious; communicative; religious; cultural; political; phonetic; grammar; lexical.

Vocabulary strongly reacts to all changes in language development. It is the main aspect of the language that is first touched by language changes caused by society development.

Today more and more people learn English because of political, cultural, economic relations with foreign countries. English plays a significant role in the world communication, international business, social and cultural relations. There are more and more people who know English. And very often in business communication they use not Ukrainian words but English because of the unwillingness to find Ukrainian equivalents or because of the bulky explanation. One of the main causes of lexicology extension is translation. Sometimes the interpreter has to compose new words himself, find derivatives or just use foreign words, for example, гендер (gender) рід; андеррайтінг (underwriting) фінансування; ріелтор (realtor) агент по операціям з нерухомістю. Conscious language interference is artificial language on the base of natural. The specialty of conscious language interferences is that they are based on the unconscious language interferences. A.S. D'jakov says that this type includes such types of language interferences as religion, politics, and contacts with the people of the more developed countries, language building [1:6].

On the one hand it positively influences the language causing vocabulary extension.  So, for example, words that have already been adopted in the system of financial discourse tender – тендер; pressing – пресинг; offshore companies – іноземні компанії.

But on the other hand this interference wastes our language, for example, ньюзмейкер (newsmaker) – людина, яка знаходиться в центрі подій масової інформації; респондент (respondent) – опитувач; превентивний (preventive) – попереджуючий.

Contacts with the foreign language speakers, religion changing, writing reforms influence on the development of the language. Terminological system of the language should enlarge but new words as well as new terms should be made-up in native language and not be substituted by foreign equivalents.   

Finance terminology is complicated and specific, it demands knowledge in peculiar spheres. The amount of new terms in discourse is constantly enlarging and even exceeds the amount of the common words. New terms appearing can be the result of translation difficulty or, as it was said, by the bulky explanation, e.g. бенчмаркінг (benchmarking) – становлення контрольних точок; девелоперська компанія (developing company) – компанія, що розвивається; інкримінувати (incriminate) - предявляти  звинувачення.

Social meaning of Economics and Finance for society causes the lexical enlargement in colloquial language, terms appeared in special discourse are widely used in general discourse, e.g.


1)    to supply or provide something: They were asked to furnish capital for the new enterprise;

2)     to put furniture and other things into a house or room: The apartment was furnished in Art Deco style [4:576].

So, finance terms are the integral part of "finance world picture". The development of finance branch first facilitates the appearing of new notions or extends meanings of the existing notions, and second enlarges the common vocabulary.




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4.     The Oxford Paperback Thesaurus. –Oxford: OUP, 1994. – 1668 p.