Samodurov A., Voronkina N.

Belorussian State University

On a mathematical model describing two processes in physics

Two physical processes, the cooperative emission on N initially inverted atoms in small sample, and the superradiance behavior of an ultrashort light pulse with a resonantly amplifying medium, are completely different. But the analytical determination of the intensity of the output pulse from both mathematical models yields ordinary differential equations of the same form.

Consider the system of N initially inverted atoms. The followed spontaneous relaxation under some conditions yields the output of a N-times increased compared to the ordinary fluorescence. The field in this case is described by the system (see [1])


where ,  and  are the components of Bloch vector,  is the lifetime of an isolated radioactive center,  is a circle frequency of the radiated field,  is the irreversible phase relaxation time,  is the energy relaxation time. The process above is known as superradiative avalanche.

According to the calculation in [1], we can deduce from (1) that the value of the new variable X, given by  multiplied by some constant factor, satisfies the Coushet problem

, ,      (2)

The equation (2) is integrable in quadratures only in some exceptional cases, for example when . In this case we can find the intensity of the output pulse as a function of  in the form ,

where , and  is an initial value of the angle of the Bloch vector.

Supperradiance is essentially the non-resonator generation of an electromagnetic field, where the inverse influence to the system is excluded. This is one of the basic conditions of the superradiative avalance [4]. Nevertheless there exists a stimulated process, where the intensity of outcoming light is proportional to the second power of the concentration of active particles. Let us look at a coherent interaction of a powerful ultrashort-wave pulse with a resonancely amplifying medium. In this case the Maxwell-Bloch system may be written as (see [5])

, ,         (3)

where , x is a space coordinate, E is the amplitude of the field, P is the amplitude of the polarization,  is an element of the electric dipole moment of the particle, c is the light speed in the free of active particles medium,  is the pulse speed in the medium with active particles,  is the coefficient of nonresonanced linear radiation losses per unit length in the medium,  is an initial value of population, N is the value of inverted population.

It is known [5], that under such conditions a stationary “-pulse” is formed. Because the difference between u and c under additional condition  is very small, it is possible to propose u=c.

We will try to find a solution with constant pulse form. That means . Furthermore, we have from the system (3) the “adiabatic” connection between the polarization P and the field E, namely .

Using the uniform field  and variables ,  we deduce from (3)                                                                             (4)

We can see that both the equation (2) and (4) to be at the same form. The difference lies only in the coefficients of the exponents. But the process described by the given equations are essentially different.

If   the solution of (4) is .

The intensity of the radiance output from the given sample is


The relation (5) shows us the square dependence of the intensity and the concentrations of sources. That was the reason for the authors [6] call the process above as superradiance. The equation (2) and (4) lead us to investigate a more general equation   (6)

where , F(x) and f(x) are three times continuously differentiable functions.

Theorem 1. The (6) admits a continuous group of transformations if and only if f(x) and F(x) satisfy the relation


It should be noted that the identity (7) is a subject to study by itself. Being interested in physical applications we only point out that in the general case the equation (2) and (4) both admit an obvious continuous group of transformations , where  is an arbitrary constant. But more informative is a particular case .

Theorem 2 [3]. The equations                                    (8)

both admit the two-parameter group of transformations


where  and  are parameters.

Corollary. Let  be a particular solution of one of the equations in (8). Then the general solution of the given equation has the form

To conclude the investigations of the equations (8) we should note, that sometimes, knowing an admitted group of transformation is possible to solve the equation. In our case the general solutions of the equations (8) are the following


where M equals 2 or 8.

Now we will show a connection between the superradiance avalanche equation and the Liouville equation. We will consider the equation

,                                           (11)

where  and K are non-zero constants, and the Liouville equation


at the same time.

Let the functions f(x,y) and p(x,y) be two times continuously differentiable. We will make the substitution   ,  ,  ,                                                     (13)

into the equation (12) and look for solutions of the obtained equation not-depending on . Such solutions satisfy the equation  ,                             (14)

where subscribes denote partial derivatives.

If we require ,  and  to be non-zero constants, we have the equation in the form (11). The requirements are satisfied, if

, , .                                    (15)

The last equation  has the general solution (see [7])


where F(x) and G(y) are arbitrary functions,  is an arbitrary constant. In view of (15) we have                                                          (17)

where C is an arbitrary constant.

If  is the general solution of the equation

,                                         (18)

then the equation (12) has the solution


The solutions of the equations (8), given by the formula (10), look like soliton solutions under appropriate values of the parameters at a fixed time. But this is not true. The equations (8) both have the form (18). But all the solutions of (18) belong to the set of solutions of the Liouville equation according to the transformation (13). It is obvious, that the Liouville equation does not have soliton solutions (look at the formula (16) to see that). Thus the equations in (8) admit no solutions like soliton.


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